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Might be getting SWG


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Guest DarthMaulUK

I would say read the other posts but they are all gone!


It depends on your torture.


If you love grinding, coming against serious lag (mostly on European Servers) - large amounts of show stopping bugs and content that is all the same (IE run to point A, then to point B, take detour, back to point A) then get it!


The community is good but the whole game lacks any kind of relation to star wars.


The GCW (Galactic Civil War) is a complete joke and insult to the movies. Im left wondering if anyone at SOE know what Star Wars is about?


What do I mean? Visit Theed. You have rebel troopers at the starport enterance, and by the palace but just past the starport you will see an Imperial recruiter and a couple of stormtroopers.


Go inside the palace , you will see Imperials INSIDE! Oh and Tatooine has 2 star destroyers in the sky at night but they cant take out the rebels based at Mos Eisley, Entha and Anchorhead.


Read the other post about the game time line



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DMUK is right. I got the game almost a month ago, and I hardly play because it is so unrealistic and full of lag. In mos eisley there are rebels and stormtroopers just walking past eachother. I wish I would have gotten WoW instead...

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Originally posted by DarthMoeller

DMUK is right. I got the game almost a month ago, and I hardly play because it is so unrealistic and full of lag. In mos eisley there are rebels and stormtroopers just walking past eachother. I wish I would have gotten WoW instead...


Well, just so you know, many people went to WoW from SWG. Found the grass was not greener on the other side, and returned to SWG.


It was almost comical to watch, if not incredibly pathetic to a tremendous extent, since many of them flamed the devs and the players, saying they would NEVER return to SWG.


NEVER is a shorter timespan than I imagined.:D


But you may like WoW more than SWG, then again, you may not. I always tell others to play where you will get the most enjoyment. Especially if you're paying your money for it.


I was in the closed beta for WoW, bought the full game. Played it for a month or so, was not impressed, but that's me.

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Originally posted by Misfitsjunky

I've heard it's boring, it's tedious, it's buggy. I've also heard it's fun. I played the trial for about a day, but i didnt get any uber experience out of it...please, give me the pros, cons, and final judgement.


Play the trial longer, get more familiar with the mechanics of the game, and decide for yourself.


Opinions are just that. Don't take them as fact. :D

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Guest DarthMaulUK

All online games are dull and boring. The difference is service. Blizzard (WoW) have struggled to handle the 2 million (yes!) subscribers to the game world wide.


To be fair, no one expected the game to do that well. Their service team is being expanded and they are at least sorting things out.


With SOE - who are the biggest online company here, all they care about is money. Galaxies stand alone is STILL broken in many areas of the game and alot of them date back to beta.


So, what do they do.. bring out Jump to lightspeed. An expansion launched full of bugs and quests that couldnt be completed. Then the already small dev team focus on fixing the issues here - of course in all this we lost combat! A star wars game but no actual war.


Some 12 months later, combat was still broken but lets start to cash in on Episode III and add the next rushed expansion - Wookie world.


Then comes the CU. Now. Lately too much focus has been on fixing jedi issues in game. How about the poor Master tailor who cant make a factory run of items because the colour schematic you made will CHANGE during the factory process. Meaning long hours of having to grind any order by hand just to make credits.


Both Warcraft and Galaxies are boring but Blizzard hit the right notes and despite SOEs control - they still make the same old mistakes over and over.


To make Galaxies the game it should be...SOE shouldnt manage it as they are totally useless.



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I'm not going to disagree with you DMUK, on the issue of service. I would say when dealing with a persistent online virtual world, that factor of importance is exponentially increased.


However, as far all online games being boring or tedious, that comes down to the player, in my opinion. If MMORPGs are about content for purposes of immersion, then a player has to like the thematic of the game to not become bored or for the game to become a chore. I was not impressed with WoW because I had no interest in the theme.


I burned out on medieval fantasy awhile ago. Not to mention it has been do to death with Dungeons & Dragons, Everquest, Dark Age of Camelot, Everquest II. . .etc. Now, I'm not saying the game is not entertaining. Again, that is for the player to decide.


SOE managing SWG. Well, that horse's carcass has been beaten before. I see the potential for this game. Star Wars is still one of the most, if not the most, lucrative lixenses in entrtainment. I see the potential for it, as I hope SOE does.


While the game is not horribly broken as some people exaggerate, it does have major issues. I hope they get solved. Because I plan to be here for awhile.


As far as the CU, and ROTW, some players love it, some don't. No surprise there. That's what always happens when a game goes through a major change.

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the CSR's in SWG are actualy way more helpful then in WoW, slow but more helpful. For most things i have found that they will atleast try to help you in SWG, every answer I got to any problem in WoW was "reinstall the game, it must be a problem with your hard drive." I really got fed up with them just blaming me for the problems of their game, it was complete bull **** that the login server is down, and they say it's my fault!


