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Visas's Arm, Skirted Jedi Robes, Hoodie Button. (Help the NoOb!)


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Forgive me for being a total NoOb :rolleyes: but I had a few questions:



1. Is there a way to make visas dress sleeveless so she has bare arms? I was also planning on swapping her heas with one of the PC heads that I'm recoloring, so should I change out her body and use a recolor of her dress (minus the sleeves) as new " robes"?


2. How would you go about inverting the pattern on her skirt so that its dark lines on a light background (in photoshopCS)?


3. Is it possible to make jedi robes with a skirt using recolored peices of existing files?


4. I want to make an ingame button ( similar to the "unequip weapon" or "activate stealth" buttons) to put up/down hoods on the jedi robes. Basically you push the button and it changes the camera angle to the PC/NPC pushing off the hood like handM does right before she steals the Hawk. I guess to put it back up you could re write it so the action happens in reverse right?

Am I just having pipe dreams here or is this possible (I understand im going to have to steal some of HandM's scripts and rewrite/rename them)?


** Yes I've seen he jedi hood mod and I would probably do something similar only the hood would have to be melded to the robe and it wouldnt really have any of its own properties. Maybe I could use the HandM's default clothes ae the underpart of the robe then modify how they look? Ideas Please?


5. If #4 IS possibe... I'd also like to do something similar for the outer part of the robe (know how Annikin/Obi-WAn throw off thier robes right before they fight Dooku? ) No animation or anything, I just want the look.......Am I just going to have to make a comletely new robe and then equip it to inventory like a regular robe? None of the inner clothes on the robes have backs to them....(suggestions?).... This is going to take ALOT of recoloring, isint it?




Sorry If I've asked the same stuff everyone asks. Reading the Tutorials and looking at other poeple mods has helped me understand alot but I still feel like I'm in the dark.


Thank you to everyone who has made any tool, mod, or tutorial. I'm still a total NoOb but I know alot more now thanks to you.

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Originally posted by Fuu

1. Is there a way to make visas dress sleeveless so she has bare arms?


It probably is. Just reskin her clothing.


Originally posted by Fuu

3. Is it possible to make jedi robes with a skirt using recolored peices of existing files?


I'm no expert at that stuff, but I think it is.


Originally posted by Fuu

4. I want to make an ingame button to put up/down hoods on the jedi robes.


I highly doubt that is possible, and if it is, I don't think anyone would know. As far as I can recall, there have been no mods involving extra in-game buttons.


Originally posted by Fuu

** Yes I've seen he jedi hood mod and I would probably do something similar only the hood would have to be melded to the robe and it wouldnt really have any of its own properties. Maybe I could use the HandM's default clothes ae the underpart of the robe then modify how they look? Ideas Please?


There've been mods similar to that, so I think it is possible.

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#1- Just re-skin her texture to change her sleeves to match her skin.


#2- Click Ctrl+I in Photoshop


#3- If you're talking about K1-style robes, then you'd have to model a new robe, but in that case, you can't unless you want a PC that floats above the ground and for attacks, stops in front of the enemy and does nothing. Or you could make a clear texture, but the TSL robes would look bad with no cape-thingy.


4#- No, unless you make a lot of model animations (not possible right now, but maybe it'll happen soon), a new script that makes the new animation play, and maybe an armband or something that triggers the script.


#5- See #3, they're pretty much the same thing.


I hope that answers your questions :)

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I think I may be able to address a couple of these.


1: You could reskin the arms to appear more "fleshy" however since the model itself is a billowy sleeve, you might not get the desired affect (think really wierd Popeye arms). You could use Replacer to edit the arms to appear more arm-like, but this may be more work than you want to take on. Remember that you still have to skin them *bleh*


As for swapping head, it's easy to do and resources abound. That's the good news. The bad news is that the cowl is part of her head model and OE didn't skin the body parts covered by the cowl. In other words, her shoulders aren't finished and her will appear to hover above her chest unless you change her appearance so that you never see her in her default clothing.


2: From what I know of PS, there are probably several ways to accomplish this. Unfortunately, I don't know what any of them are :(. I'm sure one of the veteran skinners can help here.


3: I'm sure it's possible, but there would be some serious clipping/animation issues.


4: Can't really add new buttons, as that's part of the game engine. You can modify some existing buttons (kinda), but since hood animations are limited to the models they can be found on, you wouldn't be able to add them to something new.


5: Covered in #4, I think.


I hope this helps.

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No buttons ....mmm maybe thats something i can figure out later....


It was my understanding that TSL cuscenes work by sending the PC to an aerea and applying a ghost to use the pc as the camera.


If thats the case then couldnt you extract the script for that cutscene and re write it to fire like you want with the characters/camera angles (like taking off the ghost and setting the camera on the wall) you want?

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1: You could reskin the arms to appear more "fleshy" however since the model itself is a billowy sleeve, you might not get the desired affect (think really wierd Popeye arms). You could use Replacer to edit the arms to appear more arm-like, but this may be more work than you want to take on. Remember that you still have to skin them *bleh*


As for swapping head, it's easy to do and resources abound. That's the good news. The bad news is that the cowl is part of her head model and OE didn't skin the body parts covered by the cowl. In other words, her shoulders aren't finished and her will appear to hover above her chest unless you change her appearance so that you never see her in her default clothing.





Could you give her a new body (& head) and then edit the image of her original clothes and set it as the default clothing?


