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How much of a Star Wars Geek are you?

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I'm more of a Star Wars techno-geek, I don't really know about the made up cultures and histories, but I enjoy the fantasy technology aspect of it. Haha.


I've got an original mould ANH (SE) Stormtrooper helmet, and a budget Don Post TIE Fighiter pilot helmet. Oh and a Darth Maul lightsaber. I've pretty much had my fill with collecting SW memorabilia, as those three props are the only things I really wanted. :lol:


Edit: And why have robes and cloaks become less popular over the years? They're such a cool fashion accessory!

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I'm a pretty big Star Wars geek. I don't buy everything I see though, just the stuff that is worth it, like the games, books, comics, and once they are ALL on DVD then I'll get the movies as well. I know the history of the SW universe pretty well thanks to the afrorementioned books and comics.


Eventually I will be making the Robes, cause they look too cool, as well as the Scout Trooper armour (my fav), Tusken Raider clothing, and maybe even a lightsaber replica. I've always wanted to make full scale replicas of the clothing and what not, then have them displayed on manniquins.


But Im' not so big of a geek that I run around speaking wookie and trying to get out of speeding tickets by using Jedi mind tricks. :p

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There are different aspects of fandom. Just because someone mods their car or makes a fanfilm doesnt make them a bigger fan than someone who just collects figures etc. I think people will always naturally incorporate things they like into their daily lives.


As far myself is concerned, I would put my knowledge of the books and movies up against anyone, but you would never catch me dressing up or modding my car :p I have a few toys but they are out of their packets and displayed for sentimental reasons, and coz they look cool :p


People do what they like to do, so if modding their car gives them kicks, more power to em :p



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I have a few toys but they are out of their packets and displayed for sentimental reasons, and coz they look cool :p




Well duh, you HAVE to take them out of their packets, otherwise it owuld be pointless to buy them in the first place :D


I never did understand "collectors" and their need to preserve everything as is.

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