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The Official SW Saga Trivia Thread


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The ISD Devastator.



EDIT: On second thought ......



Q: Name the original 5 star destroyers that accompanied the Executor in ESB.


In the DVD version there's been added atleast 1 extra star destroyer if I remember correctly, but I only need the names of the 5 from the older versions :)

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I know that Avenger was one of them. Captain Needa was in command, until Vader um....permanently demoted him.


I believe others were called the Striker, Dominion............eh......


I got nothing. Can I at least get 1 point for Avenger?

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Actually, you don't need EU to find this out. :)


All you need is a copy of the Behind the Magic disc and you will have your answer when you look thru the script, which is canon, only surpassed by the movies themself. ;)


Perhaps you are right though, it may be alittle far out there on the border. :)


Still, since I've given a hint already now, let's keep the question open for alittle longer. :)


Yes, the Avenger is one of them.




Hmmm, I think I better pop in the cd myself, I just realized I've forgotten some of them myself. :p

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

....Hmmm, I think I better pop in the cd myself, I just realized I've forgotten some of them myself. :p


cmon Jan, if *you* dont even know the answer, how are we supposed to !! :)


i'll be back with a question later if this remains unanswered....


* * *


Back, this question has been up a day, and Im harldy surprised it hasnt been answered. Even the person who asked teh question has forgotten the answer :p


* * *


New Question


Q. George Lucas has always been very careful in his selection of names of Sith Lords in the saga...


Name the sith lords in the OT and PT so far and explain their meaning a little :)



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We have starting at the beginning..



Darth Maul - One would assume the name is relevant to his desire to 'maul' jedis and whatnot.


Darth Sidious - Follows through the trilogy, but he is quite the insidious character with his plotting and manipulations behind the scenes


Darth Tyrannus - I'd guess comming from the root Tyrant, though I'm not certain.


Darth Vader - Vader meaning father.



PASS'd if correct enough.

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good work ET :)


yes, 'Maul' was chosen due to his exceptional ability as a warrior and fierce hatred of the jedi


Tyranus, being the leader of a movement that will stop at no ends to achieve his personal gains :)


the TPM/AOTC novelisations also mention Darth Bane. The sith master whose strict 'master and apprentice' edict has allowed the sith to survive to become an ever growing threat to the jedi :)


* * *


Q. What was "Quiet as a tomb"... ?



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Eh...well I think you are talking about Warwick Davis. In ROTJ he played Wicket. In TPM he played two roles, Wald, that rodian kid that was friends with Anakin, and some unnamed gambling guy that was friends with Watto in the podracing stadium.


Of course there's Kenny Baker in R2 D2 in both movies, as well as Tony Daniels.


I guess Ian McDiarmid played Palpatine in both movies too.


Any of these correct?

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Originally posted by ZBomber

I know he says "We don't serve their kind here" and points to the droids. Maybe he hates them because they don't drink, and aren't paying customers?


ZBomber awarded the point. If you were a bartender, would you like your bar to be filled with machines that dont drink ?? His dislike extends to the point that he has a droid detector near the front entrance. It make a noise and flashes as 3po walks past :)


* * *


Q. What species is Sebulba ?



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Amanda Lucas appears in Attack of the Clones. She plays a female Twi'Lek. I believe she's standing next to Ahmed Best's non-Jar Jar character (can't remember the name right now.)


If I'm right, then my question is:


Q: What is the name of Amidala's decoy in TPM?


Bonus: name of decoy in AOTC??

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Yes, thats correct Sithy. Another of Lucas' daughters is standing to the left of the shot where jabba and Gardulla the Hutt(s) roll out at the start of the podrace :)


* * *


Q. What happened to Obi Wans lightsaber when first arriving on naboo ?



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