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The Hunt for the Sith Hunter


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Craig chuckled, "Superhuman abilities, yes. Implants, no. I don't believe in doing anything artificially. The long lifespan, well let's just say cyrogenics and some time being gone beyond the regions of Known Space combined can have some lasting effects. I'll explain more about it later. Let's finish up here."

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"I believe she was referring to the Sith Hunter implants..." Riebe said. "Y'know... the stuff the Sith gave us before sending us out to kill Jedi? Then again, you did have that removed by the Jedi, now didn't you?" She chuckled and turned to Curt. "Nice of you to come back... and nice kill. I can see why Nadira asked you to come along."


"You're forgetting something, Sith Hunter," the leader of the Dark Jedi taunted. "Me!"


A clear barrier came up, separating Riebe and the leader from the rest of the group while allowing them to be seen.


"Do you really think you can defeat me?" Riebe laughed. "After seeing what we did to your men?"


"Perhaps," he answered, igniting a saber staff. Riebe stared at it in astonishment.


"Where did you get that?" she asked quietly. The man smirked and attacked. Riebe drove him back and repeated her question.


"It's been passed down my family line," he answered. "My father found it just after the Empire was created." He laughed. "Ironic, isn't it? I'm fighting the leader of the Sith Hunters with the first weapon she ever created!"


"A pity you have to loose it now," Riebe told him. The fight continued and Riebe managed to block every attack, but after a few minutes of fighting, she used the Force to slam him against the barrier. The blow caused him to loose his grip on the saber and Riebe snatched it up. She clipped the other two sabers to her belt and the man took up his red saber.


Riebe held up a hand. "Before we continue, I have some things I must say. Your form is rather loose. It's clear you hadn't ever used this type of weapon before this one. Here, let me show you how it's done."


Memory is a funny thing. Sometimes, memories are of short term things... you can easily forget some things. Other things simply don't leave you. Even after so many years, Riebe had not forgotten her old weapon. Her fighting style was decidedly acrobatic and stunningly graceful. The viewers half wondered if she was simply dancing around the Dark Jedi leader.


"Note to self," Alyssa whispered. "Never ever get on her bad side."


Slashing, blocking, jabbing, flipping, sliding. Riebe was a blur. The man couldn't keep up. In exactly thirty seconds, Riebe's blade found its way through his chest and the dance ended. The barrier dropped and Riebe shut off her saber, clipping it to her belt next to the single saber on her right hip.


"Well, we've done what we came to do," she said, nodding to Jokemaster. The far end of the room began to collapse and Riebe whirled to face the source of the noise. "I think that we're receiving more than a suggestion here..." She turned. "Run!"

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Craig answered Riebe's comment shortly after she said it, "They tried to implant me with it, yes. I escaped to the Jedi before it was ever entirely active in me, and they managed to remove it without me causing extensive damage."


He watched the duel with a smirk on his face. He could barely remember the last time he saw her use her original fighting style, and remembered how much he'd learned from her in his Sith Hunter days.


Now, with the room collapsing, Craig rushed to help get the others out of the room first. "C'mon everyone get going! Go!" He pushed everyone out of the room, and as soon as the last person was out, he followed behind them.

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Though it had taken them several minutes to get as deep into the temple as they had gone, the group made it out in less than a minute as the entire temple collapsed.


"Make sure the killers die with the killed," Riebe said quietly. She walked up to Jokemaster and handed him the communicator. "This belongs to you, I believe."


She turned to stare at the pile of rubble that had once been a temple. Alyssa, Caitlin, Erica, and Nadira were staring also.


"They took the phrase 'bury the evidence' quite literally," Alyssa whispered. Riebe nodded.


"It's a pity too," she said. "There's no telling what kind of records might have been kept in a place like this."


"Now we'll never know," Caitlin said quietly. Riebe nodded and shrugged.


"Come," she said. "We should leave this place. Korriban isn't exactly a desirable vacation destination... let's try... Gerv for our little reunion catch-up, shall we?"

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Craig nodded, "Sound's like a good idea to me. Besides, I'm the one that disappeared in the middle of the Sith Hunter's, and I've been through some mysterious ventures through the Unknown Regions, I'm sure you all want to hear about that too," he added with a slight grin.


He turned to Alyssa and smiled, "For a first timer without the Force, you did exceptionally well. You're incredible learning curve reminds me of myself when I was a Jedi student."

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Craig turned and looked at Riebe, "Can't believe you actually figured me dead though. C'mon Riebe. I've cheated death many a time before, and I was trained by the best after I left the Order," and with the best straight face he could keep, he finished, "Me, myself, and I." He grinned, then shook his head and corrected himself, "I can't say I'd have lasted anywhere as long as I have without the things I learned from you and the rest of the Sith Hunters, Riebe."

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Craig shrugged, "I think Korriban's a friendly pla-" he trailed off, realizing he had converted to Sith for quite awhile, "Nevermind, sorry, that's my personal experience. I forgot very few here actually were real Sith for awhile." He chuckled, looking around Korriban, "This place was almost a second home for me, my thirst for competition in my early years of Jedi training thrived here. Luckily I've grown out of that stage."

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"Luckily indeed," Caitlin joked. "Come on... let's get out of here."


She headed for the ship she and the 'Sith Hunter' Hunter group arrived on. "We're out of room, thanks to the addition of Alyssa. Craig, do you want to go in the other ship? With your old friends?"


"We'll take Alyssa too," Riebe said suddenly. "That is... if she doesn't mind the idea of flying with legends."


"Legends indeed," Alyssa answered. "It is an honor to fly with you."

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Craig shrugged, "I'll keep in contact with you all over video intercom, my ride is here," he said with a grin. In moments, Craig's massive, sleek starfighter, the Ragnarok (if anyone's played Final Fantasy 8, you know what it looks like) descended and landed nearby. Craig looked at the group, "If anyone wants to ride along with me, they're more than welcome. Otherwise I'll chat with you all over the intercom because I'll get bored otherwise."

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"The New Jedi Order tells of the Legend of the Sith Hunters," Alyssa told Jokemaster. "I'm sure it's quite inaccurate... we could use three real Sith Hunters to help us get the history right." She looked at Craig. "I'll ride with you!"


"That means you have me too, Craig... or should we be calling you Flamehart now?" Riebe said with a chuckle. "Honestly, I thought I had too many names to keep track of..."

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Craig chuckled and nodded at Jokemaster, Alyssa and Riebe, "Very well." He responded to Riebe's comment, "Call me whichever you want, I think I'll formally adopt Strider Flamehart again when I speak with Luke about going back to the Order, but otherwise I'll still respond to both." He looked over at Caitlin and Erica, "You two be careful now, if we run into any trouble on the way back, let me know and leave it to me. The Ragnarok's been fitted with some stuff you wouldn't think is available for a starfighter that'll keep whatever tries to stop us in check."

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"I'll take my ship, well one of my ships, I believe I left one here last time I came...Ah yes, I'll meet up with you up there." Curt said as he hopped on his speeder and drove off in the direction away from the city. He finally came to a cave. He walked in and found the ship.

"Heh, I don't remember this one.." Curt said to himself as he looked over to X-wing. He got in it, started it up, made sure everything was working and then took off.

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((Hey cmon guys wake up, don't let this die, yeah its kinda over but they have to meet back up on the watchtower))


After a quite a bit of time, the Ragnarok descended into the Watchtower's airspace. Craig waited for Riebe to instruct him as to where to land and did so, waiting for the others to arrive.

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