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2 years later - 1 million units are sold

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Sony Online Entertainment's Star Wars based massively multiplayer title, Star Wars Galaxies, has now sold over a million units worldwide, the firm has announced - but unofficial estimates peg the subscriptions number far lower.


The PC-only MMOG launched in April 2003 but was met with harsh criticism of a number of issues with the game. Sales are thought to have picked up in recent months as more problems were ironed out, a new expansion pack (Rage of the Wookies) was launched and Star Wars hit the headlines once again with the launch of Episode III.


However, despite reaching the million unit mark, Star Wars Galaxies remains a minor player in the rapidly growing MMOG space, and according to unofficial estimates from MMOGChart.com, has under 250,000 active subscribers - representing only 2.8 per cent market share.


Given the strength of the Star Wars brand, the performance of the game is still slightly disappointing, especially given that rival MMOG World of Warcraft has recently announced that it has hit 2 million active subscribers - with a further 1.5 million players subscribing using a game hours purchase system in China.


However, Sony Online Entertainment - the firm behind groundbreaking MMOG Everquest - certainly has no intention of dropping its efforts on Star Wars Galaxies, and a range of new content has been announced for the title, including an expansion called Trials of Obi-Wan, which will tie in the game more deeply with events and locations in Star Wars Episode III



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I agree, 1,000,000 units sold of the game is a lot. However, current released publish fixes that needed to be made and numerous complaining consumers about game playability seem to overshadow the 1,000,000 unit accomplishment that Sony Online Entertainment and Lucasarts have, recently, announced.



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Too bad it may be the biggest disappointment of the decade...


1 million units is a lot.

I would like to know the true ammount of copies sold,by that i mean how many to one person,not the guys and gals who many accounts to thier names,(i know i had 2).


That would be a true measure of how well its done,or not as the case may be.

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I would like to know the true ammount of copies sold,by that i mean how many to one person,not the guys and gals who many accounts to thier names,(i know i had 2).


That would be a true measure of how well its done,or not as the case may be.


If they did go over 1,000,000 copies than that wouldn't be very easy to find out. A lot of individuals downloaded the game from Sony Online Entertainment during the beta test and the free trial period that they had 2 years ago. Most of those copies from the website became official game users when Star Wars Galaxies was up. We're talking about thousands of people who participated in the beta test or free trial period right there. Most of the 1,000,000 copies that are determined are from retail department store sales. This being the case, the numbers are off right there because of all the individuals who downloaded copies of Star Wars Galaxies during the beta test and free trial period and then registered those copies when Star Wars Galaxies, officialy, went online.



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Guest DarthMaulUK

The official sales figures are direct from SOE and Lucasarts. These are based on 'units sold' - a unit could be the form of a download and retail outlets buying up copies.


Beta copies and trials are not included in these figures. When Galaxies was first released in Europe, it limped on to the sales - didnt even break the PC Top 40 with just under 33,000 worth of sales in 6 months.


The reason for the annoucement was of course try to attract more users to a rapidly decling user base. They have thrown thousands of free 6 months accounts at people to keep them in the game and coming back but to have just 250k of those 1 million units sold isnt a good number and represents just 2.8% of the overall market share and for a licence as big as this is very poor.


Darth. I give you credit for praising the game but you dont seem to grasp the fact Galaxies has a developer who just hasnt a clue what it is doing. To have bugs in a game from beta (2 years ago) is unforgivable - then to release each and every publish without proper testing, is also unforgivable and shows that SOE just doesnt care about its customers.


To avoid a PR nightmare, they reversed their stupid publish 22 otherwise they would have lost another 20-30,000 worth of players. The only way Galaxies will improve is to remove Sony from the developement.



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Very well said DMUK :clap2: I agree that if Lucasarts takes SOE out of the picture, galaxies then would have a chance to become a good game.


I agree with DarthMaulUK now. The Publisher that is presently in control of Star Wars Galaxies: Online is causing all this chaos amongst us consumers. I believe that SOE should stand down and give the contract for Star Wars Galaxies online to another Development company, such as: Bioware Corps (The makers of Star Wars: The Knights of the Old Republic) or Pandemic (the makers of Star Wars: Battle Front).



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as soon as sony stands down...microsoft would step in,if they could...and maybe bring the game to the brilliance that is xbox live.......which i think would be a good move for the game.PC owners would still have the best package,but on xbox live it would be made easier to obtain for the younger audience(wether we want the younger audience is another matter)


p.s. by the way this is my first post on here so....good to be here


i'm about to start the game next week,i've just been maessing around getting used to the controls at the moment


gamertag SWG:Bacad Brimmer

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I could never in my life see an MMORPG be on a consol, unless that consol looked more like a PC (in which case, what's the point then? :p ).


You realize how MMORPG's work or?


It's an ongoing process of fixing stuff, adding stuff, tweaking stuff, etc....

A MMORPG is never done. It evolves all the time.

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I could never in my life see an MMORPG be on a consol, unless that consol looked more like a PC (in which case, what's the point then? :p ).


You realize how MMORPG's work or?


It's an ongoing process of fixing stuff, adding stuff, tweaking stuff, etc....

A MMORPG is never done. It evolves all the time.

Aye,the simple truth is NO-ONE will take over the running of a 2 year old game now,thats for sure.


