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Boycott LucasArts

Darth Murk

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Look people I have an idea for solving this whole problem. I was looking at the online petition for restoring KOTOR 2 () and there are over 8000 signatures. Using those numbers and if we start informing more people of KOTOR 2's bugs, missing content, and lack of a completion. If we can raise our numbers to over ten thousand someone might start listening to us. But we might have to go a little bit further than sign a petition. I say we boycott all LucasArt's products until we get an explanation, apology, and the game gets restored. We should boycott because LucasArts doesn't care about the customers anymore. We are just numbers and money. And I say that we can no longer sit by and let this happen. Before you know it all games will be like this. We need to do this or KOTOR 3 ( if it happens) is worse than KOTOR 2. With tons of bugs, and no real storyline. They can't ingore us forever. If we boycott and put a dent in their profits then WE WILL BE HEARD.

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Look people I have an idea for solving this whole problem. I was looking at the online petition for restoring KOTOR 2 (http://www.petitiononline.com/kotor2/) and there are over 8000 signatures. Using those numbers and if we start informing more people of KOTOR 2's bugs, missing content, and lack of a completion. If we can raise our numbers to over ten thousand someone might start listening to us. But we might have to go a little bit further than sign a petition. I say we boycott all LucasArt's products until we get an explanation, apology, and the game gets restored. We should boycott because LucasArts doesn't care about the customers anymore. We are just numbers and money. And I say that we can no longer sit by and let this happen. Before you know it all games will be like this. We need to do this or KOTOR 3 ( if it happens) is worse than KOTOR 2. With tons of bugs, and no real storyline. They can't ingore us forever. If we boycott and put a dent in their profits then WE WILL BE HEARD.



{snip}No flaming - read the forum rules * Why? Because denting their profits would make them unable to fund and publish other hopefully better games. Now I don't know if this is for real or not but I am not with you you on this idea. But the petition is reasonable.

Oh did I mention this is a STUPID idea.


Good day.

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To be honest, even if you convined all those Star Wars nerds fans to boycott a Star Wars company, you probably wouldn't make a huge overall difference. Take into account multiple signatures, half-hearted signatures, people who have changed their minds, etc, and you have only a few thousand. These will not make up a signifigant enough amount for Lucasarts to correct these issues.


To be frank: There is nothing you can do. You can boycott if your principles tell you to do so, but it will not likely make a tremendous difference. Sorry.


Edit: Right to boycott? Eh? We all have the right not to buy something (in republican nations I know, anyways). I can "boycott" a company just because I don't like their color scheme, although I wouldn't call it that. Just a small grammatical imperfections that I felt motivated to comment on, for some reason. Pay me no heed.

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most likely, LucasArts dont know anything about the petition. Theres a restoration site to restoring the Kotor II Ending


now this isnt me, and not my nature to act like this... but...


I agree with the Hidden One, It is pretty stupid. You cant make or even suggest to Star wars Super-Geeks (Like me, be proud Super-Geeks!) turn on their Most desired thing. LucasArts has been there for us, for the Super-Geeks who love to interact with Star Wars. I pay $30.00 a month for Star Wars Galaxies. and half of that goes to LucasArts. im not the only one, but over 25,000 People do the same.


LucasArts have about 5 million Customers, each paying, like $50, or $25 on products.


10,000 Signitures will not harm them. it wont even dent them. Not even touch them. They released the game. and Thats that. they wont do anything more to it.


I tried to tell you this as nicely as i could. But its true.


If you feel like the story is missing and hollow like all of us, theres always Holowan


So now, for this game, we only have Mods. :)


and the mods, are wonderful i must add.


Bobo out. :c3po:

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