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Why Am I always a Dancer?


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I have now created 3 characters, and every time I begin, it gives me all the basic skills you need to become a dancer. I don't want ot be a dancer! It doesn't give me the option to be anything else. Does anyone know how I can get around this?

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Originally posted by Rogue15

hmm surrender all your profs and go for others?

How do I do that? I haven't gotten far into the game because I haven't figured out how to be something else. And I still don't get why I get the dancer skills. Aren't I supposed to choose what profession I am at the start?

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yeah, technically you're supposed to be able to choose your profession, this happens after you're made your character and named him, it brings up a profession thing that should let you kinda 'scroll' through and choose. i wish my subscription hadn't expired cause i'd try to verify this now.

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Originally posted by Rogue15

yeah, technically you're supposed to be able to choose your profession, this happens after you're made your character and named him, it brings up a profession thing that should let you kinda 'scroll' through and choose. i wish my subscription hadn't expired cause i'd try to verify this now.

I have never gotten this screen to come up. I make my character, pick his clothes, write his background and name him, and then hit next and it starts the game without letting me choose a profession.

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Originally posted by Rogue15

ah...it's the clothes then, the different clothing=different professions.

Ahh. I had never made this connection. I'll have to check it out, it must say which clothes are which profession somewhere. Thanks for your help.

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It doesn't tell me which clothes are which profession...:evil6: I'll have to look on Google, or if anybody knows, your welcome to answer...


EDIT: I changes my clothes to one that looked like nothing a dancer would wear, and I still got Dancer skills! Grr! Why Can't I figure this out?

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Originally posted by Rogue15

do one of them rescans before loading, it may help.

I don't understand.

Originally posted by lil_dude

i think the new char creation gives you all rookie professions?

I only get the dancer/musician abilities when I start.
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Originally posted by Rogue15

ah...it's the clothes then, the different clothing=different professions.


They took away that. You start with every basic profession now. Press CTRL+S, and click on Entertainer. Click on the Novice Box (The Green One), and click on "Surrender Skill", then you get a screen where to type "Yes", or "No", type "Yes", there, no more entertainer :)

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Originally posted by McCusto

They took away that. You start with every basic profession now. Press CTRL+S, and click on Entertainer. Click on the Novice Box (The Green One), and click on "Surrender Skill", then you get a screen where to type "Yes", or "No", type "Yes", there, no more entertainer :)

I wonder why it said I only had dancing skills only then in the dialog box...at any rate, you are probably right, I'll check it out. Thanks for everybody's help :)

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I got it figured out. I guess I was seeing the "start dancing", "stop dancing", etc skills it gives you at the beginning that it automatically gives you. Sorry for all my confusion, I guess I just thought that if I was getting those skills it was because my proffession is a dancer. O well, I got it all figured out now.

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