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Someone Had to start one...


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...so I thought it'd be me.


This is the MixnMojo Star wars Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith thread.


Not the game, obviously, but for the movie, discuss how you liked it, how you didn't etc...


Having just come back from the first showing of it in my town (10:30 in the morning although there were midnight showings I believe, but not anywhere around here) I would like to give my two cents in the form of spoilers.



Well, to be honest, I liked it, and I mean really like it. I suppose I was overly anticipating it and expected it to be great, which could make me biased, but hell, I don't care, it was good.


Anakins turn to the Darkside was fully realised here, it all made sense and despite being slightly melodramatic (or at least Christenson's acting was, which was slightly better than AOTC, but not much, I hear he's better in 'Shattered Glass') it did explain it all.


I'm guessing we're meant to believe that Anakin was conceived by the medicloreans by influence of that Darth Palpatine was talking about (and said Darth was probably killed by Palpatine) which seems to be the surprise everyone was waiting for (or at least me and my friend, we expected this movie to carry a twist on it along the lines of the 'Luke I am your father' twist, only different, obviously).


On Yoda's News of Qui Gon, I did expect to see Liam Neeson again, but he seems to be doing too many movies at the moment. Oh, and by the way, I liked digital Yoda in AOTC and like him just as much here, he's truly the bad ass here. Windu's death was... well, it's hard to describe really, it was different, I didn't expect him to go down so un-gracefully through trickery, but hell, I didn't expect most of the jedi's to go down how they did and it was still good, especially Yodas reaction.




I could go on, but I'll leave some for later. So, what about everyone else. Was it as good/bad as you expected?



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Oh boy






I agree. I thought it was pretty sweet. I loved the opening action stuff and the way they showed Obi and Anakin as close friends, the last movie they always seemed so at odds that they really never seemed to like each other too much.


Personally I thought the guy playing Anakin did a way better job with acting than in Ep. II. But I thought every time Padme was on screen it seemed to drag, no matter who she talked to I just felt unconvinced. My only other real complaint was Vader yelling NOOOO and crushing stuff, not the scene so much, but his yell sounded weird, like they held it back or something.


I thought the battle between Yoda and the Emperor where they were throwing around the Senate chairs was awesome.


And yeah, dissapointed by the lack of visable Liam Neeson on screen, but I guess he moved on.


Oh, and when Anakin was on fire, that was gross.






Oh and me and my friends went to the 12:05 opening, and we dressed up just because we figured its the last chance to truly be this nerdy, so we're gonna live it up.

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I have to say, this is the redeeming film. I liked ep1 and 2, but I know a lot of people who hated it and expected this film to be as bad and were totally turned around when they actually saw it. a number of them are actually considering seeing it again (i've already seen it twice, I'll be taking my sister on the weekend)

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Originally posted by Joshi

I have to say, this is the redeeming film. I liked ep1 and 2, but I know a lot of people who hated it and expected this film to be as bad and were totally turned around when they actually saw it. a number of them are actually considering seeing it again (i've already seen it twice, I'll be taking my sister on the weekend)


Yeah, I saw it twice now too. For some reason I found Anakin's turn a lot more believable the second time. I guess knowing what it was all leading up to made it make more sense or something.


I really liked Episode II, for the most part, yeah the love scenes were a bit underdone, but the all of Obi Wans storyline was great. Episode I I have some issues with, especially having seen the others. But it has it's place in the story, so I'll leave it at that. Except I hope when they do release all 6 movies as one, they have the digital art guys go in and replace big green booger Jabba with his digital representation from the A New Hope DVD, it's sooooo much better.

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I'm guessing for marketting purposes, there'll be a prequels box set (three films), and then the saga box set (six films) and I ersonally wouldn't mind just having two box sets for the prequels and original than one big six discer considering I've already got the original trilogy.

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