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Advanced Ripping Required

Darth Groovy

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When I listen to Nine Inch Nails on Winamp, one song starts, as the other song finishes, and it sounds like a mix. No matter what order the songs play in, it sounds cool as hell. I want a program that will record to a cd that way, so I can hear it in my car.


Nero will cross fade, but it only edits out any dead space between tracks.


Anybody know what I am talking about?:confused:

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You know what I am saying though right? Like if you went to a club, or even sometimes on the radio, one song will still be playing when the other one starts. In the case with Nine Inch Nails, it just sounds awsome, plus it's a cool way to fit more songs on a blank CD.

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It may not be possible - I know some CD players have a mandatory 2 seconds in between tracks. It was a real bitch in my old discman...


But otherwise, I'll try looking into it.

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Hey Grooveski. So are you trying to just copy an existing CD that has the 'mix effect' or do you want to make one from other tracks...


please note - you will need to convert to an audio format like .cda to enable this(most proggies will do this automgaically :) )


Theres heaps of 'mix table' type software used by DJs and the like


Nero soundtrax/wave editor definitely also will allow you to apply similar effects...


of course, adobe audition(formerly cool edit) is awesome, but it costs. Still, you can try the demo :) My stepson uses it amongst other proggies to process recorded audio materials...says its darn good... linkage


Realplayer 10 plus apparently support this function, and something else you can try as a demo is Dexster



Roxio definitley has it, I have used it sometimes...Im actually not a fan of that effect, but its there(see pic)

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It might be possible, but unless your cd player has a crossfade option you are gonna have to "hard burn" it into the cd.


This would involve turning it into one big track edited together (fairly easy with most editing software) and then maybe splitting it up again at certain points. Gonna sound bad if you random play it though...:D

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yes, theres a couple of ways to go about it. The more complicated way would be to edit teh audio and use a track splitter for burning.


Roxio, as shown above allows you to actually do this to separate tracks and burn them hence, no need to recompile a seperate set of edited audio.


If you know anyone who'se got it grooves, thats prolly your best bet, its *very* user friendly, unlike other software I have mentioned above. To bad you aint around my neck o the woods, you could borrow mine :p



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I do it the hard way and manually edit tracks so I have a nice custome fade.


Run it through nero's wave edit, or if you have it Adobe Audition. If you have audition you can actually set it to do the cross fades itself and burn through Audition. But being the overcomplicating bastard I am, I do it my way.

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