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[Fanfic] The Plight of Darkness

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Thanks, Yuuzhan, I'm glad you like it so much.


Again, I'm sorry, but I've had to cut this chapter a little short as well.


Now then, on we go!




---Chapter Six---


“Alright, let’s see…” the Exile said, beginning to scan through the nav’s history. “We have…the Star Forge System…Dantooine…Kashyyk…Taris…Dxun…”

“That must be when he was dropping the rest of the crew off.” Carth said, watching the planets scan by.

“Then we’ve got…Nar Shaddaa…Onderon…Dantooine…Courescant…and…” they watched with bated breath as the last entry in the nav. computer scrolled into view, “…the Star Forge System. Again.”

“But then how did the Republic cruiser pick it up? It was out by the Peragus station.” Carth asked.

“I know, that just doesn’t add up…” Elron said.

“Excuse me.” Brianna said, pushing between them and pulling up the full galaxy map. Several planets popped into life as pulsing dots of light. She hit another button and a red line grew between the different pulsing lights like a connect-the-dots.

“There.” she said.

“Oh…” Elron said, surprised that he hadn’t thought of it.

“Wait a second.” Atton said, “There’s the Star Forge System,” he said, pointing to a light, “there’s Dantooine, Kashyyk, Taris, Dxun, Nar Shaddaa, Onderon, Dantooine, Courescant, and then his second visit to the Star Forge System. But then, look at this.” he said, tracing a finger along a final red line that lead to another point of light outside the system.

“What is that?” Visas asked.

“Good question,” the Exile answered, pinpointing and enlarging the area.

“It’s a planet!” Carth exclaimed.

“Aye…but why didn’t it come up in the Nav-computer?” the Exile said.

“Who knows, but I bet you we’ll find something there.” Carth said, “Can I use your comm.?”

“Sure…” Elron said, still scanning the map.

The Admiral activated the comm. punching in a few numbers.

“Bastila, we’ve got a clue.”



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Short and sweet, but good. Allow me to request something...if you are having writer's block, please take your time. Even though I am quite anxious to read each new installment, I would rather wait if it means longer chapters. Keep up the good work!


Oh, and by the way, Kashyyyk is spelled with 3 "y"s.

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Thanks for the help everyone! As promised, her is a longer chapter...




---Chapter Seven---


As the Jedi joined them, Carth and Atton punched in new hyperspace coordinates, and the ship shot away


“So tell me, Carth, what have you found?” Bastila asked as the Admiral handed the controls over to Atton.

“It actually wasn’t me who found it, it was the Exile.” Carth said, pointing over to Elron who was still studying the holo-image of the unknown planet.

Bastila walked over, standing next to Elron. “Any ideas?” she asked.

“None. I’ve never seen this planet before…I didn’t even know it existed…” the Exile’s voice faded into silence.

“Do you think he’s there?” Bastila said, her voice faltering and tears threatening to fall.

“It’s…hard to say…this is the last entry in the charts…but I have no idea. I would think so…”

“Well,” Carth said, joining them, “We’ll find out when we get there, won’t we?”


A few hours later, Elron and Briana sat meditating in the cargo hold. Slowly, Elron stood.

“Are you ready?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” the Handmaiden said, whipping out her pike.

“Right.” Elron said, hefting a double-bladed Echani foil.

They both slid into a fighting stance, each watching the other for a movement that would betray their next move.

Elron decided to take the offensive. He leaped forward, swinging down. As his apprentice lowered her pike to ward off the attack, Elron quickly switched his grip, pulling the blade up, and it passed just under her chin as she jumped back. Elron spun into a kneel, swinging his blades across, aiming for her legs, but she nimbly jumped the seeking edge, flipping her pike and forcing the point downward as she came back down to the deck. Elron rolled out of the way, landing in a crouch. His legs firing like pistons, he again leapt at her, blade held high. He struck at her left, then her right, brought the blade up, then back down again, swept across her middle, kicked out at her, and slammed his blade down hard.

However, each attack was blocked or dodged by the Echani warrior. He flung yet another blow at her, but she blocked it yet again. However, this time their blades caught in mid-air, and neither gave way. Each pushed against the other, locked in a contest of strength, trying to force the other’s blade down.

Then, the Handmaiden used a Force-push, blowing Elron away a few paces, but he stopped himself before going too far. But, he stopped within range of her pike. She whipped the other end of the pike up, landing a vicious blow to Elron’s right cheek, drawing blood. The force of the hit knocked Elron to the floor. As Briana, brought her pike up to finish the duel, Elron rolled away, rolled back, knocked her legs out from under her, and rested a dull edge of a blade at her throat.

Breathing rather heavily, she acknowledged the defeat, and Elron extended a hand, helping her to her feet.

“Thanks.” she said as she fought to catch her breath.

“Good fight. You’re getting better.” Elron said, setting the Echani foil against the wall.

Just then, they exited hyperspace.

There was a jolt and Briana lost her balance. Before she hit the ground, Elron caught her, and they ended up in a rather…awkward position.

“Thanks again…” she said with a smile.

“No problem.” he said, returning her grin.


