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I'm glad that Lucasarts is coming out with another expansion for Star Wars: Galaxies!


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If you are as avid Star Wars fan as myself, then you are goinbg to get pissed on the amount of Jedi in the game.

Keep in mind when playing that this game has nothing to do with the prequals other than being set 20 years after Ep. III and having left over stuff from that era.

The timeline of this game is set a few months after the destruction of the first Death Star, and as most Star Wars fans knows, the Jedi wasn't around to restore peace to the galaxy again. This time it was up to the regular man and woman to defeat the Sith (with alittle help from Luke, Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Yoda).


Yes, It seems that what LucasArts did is they implemented Star Wars Galaxies: Online with add-ons to it that did not follow chronologically with the Movies. This is very true. I, also, suspect this was done to lure more gamers to the Star Wars Galaxies: Online platform, hence; it was a way for Sony Online Entertainment and LucasArts to generate more players, thus, they made more money. However, I believe it adds to the replay value of the game. Like I had mentioned in an earlier post, all of this controversy is being spurred because of the mistakes and flaws that need to be fixed in the most recent Publish 22 mod for the game. After Sony Online Entertainment and LucasArts make the appropriate corrections that need to be made with Publish 22, I believe that online gamers will start getting back to their normal playability for the game and people will settle down. Only time will tell there.



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I was just like you Darth when i got this game a month and a half ago. Full of fire and galactic passion, then i played the game and very quickly i realised this is not star wars as we know it. Far from anything you will have seen in the movies, the only connection is the skins and names. Dont expect adventures seen in the fillms, expect long boring hours spent killing countless dewbacks and banthas in order to get higher levels only to get there and think "erm now what?" this is a very fruitless game, the only reward is the friends you make. BTW why do you have to put the ® after everything? it's not like Sony cares enough to read these player forums so dont worry about being sued.


Higgsy, don't lose your desire for online gaming for Star Wars just because of one bad Publish (or for the case of Star Wars Galaxies: Online multiple bad Publish mod releases ;-)) Like I had mentioned on several previous posts, just have the patience for Sony Online Entertainment and LucasArts to fix the bugs and further smooth out the game mechanics of Star Wars Galaxies: Online. It may take a few more days or maybe even weeks but be rest assured the problems with Publish 22 have already been identified to Sony Online Entertainment and LucasArts and they should be in the process of correcting these game flaws as we speak. Oh, and I wasn't sure if the ® didn't need to be included but if any representative from Sony Online Entertainment or LucasArts reads any of my previous posts on this forum then I wouldn't want them to believe that I didn't want to give them the credit that they deserved for any of their released products ;).



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Kid, I've flown from one side of the galaxy to the other, and seen alooot of strange stuff. But I haven't seen anything that would make me believe SOE is about to correct the misstakes they've done so far. ;)


Just a load of wishfull thinking if you ask me. :p


It's not just wishful thinking. I actually believe in 'a new hope' for Star Wars Galaxies: Online to correct their mistakes. BTW nice quote by Han Solo from Star Wars Episode IV: A new hope ;).

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It's not just wishful thinking. I actually believe in 'a new hope' for Star Wars Galaxies: Online to correct their mistakes.
Looks like you're on your own. Everyone else has (rightfully) lost faith in SOE to fix the problems. I doubt galaxies will ever be the game it could have been... Which is sad, really, because a SW mmo could have so much potential.
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Looks like you're on your own. Everyone else has (rightfully) lost faith in SOE to fix the problems. I doubt galaxies will ever be the game it could have been... Which is sad, really, because a SW mmo could have so much potential.


Haven't you ever believed in anything DarthMoeller. Having that negative attitude doesn't help the situation of the new Publish to come out. It will be 'a new hope' for Star Wars Galaxies: Online. Just give SOE and LucasArts a chance. Please, try to be more optimistic about the release of the new Publish.



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Over 2 years of giving them a chance to correct the game, which wasn't all that bad in the beginning mind you, I actually loved the game for 9 months happily ignoring what most people complain about cause it didn't affect me that much, even though I played what was considered one of the weakest profession in the game at the time (carbineer). My disbeliefe and loss of faith in this game started to dwindle when Jedi started to show up more and more frequently, and the Combat Upgrade being pushed back more and more in favour of a Jedi Rewamp which made the population even greater. This was 1 and ahalf year ago. The Jedi Rewamp even included a Jedi Council, and even worse, a DarkJedi Council (waydago and rub salt in the wound guys :thumbsup: ).


