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^ Uh.

< Is in utter amazement how people can read my rants, and not be affected by them. They must not have read them. WHich leads e to one conclusion: Nobody here knows how to read. Which makes sense, because it is well-demonstrated that nobody here knows how to write either.

V The usual slack-jawed yowel nub that posts in this thread.

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^ Well you know me. I gotta get paid.

< Thinks that K-J should stop wondering if his posts are actually read by anyone at all, because the simple and plain answer is: Yes! It's just that noone here has enough brain capacity to abstract whatever he is trying to say. Except himself, of course. But he just can't be bothered.

v Hey you there! Do you have your mother's permisson to wear her underpants?

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^ These are mine. They're MY black-laced panties.

< Enjoys crossdressing, slavery, communist, naziism, roman centurians, william shatner, and all other sorts of controversial topics

V Understands, and makes a lewd reference involving Tycho Brahe.

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