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is this game still popular ?


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Hi i love this game, i was Female human with a nice group of friends.


I loved hunting out in the Tatooine desert and collecting stuff for my house. (Sadly the house will be deleted by now)


I loved the friendly player environment i never met any one who was nasty. When i first signed up people were generouse and kept donating thousands of credits


LOL i was useless when i first digned up i was too anxious to get stuck in and will i had to be saved.


My class was aiming as maste riflewoman and i has a nice rifle that i cherised and upgraded.

................ Sorry im side tracking



The reason i has to leave last september was cos i went to univeristy and my Accomadation has no internet access. How ever next year my new accomation may have internet. I would like to get back into galaxies for something to do when my mates are in lectures and i have no work.


i just want to know

-is this game still popular ?

-has it got a few low grade people in ? (i was a weak player)

- Has every one left to play the jump to light speed ?


thanks for ya help


P.S I was on the Chilistra sever (even though im from uk)

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wellin my eyes its still very popular. loads of people stillplay the game.


low grade people in? i dont think i know what you mean. i met a lot of people who didnt know how to fight or anything. so i do think thats what you mean. and if you find the right guild im sure they will support yah.


when you get JTL you stillplay on the ground aswell. i have JTL but lately i havent been playing in space a while. but im sure ill try later on again :) try to get master pilot.


and well. i been playing since start. and i still love it. and some nice changes are comming :) so im still excited.


P.s. i play on the Starsider server even tho im from the netherlands :p

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How does the JTL work ?

I know the expansion has no extra fees.


I thought you would just install JTL then play from the JTL CD and keep your character from SWG.


By low grae people i mean people who has just started and has no master class.

My player has no master class and if i start playing again i dont want to be stuck with every player being a jedi or almost every class complete.


thanks for quick reply

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