Elron looked up to see Visas standing in the doorway. Her eyes were narrowed in…was it jealousy?...at the lack of space between apprentice and master. Elron hastily stood, helping Briana to stand again.

“If I could…interrupt you for a moment, Master, we have reached our destination.” she said.

“Right…thank you, Visas.” he said, and she walked away, him following. He paused before leaving the room, turning back to Briana. He opened his mouth to say something, but his courage faltered, and he said, “Coming?”

“Of course, master.” she said, securing her lightsaber to her belt.


The planet was a misty, dark, swamp and forest filled piece of space rock that appeared uninhabited. Animals ran through the foliage, dancing on the edge of vision, before disappearing again. Screeches and squawks echoed and bounced around the clearing that the Ebon Hawk had set down in.

“Oooookay, this has to be just about the creepiest place that I’ve ever been. I doubt that even Voga’s restroom is scarier than this place.” Mira said as she surveyed the area.

“Looks deserted to me.” Atton said.

“I saw a building as we came down.” Bastila said as she stepped off the loading ramp.

“As did I.” said Bao-Dur, “If I’m not mistaken, it’s further north of here.”

“Well, I guess that would be a good place to start.” Carth said, pulling a blaster from his holster, “If its one thing that I learned while traveling with Revan, it’s that you never want to go unprepared.” he said at the others incredulous looks.


They began to trudge through the foliage, cutting away underbrush, branches, and vines as they went along.

A shiver went down Elron’s spine as they marched.

“Elron,” Briana asked, “are you alright?”

“Yeah, I’m fine…it’s just…this place brings back some bad memories. It’s too much like…”

“Dxun.” the Handmaiden finished, remembering her master’s reaction to being on the surface of the moon.

On the moon itself, Elron had been able to distract himself by concentrating on the tasks at hand…but this place…there was something about it. He just couldn’t push that battle of years passed out of his mind.

Every time he heard a branch break or a bush rustle, he would whip around, drawing his lightsaber. A Mandalorian visor would flash before his eyes for a split second, then he would realize that it was just an animal.


“It’s just ahead.” Bastila said from the front of their little procession, cutting away a layer of vines from their path with her yellow lightsaber.

As they stepped through the new opening, light pressed against their eyes.

They entered a clearing where the trees had been cut away, and a large pillar of light shone in the center.

Elron blinked several times, allowing his eyes to adjust to the sudden light compared to the dark that he and his companions had traveled through for the past couple of hours. As his eyes focused, the beam of light began to define itself. Stone and walls began to form out of the light, casting dark shadows on the ground behind it. Steps, levels, turrets, and battlements took shape from the yellow brick.

Before them, stood what appeared to be an ancient academy. And atop the highest battlement, looking down at them, was a black figure.



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i knew it, thats one of my fav movies. i could tell because:

“Oooookay, this has to be just about the creepiest place that I’ve ever been.”

by Mira is very similar to:

"Oooooookay, that was the freakiest thing I've ever seen."

by Kuzco.


looking forward to the update. take it slow.

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Thanks, glad you like it.


Anyway, here's the next chapter....




---Chapter Eight---



Even as they watched, a powerful Force signature burst over them. It came such a surprise and at such strength that Elron was nearly knocked off his feet. The black figure seemed to take one last look at them, before turning with a swirl of a cloak, and left their sight.

“It’s him…” Bastila said, tears coming to her eyes and voice shaking. Elron could feel the excitement and apprehension literally pouring from her, but she quickly fought to control herself. “I know it is!”

“It could be him,” Carth said. He seemed on edge, “But we don’t know what his intentions are. He’s been gone a long time…something could have changed.”

“Well, there’s only one way to find out.” Elron said, and walked to the building’s gate.

Just as he touched the steel double doors, there was a loud creek, and they began to slowly drag inward. Bastila stood next to him, waiting passively to see what lay on the other side.

As the gate creaked to a halt, a dark hallway was revealed beyond. Even though he used the Force to enhance his vision, Elron could see nothing but darkness after the first few feet. Footsteps echoed off the walls back to them.

The entire party looked with batted breath as a figure strode from the darkness…

The man wore old, battered traveling robes that looked strangely like those of a Jedi. However, he stopped just before his face was revealed from the shadows.

He stood grimly before them, surveying them. He cast an eye over them all…and stopped at Bastila.

“To think that I would ever see that face again…”

Bastila could hardly stop herself from jumping forward. It was Revan’s voice. He stepped from the shadows, and there before them, stood Lord Revan, the Prodigal Knight.


“Bastila…Carth…I never thought I would ever see you two again.” Revan said as he led the group into the building.

“We didn’t think we would ever see you again,” Carth said, “Truth be told…we thought you were dead.”

Revan gave a harsh chuckle, “Dead? No. Weary and lost, yes.”

“What happened after you left?” Elron asked.

Revan paused for a moment. “I’m sorry, Elron, was it?” he asked and the exile nodded. “Well…we’ll talk more about that after you’ve had some rest.”


Revan lead them down what appeared to be the main corridor. While many others branched off of it and continued into darkness, Revan bypassed these and continued on until they had reached the end of the stone hallway.