Now as far as content and community, SWG wins again. From lvl 1-45 there is a good amount to do in WoW, but after that it's all about loot runs and who is the best at stuff, fairly lame. The community is mainly young kids who run around griefing and saying **** like "I pwn j00", and there is almost no RP. If you don't always like to PvP in WoW, people flame the **** out of you, I don't mind a little PvP but don't always want to do it. In SWG you will always find something to do content wise, and it's not all about getting uber loot and making yourself the best guy. For the most part the community is nice and the RP is good, but like every game there's idiots. SWG seems to be focues alot more on Jedi now days, if you're like me that will be the #1 turn off about this game, Jedi should not be here but the devs focus most of their fixes on them and see to it that it's easier for you to grind out a full temp Jedi.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

In all fairness the content you all speak of has hardly anything to do with Star Wars. Simple 'run to point a, kill something, return, repeat process until bored' is boring!


There is no variety in missions at all hardly and they need to kick start the galactic civil war and make it more like a war. Having pvp back is a boon considering how any SOE bright idea (decay/insurance) killed it over night.


I cant speak for other servers but the last live event was a year ago and yes recently they had a lag fest when a rebel shuttle would drop and spawn silly amounts of rebel commandos but there does need to be more action in the game.



The game is now a veteran and there is still so much work to do to make it the game it should have been from day one.



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WoW and SWG are the same genre of game. MMORPG. That is really where the similarity ends, in my opinion. The fact is, SWG is a more complex game than WoW in terms of implementation and presentation. Also, let's face it. SWG has far more to live up to in expectations than WoW, so the satisfaction of the player in SWG is going to be more difficult to earn.


WoW's gameplay is incredibly simplistic as is it's character development when compared to SWG.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Maybe hences it success? WoW has wiped the floor with all MMORPG games.


Star wars has a lot to live up to because


a) the e3 trailers made it look amazing. Running on a geforce 3!

b) its star wars


The biggest licence in history and still its left in a galaxy even further away.



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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

Maybe hences it success? WoW has wiped the floor with all MMORPG games.


Star wars has a lot to live up to because


a) the e3 trailers made it look amazing. Running on a geforce 3!

b) its star wars


The biggest licence in history and still its left in a galaxy even further away.




In regards to your numbers, the 2,000,000 subscribers, isn't WoW in more countries?


My point is, if WoW has more access in terms of potential player base than SWG, at the moment, then those numbers are not as impressive as they seem at first glance.


Is SWG in Korea, where the people are online gaming fiends? China with it's 2,000,000,000 potential subscribers? I'm just trying to put the numbers in perspective.

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Well, although the launch date for Europe and the US was several months difference, had they launched it on the same time, before the first week was over WoW would have gotten around atleast 700,000 brand new subscribers .... and that's before a week went by. Just in Europe they have had to set up 80 servers (49 of them english, 19 french, and 20 german), and I have no idea how many for US, Canada, and Aussies/NZ, but I heard it was around 90 a few months back (no idea about Asia).


It was actually a smart move by Blizzard to have seperate launching dates, these kinds of numbers would have crashed the game before it was started. :p


And those 700,000 subscribers are just the US, Canada, Aussie, NZ, and Europe, which all have access to SWG aswell. Blizzard yet again has broken all previous sales records, and it's still selling.

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God i remember the first day of launch for SWG. Credit card server problems, login server, servers couldn't handle the load of what was going on. Restart everyday up until like a few months ago.


Problem just isn't SOE, im starting to blame alot on LEC in it's process. Only thing SOE does it host the servers, programming the stuff. Content and everything else is lucasarts. So instead of me now blaming SOE it's now more of a 50/50 thing.


Now you have players screaming for content, you have one's screaming for bug fixes. Unfornately the content is their money so they don't care if it's so buggy you can't hardly play they are giving the content like Dmuk said. Again thou I can tell you especially being a jedi with our lightsabers at least mine costed me like 14mil total to make, yes i know i chose the path but my LS alone does 400-659 dmg the 400 is a estimated min damage. With Elemental damage of 164 and still as a level 80 when i hit a NPC i do maybe 700 dmg. Now when i goto my Bounter hunter/rifleman and do sniper shot im doing at least 1500 dmg with a DC15 about the same with a T21. No im not complaining about Jedi problems every profession has them, problem is does SOE or LEC do anything about it? No the only way anything is going to happen and this is even from SOE CSR if they see a dramatic decrease in subscriptions that is the only way they will do anything about it.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

When galaxies launched, I worked out SOE cashing to the tune of $2 million a month in sub fees.


Since alot of people left this must have dropped off and the release of Total Experience at a cheap price plus throwing free accounts at people had to be done to boost numbers up.


WoW had limited sales for its release. They knew that the servers couldnt handle high loads, so they staggered releases of stock around the globe. People in the UK had to wait upto 18 weeks for restocks whilst Blizzard were busy sorting out more servers.


Galaxies was only the fastest selling MMORPG in North America, thats it. European sales were awful - not even hitting 33000 copies in its opening week (thats the WHOLE of europe).


