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Lightsaber Form Animation Idea


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Hey, scripting buffs out there, is it possible to script an animation whenever you select a lightsaber form? (like when you equip a lightsaber the twirl animation that happens)


Because it would be cool to click on shii-cho or niman or whatever and see the character do something cool...maybe a different animation for each form?


I'm not asking for new animations, but reuse different ones, like maybe have the character do a force jump without moving anywhere, or that unarmed "kung-fu" pose except with a lightsaber in hand. That one flurry attack might be cool, too.


i just want to know if it's possible to script a different animation for each lightsaber form when you activate them.

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Originally posted by Lownote

is it possible to script an animation whenever you select a lightsaber form?


No, the handling of saber forms is not scripted but handled internally by the game engine. You can't trigger any events when the player toggles Force/Saber Form AFAIK.


The best you could do as a workaround AFAIK is to detect changes in the active form in the heartbeat script of the controlled character. But since the HB script only runs once every round that could mean that several seconds pass between changing form and the script detecting it, which would look silly and be annoying for this purpose.



(It does appear like they initially intended the different saber forms to have their own unique idle/ready animations as they are listed in the animations table. They probably ran out of time and scrapped it though, since none of those referenced animations appear to exist in the game.)

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1: You can change the key mapping in the options menu.


2: Any animation could work as a flourish, even the ones that arn't done with lightsabers; try unequipping weapons and spacebar-pausing right when your pc begins to do the kung-fu pose, then equip a lightsaber and unpause. There you have an animation that could be used a a flourish.



but that's not what i'm talking about -yet- I want to know if there can be a script that changes the flourish animation when you are using a different lightsaber form.


Shii-cho could use the three standard ones,


Shien might have a flurry attack animation for a flourish.


When the player is using Juyo, the power attack animation could replace the standard flourish


see what i'm saying?

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this is what i'm thinking:


('flourish' is what happens when you press x. 'Pose' is the stance you have between attacks and for a short time after the fluorish.)


Shii-cho - standard animations


Makashi - unarmed flourish and pose


Soresu - 'stab door' flourish and the force power animation as a pose


Ataru - power attack as a flourish (the one that looks like a sort of cartwheel, not the sumersault or the jump-ish one)with a two-weapon fighting pose just for a single weapon.


Shien - pistol flourish/pistol pose


Niman - stun baton flourish/stun baton pose


Juyo - 1 saber has the two-weapon flurish, 2 sabers has the double-bladed flourish, and the double-bladed lightsaber uses the two-weapon flourish. Standard poses.


i know you might think these would look weird but i tested them (mainly by pausing right before the animation and switching weapons to a lightsaber) and they all look pretty cool.


i hope that is clear enough


i think there would need to be a script that checks which lightsaber form is being used (which i think is definately possible) and a script that overrides the standard animations when the particular lightsaber form in question is in use. (not sure if that is possible)

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Originally posted by Lownote

i think there would need to be a script that checks which lightsaber form is being used (which i think is definately possible) and a script that overrides the standard animations when the particular lightsaber form in question is in use. (not sure if that is possible)


Can't be done AFAIK. The animations are mapped to their respective game action hooks in a 2da file. You can't change the content of a 2da file dynamically via in-game scripts. NWScript is very limited in what it allows you to change overall.

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What ive wanted was a 1-Handed Lightsaber stance, taking one of those Animations from the force powers, the kind that shoot forward, not hte ones that stick their hand in the air.


have that animation, and replace the Regular standing holding the lightsaber to that animation


it dont sound like much work to an experianced modder, but it does sound like it could be possible and impossible at the same time.

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Sounds like an animation.2da edit. Just find the line for force power usage, put the text in the line for saber idle stance.


Edit In Response To Below: I'll reply up here, as I don't like posting extra posts that aren't on topic or informative. That blaster was originally intended to be the Bryar Blaster actually, but lacking any good reference shots, it began deviating from the original design, so it's pretty inaccurate now, but still looks cool enough to work as a blaster. Kind of looks like a hair dryer in game though, as it hasn't been skinned yet. :fist: E-11 looks nice ingame though!

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yeah i dont know anything about 2das and stuff. Just that, when i attempted to edit it once, i turned poor mission into a Gammorian. So i stay away from them lol.


Eventually you guys might learn how to edit small animations, such as stances, that dont really move at all. theres a beta for everything


oh, and off topic, but i just took a look at ur Firearms under construction there Mono, and that heavy blaster pistol, is that Kyle Katarn's Bryar Pistol there?


just wondering :p



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