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General Grievous


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Hey Neo, love the model, great work...

When you are using the no cape version and are hit in the back, you see body damage on the area where the cape would be. I'm sure it's just a small bug you can take care of easily but I thought I would just let you know. Keep up the good work!


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Originally posted by alex533

ok, now im annoyed, when i try to use grievous it comes up with some stupid error message that says something like


error: npc extensions are too large.


WTF! whats a man to do?!


No biggy there alex. Just get the latest update for JKA! Thats what fixed it for me. Mars out

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:angel: :angel: UPDATE :angel: :angel:


The model is real close to being finaled out.... and I've got a few little surprises that will make the model even cooler. The Beta just got another small revamp, so the final is going to be a bit more special. Mars out!

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Doesn't matter. Whoever gets it to me first. The new skeleton should work as long as the model fits the humanoid skeleton.


I moved the HumerusX, radiusX, and tail bones to where the Humers, Radius, and hands are. In essance making two more arms while still using the humanoid skeleton. I may use some facial bones for fingers on the second set of hands. :)


Obviously this will tear apart a normal model. And needs extra special care if its to be merged with the base animations. I'm hoping I won't have to merge it though with some code changes.

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Originally posted by keshire

Doesn't matter. Whoever gets it to me first. The new skeleton should work as long as the model fits the humanoid skeleton.


I moved the HumerusX, radiusX, and tail bones to where the Humers, Radius, and hands are. In essance making two more arms while still using the humanoid skeleton. I may use some facial bones for fingers on the second set of hands. :)


Obviously this will tear apart a normal model. And needs extra special care if its to be merged with the base animations. I'm hoping I won't have to merge it though with some code changes.


Keshire, It has been on my mind. I havent forgot. Please send me an E-mail.. I'm at neomarz1@sbcglobal.net


I will have to make the extra arms, but I will do this as soon as the model gets released... Maybe before. I would like to see you make this attempt, cuz it seem to be a very cool idea. Possibly one of the coolest things done for JKA. Mars out

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Nice so far Marz - My 5 year old son really dig Grevious - so he's been enjoying playing with this model. (When he's not using Darth Maul - seems to have a thing for the bad guys - LOL).

Was going to mention the issue with the nocape version but someone already beat me too it.


As far as sounds go I think it would be better to use the Clone Wars Toon voice (Since he is aparently more kick-ass in the toon. Have to wait til tomorrow night to find out though)


Now if only Hapslash would get his Ep3 Obi-Wan out ;)

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Good screens Buffy!


:angel: :angel: UPDATE :angel: :angel:


Well I actually did a four armed version. I even went as far as getting it ingame.... I was going to try something that I figured might work, but it failed (it was a guess). Basically I added blade1 and blade2 tags to the model hoping that maybe sabers would appear on the extra arms. Of course it didnt work... The only other thing would be to model sabers, and have someone do shaders for the blades... my guess is that it wouldnt look right. For one thing, you can only weight the extra arms to one bone (and not have it totally looking like a mess). I got the arms to look pretty good in most of the animations, but in some of the animations, they just look kinda funny. Unless someone has any good suggestions, I may pass on the four arms version. Hopefully someone will modify the skelaton and try getting four sabers going. Thats out of my knowlege level. Mars out

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Originally posted by NeoMarz1

Good screens Buffy!


:angel: :angel: UPDATE :angel: :angel:


Well I actually did a four armed version. I even went as far as getting it ingame.... I was going to try something that I figured might work, but it failed (it was a guess). Basically I added blade1 and blade2 tags to the model hoping that maybe sabers would appear on the extra arms. Of course it didnt work... The only other thing would be to model sabers, and have someone do shaders for the blades... my guess is that it wouldnt look right. For one thing, you can only weight the extra arms to one bone (and not have it totally looking like a mess). I got the arms to look pretty good in most of the animations, but in some of the animations, they just look kinda funny. Unless someone has any good suggestions, I may pass on the four arms version. Hopefully someone will modify the skelaton and try getting four sabers going. Thats out of my knowlege level. Mars out


Carcass destroys any md3 tags. And the code doesn't accept Bolt_'s for weapons. :)


And obviously I got everyone covered on a modified skeleton. But it'd need code changes no matter what to properly use.

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:angel: :angel: UPDATE :angel: :angel:


Well the final version is finished, just waiting for sounds (still) from RJW. If I dont get something soon, then I'll just release it. RJ, if your reading this, send the sounds out at your earliest conveniance... This is release week for the movie, so this is the biggest download week for the model. Mars out

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