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A little help from a modder.


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I was wondering if it would be easy to make a mod that would freeze a party members alliance? For example .... Kreia's allience doesn't ever move. She is always gray. Can this be done with everyone else? The bug where I gain light or dark points and my party members go 100% the opposite is getting to me. I want to make something where I could change their alliance in KSE and then they would stay that way regardless of what I did. Any help on how to make this or if someone else wanted to make this that would be great. Thanks.

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Originally posted by Antonius

Does everyone else get that same bug I mentioned above? Where your NPCs go 100% the opposite of the Light/Dark side points you gian.

That isn't a bug. That is what happens when you don't have influence over them, and this is why everyone is suggesting you use an Influence armband.


If you have influence over your party members then they will become more like you. If you go bad they will go bad, if you go evil they will go evil. If you have low influence with your party members they won't respect you and they will do the opposite of what you do. If you have low influence and you start going lightside they will start going darkside.

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Originally posted by Antonius

I don't want to change their influence. I want to change their Dark/Light side alignments and keep that from moving.

You have to change their influence rating to alter the NPC's alignment because it is influence that affects the NPC's alignment in relation to your PC's. ;)

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Ok. This is what happens. Say I'm light side and my 2 party NPCs are 70 light. If I help someone and gain light side points, both of my party NPCs will go 100% dark. (0 is 100% dark, 50 is neutral and 100 is 100% light). Then I will leave the area (go anywhere where the game loads a new area. Example leaving the ebon hawk) and they will go back to normal (70 light). This has to be a bug of some sort. It does it every time regardless if I have 100 or 0 influence on them. Does this happen to anyone else?

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Originally posted by Antonius

Ok. This is what happens. Say I'm light side and my 2 party NPCs are 70 light. If I help someone and gain light side points, both of my party NPCs will go 100% dark. (0 is 100% dark, 50 is neutral and 100 is 100% light). Then I will leave the area (go anywhere where the game loads a new area. Example leaving the ebon hawk) and they will go back to normal (70 light). This has to be a bug of some sort. It does it every time regardless if I have 100 or 0 influence on them. Does this happen to anyone else?


Yep, your right Antonius I've NEVER heard of that problem before. Maybe it could be related to an odd conflict not very obvious with your installed MODS. Just a thought :)

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This has always happened before I ever started using mods. Could something have happened while installing the game? Should I just reinstall?







........ok so more people are having the same problems. This is a bug that really just smacks you in the face. How did they miss this?

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Originally posted by Antonius

This has always happened before I ever started using mods. Could something have happened while installing the game? Should I just reinstall?







........ok so more people are having the same problems. This is a bug that really just smacks you in the face. How did they miss this?


Now that is really odd Antonius. Most always MODS are the cause but in that case I'd say yes I would reinstall. If it still doesn't help try installing in another directory other than the default. Make sure BEFORE you reinstall and AFTER you uninstall the game to go into your program folder and delete the TSL folder where the old install was if it doesn't delete it automatically.


EDIT: I had one more thought. I doubt if it is your problem but when you reinstall and if you get pop-ups asking you to verify the registry change always approve them. Some pc's have spyware blockers that prevent registry changes without permission and that CAN screw a game or program up...just a thought

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The Exact same thing happened to me, it got to the point where i just kinda didnt play anymore, anyways there is a trainer out there for Kotor that will set all of your party member to 100% lightside, even kreah, don't remember where it was exactly though.


BTW, at that time there were no mods in my directory either.

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