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Coruscant CTF map


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It's a bit...well, plain. You could add a bit more architectural detail (in the form of brushes) where you now have plain or tiled textures, just to make the flat surfaces a bit more varied and 3D. At the very least, split some of those huge flat expanses up with trim textures. Just give the whole map a once-over like that and I'll be happy.


The drop-off into space at the edges is funny, too...I suggest a portal sky with some brushwork buildings to break that effect up.

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OK well I've been adding some detail in here on the walls and such, and here are a couple of updated shots. I stuck with the detail brush buildings around the outside rather than create a new skybox because they look more 3d this way. anywhere you see a dropoff into space, will most likely be covered by the other brushes when i copy and flip the blue side. :) also, there is a funny artifact in the upper right corner on the first few shots, so ignore that, as my winamp playlist spilled over my JA window and messed up the SS process ;)









yea I know it doesnt look that great, but Im trying to design it for good Gun gameplay as well ;)

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