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Knights Of The Old Republic Missing Content


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Ive seen how much stuff was left out of Knights Of The Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords, and I almost gagged.

(I hear there is a restoration project, thanks guys!)

Did KOTOR1 leave out any huge material chunks like KOTOR2 did?


Now I know you all are asking "What is this doing in here?"

Would someone be willing to set up a KOTOR restoration project if the same volume of material in KOTOR2 was missing/disabled/left out?


Peace :atat:

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Here's a pretty good list of what was cut. However, there is no chance of any of it being put back in as (aside from a level of the Vulkar base, and some unfinished modules of Sleheryon) none of it was included in the game files, as far as I'm aware.:(
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You know I was thinking about this while cruising thru the unfinished Droid Factory for TSL. Man this game is MASSIVE. I mean you can play a good 60 hours to finish what they did include. At some point the beancounters have to break up the party or we would never get the game :D

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Originally posted by CaptainSkye

Here's a pretty good list of what was cut. However, there is no chance of any of it being put back in as (aside from a level of the Vulkar base, and some unfinished modules of Sleheryon) none of it was included in the game files, as far as I'm aware.:(


Is there any place to get any of the cut stuff so you could make a new module out of it?

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I made a small mod a while ago where you can spawn Deadeye Duncan on Manaan on Manaan and have a little chat with him.


I have that one -- or at least a mod that does the same thing (I didn't have to spawn him, I think it was just necessary to defeat Twitch). Very nice. I love seeing cut content, like that and Bastila's Korriban dialog.

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There's some other missing content that wasn't mentioned here - for example, there was supposed to be a hutt on Dantooine. T3-M4 was originally supposed to have been Bastila's droid who you recruit into your party on the Endar Spire.

There was also supposed to have been a Sith in the temple of the anceients with whom you could have a strange conversation with, and knock him out so he wouldn't tell the other Sith that you were there. Or you could have killed him.

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There's a mod by T7 which lets Bastila go to Korriban with you.


Yes, you should still be able to get it here:




edit: Just wanted to add that it's well worth it. The dialog is actually quite interesting. It's at its most entertaining if you take Carth along with Bastila. I realize it makes more logical sense for Bastila to stay on the Ebon Hawk, but if you are a completist, doing Korriban with Bastila in the party is an absolute must.

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