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Colour Zen micro


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want a colour mp3 player, but dont want to pay $500 for an iPod photo? and just want 5gb? well then the new Creative Zen Micro Colour is right for you, with new screen technology,OLED, which can be as thick as a quarter. for the same low price as the original zen micro($299).




Coming Summer 2005

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How is that advertising? He's just showing the new color MP3 player coming out. Not advertising it.


want a colour mp3 player, but dont want to pay $500 for an iPod photo? and just want 5gb? well then the new Creative Zen Micro Colour is right for you, with new screen technology,OLED, which can be as thick as a quarter. for the same low price as the original zen micro($299).


Wait... What did you say? :confused:



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Not REALLY advertising...though the post does come across like you work for Creative and you're spamming internet forums looking for buyers ;)



I honestly have no use for a micro MP3 player with a color screen....that's just stupid. I'll buy a full sized one for the same price and 4 times the storage space.

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Er, why?


I can see the point of a color screen on the bigger sized, bigger capacity players. 20gb, 40gb etc... but what is the point of one on a tiny 5gb player?


Sure it looks nice, and OLED is a lovely looking technology, but what is the point? (though that pic looks like a normal lcd screen to me... the new sony ones use OLED in a much cooler fashion).

It looks nicer, and i guess it can show tiny album art, but 5gb isn't enough to store much music, let alone if you start adding photos (or, god forbid, video).


Surely the point of these things is that they have more storage than your camera, so you can move photos onto them to free space on your camera? With 1gb and 2gb flash memory these days why bother copying photos to a 5gb device?

And unless it has USB-to-go its fairly useless anyway... like the ipod photo.


PS/ For a lot less than the Ipod photo you could get a gmini 400 that has a colour screen, 20gb storage AND plays videos and games.

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he...I cant believe these things cost so much...when a pocket pc costs much much less and does so much more..... throw in a few 2gb sd cards and you can carry as much music/movies anything you want...


but hey, i guess if you got the money, flaunt it :p



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I guess in a year or so pocket pcs will all have 20gb hard drives and play mp3s. games, videos etc..


And a year or two after that our mobiles will have 7mp cameras, 60gb hard drives and do everything.


And a decade after that the human race will have been wiped out by a mysterious illness.


Centuries later an alien civilisation will arrive and wonder why the human race committed mass suicide by holding electromagnetic devices to their heads...


or something... :D

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Originally posted by BongoBob

Meh, I still want the one that grooves has, it's a Creative one also, and it's 20GB. I don't know exactly what it's called, but it's at my local bes buy for $210.


I assume Groovs has the Zen Touch....


I'm looking into getting one myself this summer.

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Originally posted by toms

I guess in a year or so pocket pcs will all have 20gb hard drives and play mp3s. games, videos etc..


And a year or two after that our mobiles will have 7mp cameras, 60gb hard drives and do everything.


And a decade after that the human race will have been wiped out by a mysterious illness.


Centuries later an alien civilisation will arrive and wonder why the human race committed mass suicide by holding electromagnetic devices to their heads...


or something... :D


Not until new batteries are created, no.


Microdrives for stuff with compact flash slots can cut the battery life by 50%


Faster processors=more power= more battery usage


More flash memory = Shorter battery life


Sound on high = Shorter battery life


High resolution screens= Shorter battery life.

It all adds up.


Pocket PC battery life is pretty short, especially with the new VGA screens (640x480 instead of 320x240 resolution)


My Toshiba e800 PPC has a battery life of around 3-4 hours. with a 1300+ mAH battery


My old iPAQ 1910 with a normal res screen and less memory had a 900 mAH battery, it had a battery life of around 5 hours.

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Originally posted by toms

Er, why?


I can see the point of a color screen on the bigger sized, bigger capacity players. 20gb, 40gb etc... but what is the point of one on a tiny 5gb player?


It looks nicer, and i guess it can show tiny album art, but 5gb isn't enough to store much music, let alone if you start adding photos (or, god forbid, video).

Umm, it turns into a 5 (or 6)gb camera that can play music?


Yah, thats why, you don't see Apple making a Camera Mini Ipod.



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Originally posted by TiE 23

Umm, it turns into a 5 (or 6)gb camera that can play music?

That's retarded. Like buying a camera phone because it's "nifty". Retarded gimmicks.


Things need more practicality, I'm tired of this horse**** gimmick crap being produced. I bet some day they'll run short of gimmicks and just say "let's make a phone that can pleasure people sexually while they aren't recieving a call"

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$350, about the same size, up to 256mb.

Yes it is 4mp, but its still $350, only takes photos, and only a few of them.

Canon PowerShot SC300


I don't care about the photosize anymore, cause the first thing you do to new photos if you want to use them is you down size it.


Take a chill pill (Loved by kids, approved by moms) Sith.



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Originally posted by TiE 23

$350, about the same size, up to 256mb.

Yes it is 4mp, but its still $350, only takes photos, and only a few of them.

Canon PowerShot SC300


I don't care about the photosize anymore, cause the first thing you do to new photos if you want to use them is you down size it.


Take a chill pill (Loved by kids, approved by moms) Sith.




Chill pill? Why? Sith holds a very good point, people are falling for all this useless **** like flies. Or like Astro on dodgy russian porn sites.... >_>

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Originally posted by toms

Er, why?


I can see the point of a color screen on the bigger sized, bigger capacity players. 20gb, 40gb etc... but what is the point of one on a tiny 5gb player?



PS/ For a lot less than the Ipod photo you could get a gmini 400 that has a colour screen, 20gb storage AND plays videos and games.


who needs 20gb? 10,000 songs, a months worth of songs, you'd never get to the end.


i dont really like the gmini




i dont work for creative;)

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who needs 20gb? 10,000 songs, a months worth of songs, you'd never get to the end.


Thats like saying that there is no point in filling a DVDr with all your photos, as it would take you forever to look at 1000s of them.... and you might as well just put the few you want on a floppy.


The point of having them all in one portable place is that if you ever want to see a particular photo, you have it to hand.




The indended use of the different sets of mp3 players is very different.


The small flash ones (up to 2gb) are intended to have a small subset of your music on, which you change frequently.


The big ones (20gb plus) are supposed to have ALL your music on them. Not because you will want to listen to all your music at once, but because if you happen to want to listen to a particular artist you will have them easily to hand.


I see the merits in both approaches, infact I have a 20gb player that (will soon) have almost all my music on it, and a tiny 256mb flash player i use for sports to store an ever changing random shuffle of songs.


The 4-6gb set of players confuse me though... its too big to use as a random playlist like a flash player (plus more shock prone and taking longer to update) but its too small to fit all your music on. So you end up just sticking a certain subset of you music on there and then making minor changes every so often.


20Gb is actually not really enough. I've ripped all my physical cds (100ish, average collection) and i've probably got another 50 or so downloaded albums. That pretty much fills up 20gb right there. But if i continue buying/downloading albums at 1 or 2 a month i'm gonna be out of space pretty soon, and have to start taking some stuff off to make room. Which defeats the object.

Add to that the fact that a lotof players want you to store photos (5gbish) and videos (lots of gb) as well and 20gb starts to look pretty small.


I was going to buy a gmini 400, but i decided that 20gb wasn't enough for music AND games AND video AND phots, and they didn't make a bigger version. So i got a basic XS200 as it was small and cheap and hopefully in a year or two when i need more space 40-60gb will be the standard.

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i can see if your putting music, games, videos and photos, but an mp3 player shouldnt be trusted to be a backup of all your songs.


i can see if you have 40gb of songs you get one, but i only have like 2gb so why pay $100 more for 20gb, if i will never use?

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