What about making it so regular jedi robes show up on her body...... would this be achived if i just gave her a generic NPC female body with kotor tool? (BTW Fred Tetra Rocks....I could just kiss him for this tool....wheeeee)

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Originally posted by Fuu

No buttons ....mmm maybe thats something i can figure out later....


You can add new buttons to the GUI by editing the gui definition files, but they wouldn't do anything since there is no underlying game engine code that handles the button. You can't tie a button to a script directly.


Originally posted by Fuu

It was my understanding that TSL cuscenes work by sending the PC to an aerea and applying a ghost to use the pc as the camera.


No, that's how it is done in Neverwinter Nights. KotOR/TSL has separate camera controls detached from the player character. Most cutscenes are run through a dialog file which keeps track of the camera view switches.

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2: From what I know of PS, there are probably several ways to accomplish this. Unfortunately, I don't know what any of them are . I'm sure one of the veteran skinners can help here.


If you are literally wanting to invert her tga in those areas the easiest way would be to use the Polygonal Lasso tool to outline one of the small areas you are wanting to "invert". Bring the selection all the way back to where you first began making it and close the selection. Once its selected go into the pull down menus in pshop and do a: Layer\New Adjustment Layer\Invert


Once you apply the invert filter you will have a new layer with your inverted filter applied on it. Then set your colors foreground and background to black and white. You can then use your polygonal lasso tool to select the next area and then do a CTRL+BACKSPACE or ALT+BACKSPACE on your invert filter layer and depending on how you have your foreground and background colors set the CTRL combo will "add" to your inverted look or take away same for the ALT. Do that repeatedly till you have all of the areas you want edited.


OR you can use the paintbrush tool and hand paint the areas you want to invert on your invert adjustment layer by following along the original layer with your eye till it looks good to you.


Either way will give you your areas you are wanting inverted.


Hope that helps a bit,




ALSO, when your finished you will need to link all layers together and merge them. Save your file as a 32-bit tga and you should be done :D

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Originally posted by Fuu

Could you give her a new body (& head) and then edit the image of her original clothes and set it as the default clothing?


What about making it so regular jedi robes show up on her body...... would this be achived if i just gave her a generic NPC female body with kotor tool? (BTW Fred Tetra Rocks....I could just kiss him for this tool....wheeeee)

Well you would probably want to add the texture to a body that has already been UVMapped (such as her default model). Trying to map another model for that texture or apply the texture to another texture would be...not fun.


Your 2nd idea would be easy to do and would probably look pretty good.

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Originally posted by Achilles

1. You could use Replacer to edit the arms to appear more arm-like....


Can you please post a link to a tutorial on how to do something like this? (guh where is that thing on flattening pockets again? is this even the same as that? I've got her open in nwnmax/gmax.....now what? I'm afraid I'll totally mess her up.)


Originally posted by Achilles The bad news is that the cowl is part of her head model and OE didn't skin the body parts covered by the cowl. In other words, her shoulders aren't finished and her will appear to hover above her chest unless you change her appearance so that you never see her in her default clothing.[/b]



Could I also use the replacer to finish her shoulders?


But then her orig. dress texture wont work on an altered body model.........so how can I keep the shirt/dress part (and edit out the "sleeves"/ make them look like arms in the texture) and make it fit the new model I have? Do I have to make a completely new one? Can I cut and paste below the waist ( since both models with be exactly the same there)?


If i can actually manage to edit the model for visas I want to try making a new model for " skirted" jedi robes (deram the impossible dream people) we'll see what happens....


How come Visas clothes change when she equips armor but not robes (hah is she missing her legs too?) Is this something I can change?



Once again sorry for all the UberNoOb questions and thanks for the help.


Stoffe: thanks for the filenames.



*smacks forhead* I cruzed right by them....... It's hard to think when its 114F and your ac is broken....

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I don't believe there is a tutorial for moving verts. Basically, you have to have a basic knowledge of models, a rough idea of what you want to do, and the patience to do it.


As for the shoulders, it's not a matter of the model, so no, Replacer won't help you. What's missing is texture for the model. You can fix it with an image editing application.


As for Visas wearing armor, that's a 2da edit. Her line in appearance.2da references armor models in the corresponding columns, but not robes in the robe columns. You can fix that pretty easily.


As for the rest of your message, you're talking about fairly advanced model splicing, which may or may not be possible . Don't forget you risk messing up all the helpers that allow for animations ect.

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I've exported p_visasbb-ascii.mdl into Gmax with NWNMax and hidden everything (including ignore_ngon, all the "helpers" etc) I’ve even gone ahead and changed each “sleeve" geom. (are these called objects?) to a different color so I can see WTH I'm doing.


My question now is this:


Are the helpers for the anims tied to the geometry for her actual arms < for example: rforearm_g> or to the geometry for the "sleeves" < for example: RArmNew_Geo>? Or both?!?


I know what everyone says about removing anything, and this is kinda why I ask. If they're tied to the "actual arm" geom. then would removing RArmNew_Geo still break the helpers/anims? If so then why?


If the "helpers" are hidden moving verts wont affect them right?


Any suggestions on moving the verts to closely overlap the regular arms? Ive tried lining it up using the diffrent veiwports and im still tinkering with it.

What If I move them (verts) too far and some end up

"inside" the space of the arm (inside the original arm geometry)?

Would this do anything bad other than causing me to get an insane UV map later? In perspective the "arm" shows up as shaded green.... is this part of her really skinned at all or........?


Also part of the "sleeve" that I woluld have to move the verts on is a dangly mesh.... how do I deal with this part of it so I dont end up with "wiggly skin" after I've retextured?




The more I learn, the more I realize I don’t know.

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