There's more, but I don't have time to write it out again. Search around the forums for it.

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Haven't you ever believed in anything DarthMoeller. Having that negative attitude doesn't help the situation of the new Publish to come out. It will be 'a new hope' for Star Wars Galaxies: Online. Just give SOE and LucasArts a chance. Please, try to be more optimistic about the release of the new Publish.



Theyve had more than enough time to srt the mess out,but all they do is make it worse

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Over 2 years of giving them a chance to correct the game, which wasn't all that bad in the beginning mind you, I actually loved the game for 9 months happily ignoring what most people complain about cause it didn't affect me that much, even though I played what was considered one of the weakest profession in the game at the time (carbineer). My disbeliefe and loss of faith in this game started to dwindle when Jedi started to show up more and more frequently, and the Combat Upgrade being pushed back more and more in favour of a Jedi Rewamp which made the population even greater. This was 1 and ahalf year ago. The Jedi Rewamp even included a Jedi Council, and even worse, a DarkJedi Council (waydago and rub salt in the wound guys :thumbsup: ).


There's more, but I don't have time to write it out again. Search around the forums for it.


Like I had mentioned before, I am an avid Star Wars Fan. I watched the Star Wars episodes even back when I was around 6-9 years old for the Classic Star Wars Series on Vhs. I am 24 now. I've waited about 10 years before the new series episodes came out (with Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. I was willing to wait 10 years for the new series to be released. I think I can wait several more months for the new publish to be released. ;)



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Theyve had more than enough time to srt the mess out,but all they do is make it worse


Hey fozzie22, I'm not going to go into what I had mentioned several posts earlier about how many people that the Sony Online Entertainment team has to account for in making the best publish release possible. If you want my views on it, I have posted them on one of the earlier posts on this thread. I believe it was one of my # 1-4 posts on this thread. Just scroll up on your browser and you will find it. I have given a thorough explanation about the massive amount of people who are logged on to play Star Wars Galaxies: Online. With this being the case, it should be made clear why Sony Online Entertainment is having some difficulty narrowing down the right fixes that work for any given Publish released.



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either way my subsription ran out yesterday and galaxies was uninstalled within an hour. Ahh, disk space for my old computer. Tomorrow im goin out to buy a REAL star wars game, BATTLEFRONT. No plot, no character play, no customisation futher than controls...kept me goin for 5 months on single-player xbox, Galaxies "the ultimate star wars game" kept me happy about 6 weeks. Maybe SOE should just leave the game alone now with its bugs than making more, the game is f**ked but i doubt they will be able make it all better without scraping everythin and goin back to basics. And please dont use that 'a new hope' line, it was funny the first time. Its good that you have faith but after a short period you may find your self being angry at SOE, i hope you are right about them being able to save this burnin wreckage of a game, but dont hold your breath.


And thats all form me folks! Had my fun and now im off to bigger and better games, but i'll be sure to drop in every now and then. Ciao for now guys!

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I find it very hard to believe you are an avid Star Wars fan as you claim to be, particulary if you are actually playing the game. If you were as avid Star Wars fan as myself, and I consider myself a very avid Star Wars fan, then you would be absolutely appalled what they (being SOE mainly, I cannot believe LA is conciously screwing up Star Wars in this mannor) are doing to this game.


And Publish 22 didn't introduce the problem, it just added to an already existing problem, a problem that has been increasing with almost every publish that has come before it. I'm sorry, I mean problems.


The main problem being how to figure out what the hell kind of time period are we playing in here?!?!

Is it right after the destruction of the first Death Star as was announced it would be when they launched the game alittle over 2 years ago? Or is it the Clone Wars era?!? It feels like both really. Or rather, they are trying to squeeze as much of the history of Star Wars into one time.


But who am I to try and convince you. You'll either hang on long enough for them to fix it, which I doubt they are ever gonna propperly do (they may fix some things, but to correct the game entirely I just don't see it happening, cause it would involve the removal of Jedi, and that's impossible cause there's too many non-Star Wars fans playing the game who would never accept it), or, you'll lose all respect for the game for all the nonsence they are doing to a Star Wars title.



This game had such a huge potential to be great, and was for atleast the first 6-8 months it was released, and they screwed it up utterly with all the time eras that you play at the same time.

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