“This…” he said as the door slid open, “Is the main conference room. It’s…a Great Hall, of sorts.”

Beyond the door was a large room. As soon as the group stepped through the door, lights flickered into life, illuminating the bare stone walls.

Ancient tables spanned the room. A vision of the place filled with alien students flashed passed Elron’s eyes. He shook his head, clearing his vision once again. Where did that come from? he wondered.


Revan lead them to a round table in the center of the hall, where he sat on one of the carved wood benches. The others took positions around him, Bastila on Revan’s right, and Carth on his left.

“So…my journey…” Revan said, steepling his fingers, “Where to begin…”

He was silent for a time, thinking, and the others kept quiet out of respect. Bastila’s eyes never seemed to leave Revan’s muscular, imposing form, filled with…was it…longing?

“Well…” Revan began, “after Bastila, Carth, and I did our part to kill Malak and destroy the Star Forge, things…began to happen, to change.

“I began to see visions of…terrible things.” Revan glanced at Bastila and a shiver seemed to go down his spine, but he continued, “These visions portrayed a group of Dark Jedi, more evil and vile than any I’ve ever seen. They called themselves the Forgotten Ones , the True Enemy . And so, for fear of what this would mean to the Republic and the Jedi, I sought them out.

“After all the others in my party departed, I left to Telos. There, I found an old master of mine, one far wiser than any that I have ever known…and far more twisted. Her knowledge of ancient secrets was unparalleled…but she was too manipulative for her own good. Some think that she was the reason why I fell in the first place. But anyway…

“I sought out my old master, and through her, learned of an ancient order of Sith. The real Sith, the true Sith, the Ancient Sith. They were the originals, the species that founded the Order. They were supposed to have died out years ago…but after detailing my visions, my master could find no other that would match their description. So, she told me of an old academy on a far off planet, beyond the Outer Rim; this one. So, I began my journey here.

“However, soon after, just outside the Peragus mining colony, I was attacked. A ghost ship, one that I recognized…from a long time ago…suddenly jumped from hyperspace right in front of me as I was planning my next jump. They were too close and left no maneuvering space for either of us. The cannons were charging, and there was nothing that I could do. A simple freighter such as the Ebon Hawk could not take on that behemoth. So, before I was blasted into space dust, I shut down the Ebon Hawk, put on a space suit, and went outside. From there, I was able to hijack a small fighter that had been dispersed from the warship, plot a course for this planet, and jumped.

“However, my hasty coordinates took me too close to the planet, and I began my descent before I was ready. The fighter began to wheel out of control, so I ejected. As the fighter continued on to crash into a cliff, I fell to the forest floor, and from there, searched for this academy.

“After two days of searching, I finally found this place. And since then, I’ve been here, trying to figure out who and where the Ancient Sith are…and trying to get off of this planet.”

Silence followed Revan’s tale. They were all stunned that something like that would have happened.

So that’s why the Harbringer found the Ebon Hawk out there… Elron thought.

He looked up to find Revan staring at him.

“I know you…I know I do…Elron? Elron! You served under me during the Mandalorian Wars!” he exclaimed, sitting forwards in his seat.

Elron stood and saluted, “Aye, General Elron at your service, my lord.”

“That’s what I thought…however, I will not pester you with questions now. You look as if you’ve been through a lot. Come, I will show you to the dormitories where you may get some rest.”

Revan stood as did the others.


He led them down a side corridor, passed a few doors, up a flight of stairs, down a few more corridors, and down one final hallway, where he stopped. There were several doors lining either side of the stone passage.

“Take your pick, your welcome to use any of them.” He said, gesturing at the numerous doors and the rooms that lay beyond them.

As the others sought out a room, Revan tapped Bastila on the shoulder, and signaled her to follow him.


Before long, they arrived in what appeared to be a library. The walls were lined with holorecords and ancient holocrons. However, one was not. The wall farthest from the door was an immense window that spanned the room, overlooking the forest below.

There Revan stood, legs shoulder-width apart and hands clasped behind him, gazing over the landscape as a lord would his kingdom.

As it was plain that Revan wasn’t going to begin the conversation, Bastila said, “It has been a long time since you left…”

“Aye.” was the only answer forth coming.

“Many things have changed…but some things never do.”

He turned half-way around, looking at her.

“Revan…I was sure that you were dead…and it tore me up inside…to think that you would never again be at my side…” tears began to rush to her eyes, but she held them at bay.

He walked over to her, taking her hand, “Oh but Bastila, I have been dying a little more every single day that we were not together.”

Unable to stem the flow of tears any longer, Bastila flung herself into his arms, crying into his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as he had once done.

They were together. That was all that mattered.






Surprise surprise! Yeah, right, like we didn't all know that was gonna happen...

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It is probably the best on LF, not saying that everyone else isn't any good or what not, but there are other places you can read fanfiction. Course most of them I don't read because they are LSF. Anyway, there are like over 200 fics on fanfiction.net (Thats the video games-star wars section anyway) and I think that some of them may excell past this one.


Anyway, still a good chapter. Look forward to seeing more

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