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Rising Religion

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Lol, thats an oldie. Well since you said something about an embassy, Im guessing you are playing at the first part in manaan. So far that bug is the first Ive heard. Are you sure you have the full ROTS version as well as no other storyline mods like my beta? Another good thing would be to backup your override directory and empty it then install the mod again. You never know what may be conflicting.


BTW, Rise of the Sith is the new mod, for Kotor 2 if you have it.

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  • 9 months later...
I've killed all the jedi and soldiers in the Republic Embassy, and now I have no idea where or what to do. I tried talking to the sith soldiers, but they just say "Get in the Embassy and help our troops" Does anyone know what I should do?


in the front of the Republic Embassy there is a sith soldier, talk to him, but firs you must kill all republic soldiers

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