Proof is in the pudding, as they say. Recently Blizzard purged peoples accounts for cheating and exploiting..Galaxies wouldnt dare do anything like that...why? They NEED the customers!


And lately, if you see the 'awards' Galaxies have been 'winning' they are from unheard of websites and it is shameful that Lucasarts have to sink that low to put shine on their rapidly dimming product.


If the bugs were fixed in the first place, they could focus on content but the content they do throw at us is extremely boring. Who here has done the pointless quest missions in the Imperial theme park? What a drag!


For those who need it, we need war. We need to see rebels fighting stormtroopers in cities and not the stormtroopers planted in the middle of no where without any A.I!


I think some monkies are looking for a job!



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I do find the dichotomy intriguing. Many of you obviously think very little of this game, yet you remain. I'm just curious as to why?


Do you believe in the phoenix rising from the ashes?

Is it the Star Wars mystique?

Do you believe if you hold on long enough, your patience will be "rewarded"?


What keeps you here? I'm just curious.


And numbers, while informative, really don't impress me. Yes, Blizzard has all of these astounding, impressive statistics, but in the end, I'm not going to be lured to it, because I have no interest in the game. That's what it really comes down to in the final analysis, doesn't it?

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Most people stay around because its supposed to be star wars - thats for another arguement.


Or, for friends or the community - frankly warcraft does nothing for me and of course i would have to pay to play.


Their pvp battles ive heard are outstanding though.



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Originally posted by ^Invader

God i remember the first day of launch for SWG. Credit card server problems, login server, servers couldn't handle the load of what was going on. Restart everyday up until like a few months ago.

Most MMORPG's would have this, and have had this problem. It's just something that is inevitable I guess when 100.000, or 200.000 people, are trying to create an account at the same time. But it should pan out eventually.



I do find the dichotomy intriguing. Many of you obviously think very little of this game, yet you remain. I'm just curious as to why?


Do you believe in the phoenix rising from the ashes?


Is it the Star Wars mystique?


Do you believe if you hold on long enough, your patience will be "rewarded"?

Well .....


What keeps you here? I'm just curious.

My main reason? Well, I am the Moderator around here, I can't just throw that responsability out of the window. I was part of building up the community (which now is all but extinct) around here. Besides Wraith, I think I am the "oldest" forumer around here still. :) So I do have some close bonds with this place.

I also enjoy flying thru space with my TIE Fighter, even though it's not exactly the same as flying a real Star Wars space sim, more like Wing Commander looks and feel to it. But that's what you get when you hire someone to lead the development of Jump To Lightspeed, who previously developed ... that's right, you guessed it: Wing Commander. :p

Nothing dirogatory about Wing Commander mind you, never player 1 and 2, but I loved 3 and 4 (not so much 5 though, but still played thru it), it was a great game, it's just not Star Wars. :D


And numbers, while informative, really don't impress me. Yes, Blizzard has all of these astounding, impressive statistics, but in the end, I'm not going to be lured to it, because I have no interest in the game. That's what it really comes down to in the final analysis, doesn't it?

And quite right you are.

One shouldn't just go for a game because it's selling like crazy. You should go by what you like in the end.

You might buy it, then find out this isn't anything for me. And many of those 2 million subscribers .... to be honest, I think it is sold copies and an estimate aswell ..... many of them have probably figured, this wasn't their cup of tea.


But it does take a special company to time and again blowing sales record with their titles, and Blizzard is one such company. ;)

Even Raph Koster, the Creative Director for SWG, admits this.

And not without reason. Most their games have been, while nothing innovative, great fun to play.


If the bugs were fixed in the first place, they could focus on content but the content they do throw at us is extremely boring. Who here has done the pointless quest missions in the Imperial theme park? What a drag!

If you mean the one you do at the Emperors Retreat, then I have ... atleast twice. And I had fun doing it. :) Appart from 1 mission, which was very hard to do when the person you are trying to get in contact with, don't want to talk to you, so he starts shooting at you. :p

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

If you mean the one you do at the Emperors Retreat, then I have ... atleast twice. And I had fun doing it. :) Appart from 1 mission, which was very hard to do when the person you are trying to get in contact with, don't want to talk to you, so he starts shooting at you. :p


I also enjoyed doing the Imperial TP, although by the end it became a little repetetive, I still enjoyed it.

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even though i only seem to hear how full of bugs the game is I still bought it. However I had all the neccessary specs for Empire Divided, but I bought the total experience so now I have to wait for 256mb of extra ram to arrive! D'oh! Plus I have to splash out for a new firewall too! double D'oh! In all this game's cost me close to £100 and I haven't even played it yet!


Still, I can't wait, I've loved Star Wars since I was about 4 so no amount of glitches can stop me playing this game!

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Guest DarthMaulUK

We all love star wars - but truth is, this game is so far from it. But good luck in yr quest.



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