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KOTOR influence question


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I did a search on this and came up with nothing...


This may be a quick yes or no, but I have to think this could be possible to create if no one has already.


Anyway... getting to the point...


I was wondering if KOTOR can allow for influence of party members to be aligned through your main PC alignment to the light side or dark side. Of course TSL allows for this, but not K1. A great thing about K1 is its 5 different portraits for the PC. Editing the portraits.2da wont help through if there is no way of adding light side or dark side points to your NPC.



As many of us know... only able to make Bastila a dark Jedi @ the famous (or infamous I guess) Rakatan temple, so I have to think theres gotta be a way to change other NPCs throughout in the game too. Maybe forget the influence factor and run some script through certain dialogs? I dont know.



Has anyone tried this before? Or is just flat out impossible with the way the game (K1) was written? Would be cool if this is do-able.



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I know its possible to add alignment points through scripts, so I would assume you could do that with the NPC's. But you wouldn't be able to do the actual influence system as the scripts wouldn't have anything to point to (I hope I said that right...). You could probably make a ton of scripts and attach them to tons of dialog, but thats more work than its worth, isn't it?

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Originally posted by DarthMoeller

I know its possible to add alignment points through scripts, so I would assume you could do that with the NPC's. But you wouldn't be able to do the actual influence system as the scripts wouldn't have anything to point to (I hope I said that right...). You could probably make a ton of scripts and attach them to tons of dialog, but thats more work than its worth, isn't it?


thank you for your insight


I agree with scrapping the idea of trying to actually influence the NPCs. But at the same time, also disagree with idea that its not worth the work to do this.


My guess would be to accomplish this... a script would need to be made to point to (in scripting terms) "givedark" or "givelight" points to direct to the NPC needed. Im also guessing seperate scripts would need to be made for each NPC. 2 scripts per NPC... but the tags or tempresrefs are just the only difference. Then these scripts would need to be scattered through various dialogs throughout the game. Yea, it wouldnt be easy, but I wouldnt mind trying it out.


Maybe Im getting too arrogant in that TSL offers a feature KOTOR doesnt, but this is kind of makeshift way of giving your NPCs actual alignment.



this would also give more creedance to what Kreia said about "Influence can be a powerful tool, that was Revan's way I think, it was a strength"



I just need to know how to create the script I think. Wheres a Master scripter when you need them? ;)

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I wonder if you could just add additional functions to the generic alignment scripts, so that when those are fired to give the PC LS or DS points it would also adjust the alignment of your current party members. If its possible(which I think it is) it would be much easyer than trying to edit every dialog in the game and you would only need 6 scripts. I like this idea :)


Here are the scripts in question:








Edit: although now that I think of it,


if Juhani and Jolee are DS it would be a bit strange that they attack you on the temple Summet. the same thing goes for Mission on the beach. This is assuming your PC chose the DS path at that point, but for the rest of the game I think it would be ok.


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I don't know what's your knowledge but you can start with these two threads: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=143412




If you don't understand, then just ask :)


But this means editing tons of .dlg files in the game and creating mod conflitcs. At the end, the behavior of your npcs will not be different at all, the only thing that will change is the alignment meter when you look at the menu :confused:



@Emperor Devon: on the contrary, we encourage members to post their modding questions on the boards as it can be useful to more than one person ;) Some others may be interested in how it's done. If everyone would ask their questions using PMs, then Holowan Labs would simply not exist and only a very few with the technical knowledge would be able to mod it...

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Originally posted by T7nowhere


although now that I think of it,



if Juhani and Jolee are DS it would be a bit strange that they attack you on the temple Summet. the same thing goes for Mission on the beach. This is assuming your PC chose the DS path at that point, but for the rest of the game I think it would be ok.


I would need to re-write that dialog for it to all make sense. And make it so I dont get attacked, re-direct their actions.



Originally posted by Emperor Devon


As for the mod,




Would have to undergo much testing before I call it as a mod. Its a theory yet to be written, a whisper.



Originally posted by Darth333


At the end, the behavior of your npcs will not be different at all, the only thing that will change is the alignment meter when you look at the menu



Would require to re-write some dialog. With critical moments in mind like T7 explained.

"Lets go to the Star Forge and destory Malak" next line "We will deal with these disagreement we have about the Force, later"


And I think it would be conversation that would be anti to what the alignment may not match the additude of the party member without changing. Better that the PC be saying something different than the NPC on certain talks. And about the alignment meter changes... that would make the other characters more atuned to what that side of the Force youd like using in battle.


appearance2da and new looks... or would need to be recorded how to edit the cells. same as below...

Final part: the portraits2da should rightly be edited to allow 5 different pictures of the character.


They all seem connected somehow.

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Originally posted by Darth333

@Emperor Devon: on the contrary, we encourage members to post their modding questions on the boards {snip}



I realize that, there's nothing wrong with posting at Holowan, but now that you're a super moderator busy moderating other parts of Lucasforums, someone could probably get a quicker reply contancting you via PM.

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adding DS portraites for the NPC would be pretty simple, you would only need to


1) make the portraites.

2) add them to the npc's row in portraites.2da( the portrait will change automatically with the npc's alignment.



If you edit the dialogs for key scenes you can add an LS or DS check to the alignment specific dialog nodes.

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yea, the changing of tgas and making new darkside ones should be EZ, and adding the cells here or there.


i could just let those interested know the required renaming of the cells becuase im sure people just dont want to use my edited 2das.


darkside and lightside checks? i hadnt considered... but is a good idea for sure. i figure, script first... then the rest is cosmetic.


the main thing has to be the actual script to give the NPC the force points. the 2 links Darth333 gave helps a lot. i had looked at that 2nd link before and saw it only pertained the PC. but other scripts may apply for acts of isolating the character in question to adjust their stats. and the other thread gives me the idea that alignment (influence) is not as dead as I first thought. thanks by the way.


Anyone... please feel free to posting a test script if you would like. Until then, Im going to try to understand the code for scripts better for myself.

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