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Use the force... To clean your teeth?


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Originally posted by jebbers

wha? no pic...i need a pic to judge these 'mini sabers' for myself



Exactly what I thought. I think it might look like a mini flashlight. I dunno why they like calling it a lightsaber, I guess so geeks will use it when it comes out.

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They just called a laser a "lightsabre" for it to sound neat. Mystery solved.


I'm looking forward to the "vaccination against plaque" myself. Rinse your mouth with it once and it'll be filled with bacteria that eats everything that's bad for your teeth. You'll never have cavities again. Neat or what:D? [source: Science Illustrated]

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Pfft. This is nothing special. I've been using the force to clean my teeth for years.

:joy: <---- See?


The dark side I sense in you. Ruin your teeth is does, look at Palpatine.


Yeah, i think it is just a blue light.

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