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KOTOR 3 guessings.


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Someone said that carth could be dead depending of how you played K1, but when and where I dont remember this option and i played the game 3 times ?


Here's what I did:

Play female Revan. Go LS all the way to the end, then on the Unknown planet, switch to the dark side. Carth will run away, and then come to the star forge to try and convert you one last time. You can't accept the offer, and he ends up dead.



That's how it worked for me, anyway. Though really, the ending I always WANTED was:

Play female Revan. Go grey all the way. At the end, make the DS choice, and be a bad-ass. Then at the last possible moment (when Carth comes to the star forge and tells you to reconsider), do it. Sadly, you don't get the option to take him up on the offer. All the dialog options lead to his death.


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Yeah, I do want to see some people from the earlier ones back, and some of the others making appearances, but I just don't want to see a party made up entirely KotOR I and II characters, as people have suggested.


Just out of curiousity, which ones would you like to see: (a) as possible party members, and (b) making appearances?

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possible party members-

(a) T3-M3


after that, I am not really sure, maybe one of these-



Bastila(if she is still alive)


As I said, I don't want all of those, just one or two of them. For making reappearances, I would like to see-

(b)Mission Vao

Carth Onasi

Bastila (I know I already mentioned her but I would like her to reappear if she doesn't become a party member)

Jolee(maybe as a force ghost)

Visas Marr


That is what I might like for party members and reappearances.

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Hi to all. I am of the opinion that the story in KOTOR III can be as exciting -if not more- as the prequels with a completely new PC. It will have to be a slightly bigger story though. Let's assume that there are troubled times -as always in Star Wars universe- and you start with a new character. This character will be no Jedi with the choice, as in KOTOR I, to be soldier, scout or scoundrel and the player will face tough challenges as an entry point (much like Taris or Peragus), where there will be encounters who will give information on the story about what happened to Revan and the exile, but not before asking the player some info about their genre and alignment. It could also be that, in connection to the player's alignment and the responses given earlier, an encounter with Revan or the exile can be arranged so that one of them becomes the player's tutor (maybe in a quest to stop the other one?), like Kreia's role in II. The possibilities are limitless.

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Another idea I had is... how would you like it if you could save your character at the end of the game and be able to insert it as a starting point in KOTOR 4 say? Could it be done? I guess it could and, if it did, would you people like it to start KOTOR 4 from where you left KOTOR 3 off?

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Another idea I had is... how would you like it if you could save your character at the end of the game and be able to insert it as a starting point in KOTOR 4 say? Could it be done? I guess it could and, if it did, would you people like it to start KOTOR 4 from where you left KOTOR 3 off?


You could probably do something like that as some sort of expansion pack or something, but a new game needs to appeal to new players, and you wouldn't be able to do that in that fashion.

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Know what'd be awesome? Someone was talking about importing your character from 3 to 4. It wouldn't be too difficult to make you able to port Revan or the Exile from your previous saved games into 3 if they decide to make either of them the main character. That way, your running the game directly from the choices you made before and you don't got to get some vague references about them through some old bitch in a hood.

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Ok, this time I am going to let you mortals all see what my great mind is thinking about for characters (well, not really), but anways...If you look at KI and KII, there is obvious similarities between the party members. THe main characters are alike (not necessarily in personality), but in what type of character. So I think that you will have-


Female Jedi Guardian :slsaber: (main character, romance option for males)

Male person with blasters :twogun: (main character, romance option for females)



Another Jedi [i want to see someone like Canderous' (or another character from I or II) daughter or son who was force sensitive. Now that would be cool. He/she would have a lightsaber but at the same time carry around a big gun and wouldn't be able to make up his/her mind what to use (:saberb: or :blubeam:?). That might make some really funny scenes]

A non-Jedi Alien :greedo: (the mission vao/mira character. This time, I want a rodian with a blaster and vibroblade that is super quick with a pistol :jumpfire:, it is time we had one. I also want him to be trainable as a jedi)

A wookie :wookiee: [i realize that there are people who hate wookies, but I think that we at least should be able to have th chewbacca character. Also, I would like it if somebody could train him as a jedi (now there is an idea for a mod of KotOR I-make zaalbar a jedi). There have been jedi wookies you know!]

Heavy Weapons Guy :blaze6: (It would be good if Canderous was back again, or at least a mandalorian or someone else well suited for the part)

A Jedi or Soldier (For KotOR III I hope that they will put in a regular soldier, maybe of the opposite gender with their own republic armor. He/She could also be trained as a Jedi.


That is my general idea for the characters. Please let me know what you think about the ideas for the characters or the list of the types of characters itself.

