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The Official SW Saga Trivia Thread


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Originally posted by jedispy

It's been debatable whether or not Anakin reall vanished.


Actually it was already confirmed by the starwars.com Jedi Council that Anakin did in fact disappear, and what was burned on Endor was the empty suit.



Unfortunately, you can no longer access the Jedi Council Archives near as I can tell, so I don't have the proof to show, you'll have to take my word for it.

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That's cool. I suppose what would have disappeared would just be the head and only the human parts. Wouldn't make sense for his cybernetic body to vanish, which is what Luke burned. I suppose one could argue that only the Jedis who appear after death disappear. To date, Qui Gonn still has not post humously reappeared, and he didn't vanish.


So....any questions in play? I got nothing.

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

It's all mostly speculation and rumors until Episode III comes out..I believe we'll find out for sure then.



But so far, and what will probably be confirmed, is that they become one with the force.





Hmmm...I dont know if I shoudl issue a point.... ETs answer is more of a how then a why.... we may indeed have to wait til ep3 :p


in the ROTJ/ESB commentary, GL mentions retaining their original identity after death....which was what the anakin ghost change was all about....



*point suspended in carbonite*


New Question


Q. What is interesting about the Ep3 movie poster ??



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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

Q. What is interesting about the Ep3 movie poster ??

A: It's two Struzan posters combined into one. On the soundtrack cover they finished removing the orange behind vader's helmet. (which makes it blend together much better, imho)

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Originally posted by jedispy

A: uh....It has STAR WARS on it. Heck, that's interesting enough for me.


watch the spammage jedispy, read the rules about such things...


* * *


yes, correct sithy :) Have the separate posters been released yet ? I am going to wait to get one of those. Which ever numbskull photoshopped the two together really did not reproduce the very deliberate compositional symmetry that Struzan had with any of his previous paintings :(


* * *

New Question


Q. What is different about the astromech called "R4" ??



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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

yes, correct sithy :) Have the separate posters been released yet ? I am going to wait to get one of those.

I think they're in the art of revenge book. I'm not sure as I haven't been able to look at it yet.



Originally posted by Astrotoy7

Which ever numbskull photoshopped the two together really did not reproduce the very deliberate compositional symmetry that Struzan had with any of his previous paintings :(

I like the finished version they did for the soundtrack it looks a lot nicer without the orange and all those lens flares to the right of the helmet.


Originally posted by Astrotoy7

Q. What is different about the astromech called "R4" ??

Do you mean R4-G9 in Episode III? If so he/she (gender association hasn't been decided yet, as far as I know) is a droid that was designed by hyperspace members to appear in the new film. The colors are a copper and bronze mix for the dome and a standard white base.
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In AOTC, R4 is an astromech droid that is all head and no body. It is literally attached to the starfighter that Obi Wan flew. In the original concept, LF was going to have it where R4 can pop out of its socket, and walk around with little legs/arms. However the idea was cut. Good thing to. That might have been stupid, kind of like Jar Jar.


Don't know if I'm right, so passing on a question

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Originally posted by jedispy

In AOTC, R4 is an astromech droid that is all head and no body. It is literally attached to the starfighter that Obi Wan flew. In the original concept, LF was going to have it where R4 can pop out of its socket, and walk around with little legs/arms. However the idea was cut. Good thing to. That might have been stupid, kind of like Jar Jar.


Don't know if I'm right, so passing on a question


yes, thats right jedispy..... I dont see the big deal of R4 being a normal astromech tho ... definitely better than freakin jar jar !


I think R4 is damn cool.... watch him during the chase with slave I.... doesnt bitch, moan or whine like artoo does(and Im an artoo fan), R4 just gets on with the job - he's straight gangsta mack :D


* * *


Q. When did Anakin lose his Padawan Braid ??



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Originally posted by Sivy

a)during his knighting ceremony, yoda cut it off with his lightsaber, as shown in Clone Wars Ep. 21




Off topic - but i need that DVD! It came on sale in the UK on monday and its thursday now i havnt got it :( I need it before ep3 and with enough time to watch it. I think i might buy it tomorrow after school. :)




Q: How does :fett: Boba Fett :fett: die? I mean the last few moments leading to the event.

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Heh....the EU boys are gonna hop all over this one claiming he's still alive and whatnot...


but I say what happened was he was on the skiff with Han and Chewie who were trying to save Lando who'd fallen off, luke was on the OTHER skiff, and Boba was lining up a shot to kill him, when Chewie told han that boba fett was behind him, Han swung blindly, hit the emergency activation button on his jetpack

(what kind of pack has emergency activate, seriously?) Boba flew out of control into Jabba's barge, collapsed down into the pit of carkoon, and was eaten by the sarlacc.



Triple Dog Pass.

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Is the second set of Clone Wars episodes on DVD out? I have 1-20 on DVD, and I'm dying for the next set.


Anyway, question time.


Q: Name the locations of all known rebel bases in the original trilogy. (I know of at least 4).


Bonus: If you know of more than 4. Reference needed.

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Originally posted by jedispy

Anyway, question time.


Q: Name the locations of all known rebel bases in the original trilogy. (I know of at least 4).


Bonus: If you know of more than 4. Reference needed.


yes, please keep unrelated chatter elsewhere :)


A. Rebel Bases :


*Yavin IV


*Galactic Border (end ESB rendezvous point)

*Sullust (ROTJ rendezvous point)


Han's reference to Ord Mantell does not clarify it as a base.... in EU, IIRC it was Bossk harrasing Han for the bounty on his head :p


* * *


Q. Clarify Luke's relationship to Cliegg Lars ?



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they were lovers.


and also Cliegg Lars was Anakin's step-father (because he married Shmi, Anakin’s mother), Anakin is Luke's dad. So Cliegg is Luke's step-granddad, if there's such a thing.

therefore 'Uncle' Owen is indeed Luke's step-uncle.


pass on question

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Originally posted by Sabretooth

Q: How many times does Darth Maul blink in Episode I? (need to know, really)


What the?! If you don't know the answer, then how can you ask the question? Since Darth Maul doesn't have much actual facial screentime, I'm going to say he blinks zero times.




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Darth Maul blinks only once in Episode I.


What planet did Boba Fett log into his co-ordinates upon leaving Cloud City?


A. Tatooine

B. Gall

C. Ord Mantell

D. Kessel


- right. I this may not be necessarily covered in Episode V, Empire Strikes Back or Episode VI, Return of the Jedi - but try your best!

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Originally posted by Konar

Darth Maul blinks only once in Episode I.


What planet did Boba Fett log into his co-ordinates upon leaving Cloud City?


A. Tatooine

B. Gall

C. Ord Mantell

D. Kessel


- right. I this may not be necessarily covered in Episode V, Empire Strikes Back or Episode VI, Return of the Jedi - but try your best!


anyone's first repsonse would be Tatooine... however, this falls in EU territory... I havent read SOTE for a long time so Im not sure where Fett went after Bespin....


Let us know the answer anyway Konar


jedispy, being the resident SOTE expert can perhaps fill us in too ? :)


* * *


New Question


Q. What is Kit Fisto's home planet ? What is special about his species ?

(hint: clone wars cartoon series questions are allowed, remember !)



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