So its SOE all the way

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/Start rant(bear with me)


Fozzie and DMUK have stated pretty much what I feel about this game. Let me add more fuel to this fire however. This game should have STOMPED all mmorpg's everywhere. This is Star Wars and LA made a BIG mistake leaving this project in the hands of SOE. I played for a full year guys and HATED it after only 4 months because SOE wouldn't fix jack ####!!!!! They claimed they were committed to making the game better and continued to give empty promises. Sometimes changes and upgrades take time to be implemented I understand that, but they were talking about the combat upgrade in December '03 and did not deliver it until May '05?!?!?!? That is FUBAR!!!!! The only reason why it FINALLY came out is no big secret: Episode III arrived in theatres. That was the ONLY reason they did it and you were required to pay for it which was NOT part of the original plan I might add. What is galaxies now after the combat upgrade? Star Wars: Everquest!!!!! Same game set in the Star Wars Universe. As much as they said TIME and TIME again they would not make it like EQ, they did. That to me was one of the biggest disappointments with that game and that is one of the reasons why I would NEVER go back.


One thing I could never understand and something I always wanted to ask SOE is: How in the #### can you screw up Star Wars?!?!?!? How?!?!? I will tell you how SOE did it(for those of you who don't know): They made elite professions which require LESS skill points and LESS time to master more powerful than hybrid professions which require MORE time to master and MORE skill points!!!!! HUH?!?!?!? This is what started the whole downward spiral. Hybrids were left behind and liquidated(nerfed)while elites were SUBSTANTIALLY upped in power. This started the absolute mess that is now stained this game and SOE forever with this game. From what I've heard this problem still exists and continues to agitate people to this day after the combat upgrade!!!!! Does SOE really care? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Those of you who said it before me are 100% correct on this.


A word of advice if you're thinking about buying this game: DON'T DO IT unless you want to be let down. You may enjoy it for a while but combat in this game is still VERY unbalanced at least on solid ground. Because I quit playing before the "Jump to Lightspeed" expansion, I cannot comment on the space combat but some of the rest of you can I'm sure. I actually heard that this was the best part of this game for a while but it wears thin rather quickly. Once again, I can't say for sure but ALL my friends that continued playing for a while have said the same thing about this expansion.


Bottom line(s): SOE failed MISERABLY with this game!!!!! Period!!!!! I am still to this day VERY disappointed with them as a company and I refuse to EVER buy another product where SOE has any part of it. Only about 25% of their subscribers remain. That's 750k or so copies of this game that are collecting dust. That's not a very good ratio people. Only 1 in 4 or so copies are being used. That's bad. I agree those of you that said if LA had taken over, this game would be better. I truly believe that. If they had let the contract with SOE expire or bought them out and went with someone else, I would consider coming back to it. Unfortunately, this does not appear to be on the horizon so I guess I'm just stuck :p Oh well, life goes on. :D


/End rant


Thank you for your time and allowing me to vent. I feel MUCH better now hehe :D

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Yeah fozzie I was sure you would agree. How could so many of us have similar complaints? This is not a coincidence. The evidence is here in this thread and in others on this board and they pretty much have the same complaints. PLEASE don't buy this game unless you have the money to throw in the toilet people.

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Aye,the simple truth is NO-ONE will take over the running of a 2 year old game now,thats for sure.


So its SOE all the way



hmm,look at final fantasy 11 ..thats older than galaxies and it appears on the xbox360 next year...and it has been on ps2 for a while now


galaxies could easily be on the consoles....especially xbox because of its hard drive,star wars battlefront recieved both patches to update the game and also levels jabbas palace..so as for hotfixes..it wouldn't be a problem


and xbox has been doing phantasy star online for a while now

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hmm,look at final fantasy 11 ..thats older than galaxies and it appears on the xbox360 next year...and it has been on ps2 for a while now


galaxies could easily be on the consoles....especially xbox because of its hard drive,star wars battlefront recieved both patches to update the game and also levels jabbas palace..so as for hotfixes..it wouldn't be a problem


and xbox has been doing phantasy star online for a while now

I can see where you're coming from,but i dont really see it happening tbh

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Guest DarthMaulUK

As I have posted before, Galaxies wont be on ANY console because it has far too many show stopping bugs and would fail every single submission made to Microsoft/Sony that every game goes through before actually arriving on a console.


Unlike the PC, where they can release stuff that doesnt work properly - like all of the Galaxies games.



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As I have posted before, Galaxies wont be on ANY console because it has far too many show stopping bugs and would fail every single submission made to Microsoft/Sony that every game goes through before actually arriving on a console.


Unlike the PC, where they can release stuff that doesnt work properly - like all of the Galaxies games.





jeez....is it just star wars galaxies that suffers this way?...when i used to play final fantasy 11,there was a few updates every now and again but nothing as bad as you just described.....who would you blame.....sony or lucasarts?

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jeez....is it just star wars galaxies that suffers this way?...when i used to play final fantasy 11,there was a few updates every now and again but nothing as bad as you just described.....who would you blame.....sony or lucasarts?


I have several Lucas Arts games and Lucas Arts (for the most part) always offiliates themself with a company that knows how to make video games (well... for the most part anyway).



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