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This time, I want a rodian with a blaster and vibroblade that is super quick with a pistol


Yeah I agree it would be great to get a rodian


And i would like a droid that can be equipped with with vibroblade, it could be an Hk version ( I hope they will finish the Hk-50 story in the 3)

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You could probably do something like that as some sort of expansion pack or something, but a new game needs to appeal to new players, and you wouldn't be able to do that in that fashion.



I completely understand your point, but, hey, it will be a new game, but not a new story. Whoever wants to import their character from a previous game will be free to do so, whoever is new to the series could get to choose his/her character, much in the way we get to choose the character we're starting with, only this time, more points will be available to spend on many feats and/or main force powers and attributes. The 20 level limit would have then found a new purpose, to have everyone start from the same level in the sequel.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm new to this forum so I don't know if this has been discussed, but since Kotor III is rumored to be about 14 years after Kotor II (and thus about 19-20 years after Kotor I), could the PC be the offspring of Revan & Carth/Bastila? Such a character would have strong motivation to head off after Revan (and clearly potential as Jedi material!!) & may even have trained at Handmaiden's/Disciple's school for Jedi. Kotor III could even start there. A way-out-there conjecture i know, but something to consider.

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I don't think that has been really discussed, but I think that Revan would have left and gone to the Unknown Regions before that could have happened. Of course, Bastila might have gotten pregnant, but as for if Revan was female, I doubt that she would have gotten pregnant and had the time to have the baby before she went off into the unknown regions. And personally, I hope that it is not 14 years after KotOR II, I think it should be a little bit shorter.

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I'm new to this forum so I don't know if this has been discussed, but since Kotor III is rumored to be about 14 years after Kotor II (and thus about 19-20 years after Kotor I), could the PC be the offspring of Revan & Carth/Bastila? Such a character would have strong motivation to head off after Revan (and clearly potential as Jedi material!!) & may even have trained at Handmaiden's/Disciple's school for Jedi. Kotor III could even start there. A way-out-there conjecture i know, but something to consider.


I started a thread about that the possibility of been revan's son : Story idea for kotor 3

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And i would like a droid that can be equipped with with vibroblade, it could be an Hk version ( I hope they will finish the Hk-50 story in the 3)


I am totally with you on that one. HK-47 is my bad-ass. I don't want my bad-ass hiding in the back of the party.

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I saw someone came up with the idea to make it possible to import your character from kotor 3 to kotor 4. Can't they do the same thing for kotor 3? why not give the option to import your revan and exile from the save files (though have the option to randomly generate them, for those who don't own kotor 1 or 2). It would solve all the problems with revan and the exiles unique gender and appearence. Only problem is that most people would properbly just run around with revan and the exile since they can customize them to perfectly suit their needs, and make them much better then the other party members.

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Yeah, but as you said, they need to be able to actually have another option like custimazing them in-game, because some people don't actually own KotOR, even if they have played it. I personally don't like the idea, but that is just my opinion. And besides, even in my games, my Revan is almost always different in my save games, due to all the options. What would you do, just pick a random save file every time you start a game? And how would you do that if the save game was in the middle of the game (I am actually asking this last one because I don't know how that would work, if at all).

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The xbox would simply ask you which data file of Kotor and data file of kotor 2 you would like to input. This was the original idea behind kotor 2 before they went with the exille idea. The personality of each of the NEW NPC's would be based solely upon alignments including Nuetral alignment if your characters were that at the end.


Or as stated in another thread. The NPC's would ask some pretty simple questions during gameplay that would dictate who your previous PC's were. Such as gender, alignment, etc. All these questions could be satisfied. But I think in regards to REVAN, the mask is easier to convey than the exxile. The exille's look would require you to answe more question during gameplay.


My Kotor Idea includes this suggestion. Its easier to program in teh choose your own adventure style game play.

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@ Gasha: There's no way of importing the exile, as, in each game, there might be huge differences in level between people's games, so that could mean a different starting point for everyone, which is not good. This limitation, however, does not exist for Revan in KOTOR I (there was a limit in twentieth level).


As for x-box, people, I'm sorry I have never gotten a console such as this one, so I don't know how -or if- it could be done. But importing characters is an idea that could be implemented in next installments of the KOTOR story, if it cannot be done for the previous ones.

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Importing characters would suck...that could be ok for an expansion pack but a starting a new game at lvl 30 or so? Forget it. I wouldn't even buy the game. They want to be able to attract a new audience, not just people who already own the game...


Let's start fresh with a new PC: there are better chances to get a good story than just an all patched together "thing" and it's always more interesting.

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