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Two Years, Two Masters


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Still kneeling, Syscha clasped Elron's two hands in hers. "Da.

Konyechna!", she cried. "Yes, of course I will! With both of our

wills united in the Force, I hope we can travel to a new planet

and find the heart of the Sith threat. I'm tempted to rule the

galaxy, but Darth Revan and Sion are allies. It's them against us.

If we fall to them, I hate to imagine what will happen to the Force!"


Elron nodded gravely. He knew just as well as she did that Revan

and Sion viewed the Force as a source of power, but not much more.

They did not understand that destroying life would destroy the Force,

and vice versa. Not even Kreia, Syscha thought, wanted all life to

be wiped out. Why would a vacuum be anyone's dream and destiny?


"Darth Dvukhsotnaya," declared Elron, "you are now my apprentice."

He smiled and unsheathed a double ruby-bladed lightsaber from his belt.


Syscha reached out and took it, standing up and twirling it around.

How different it felt from her silver one, she felt, and how alike...!

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"Indeed I am," Lussk said, throwing out the two younger passengers out of the door. "But I must implore you, both of you 'Sith.' I didn't know that all you did was senseless killing, and that you promised to protect your kin. Tch, you're nothing like True Sith. At least nothing like Revan. I had always thought you were more of the manipulative kind. But now is not the time for my questions, as I do believe that we need to find a new ship."

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Close your blade and hide it well. he said, sending the message mentally to his new apprentice. Apparently recieving his message, the Exile deactivated the red blades and hooked the saber at her belt.

"Where are we?" he said, turning to face the trandoshan.

"Onderon. We've landed in Iziz."

"I see." We will continue this later. There is much more that I must tell you, and many more questions of yours that need to be answered.

He caught her nod out of the corner of his eye.

"Indeed, we'll need to charter a ship as soon as possible." he said, moving to pass the lizard-man, "Oh, and one more thing." he leaned in slightly closer to Lussk, "You know nothing of the Ancient Sith, lizard-boy, and you would do well not to underestimate those who are stronger than you." he added in a deadly whisper.

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"Aye, apparently." Elron said, walking out passed the Trandoshan.

As he descended and walked passed the boy, who was now standing, he murmured "Respecting your elders can sometimes be a good thing. If you know what I mean." and he clapped him on the shoulder with perhaps more force than neccisary.

Elron turned to look at the 'ship'.

"Jeeze!! Now I see what really happened to that thing, you couldn't pay me enough to get on it! I'm surprised it can even hover let alone fly!


When they had all gathered on the deck, Elron said, "Alright, we'll need to get a ship as soon as possible, but we'll also need supplies. I doubt that, with the state that the city is in, we'll find a willing pilot as quickly as we'd like, so we'll probably need a place to stay for a while. Unless we'd rather spend a week here, I suggest that we split up to find the items. Any volenteers?"


((LOL, I love the comment, Jokemaster! That was HILLARIOUS))

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The Sith stood in the command center on DXUN, Revan and Mandalore went over battle plans for invading the republic. Sion stood quietly, half listening to their plotting. When he felt a strong echo in the force. "Shes here, on Onderon, so close, their party has made their way to IZIZ." Sion announced. "Yes I know, I have felt them. Patience Darth Sion, soon enough we will destroy them."

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Lussk scoffed. "Do what you wish, I'll be at the Cantina."


"Doing what?" the boy asked. "Selling us out to some random Exchange folks? Or maybe poisoning some female twi'leks to have some fun with."


"Hmph, as much as you humans think so lowly of some other species, I must say that you people are much worse than anything else. No, I'll be grabbing some Juma," Lussk listened to the sounds of the citizens. "And maybe I'll race a bit," he muttered under his voice.


"Huh?" Kent said. "What was that?"


"Tch, nothing you need to care about. And, you probably won't need to 'purchase' a pilot, just a ship."


As Lussk walked away, he leered at the "sith lord." He hissed, "Oh, and trust me Sith, I know plenty more of the Ancients than you could possibly dream of, and just so you know, it does pay to respect your elders." Lussk eyed Elron carefully. "Trandoshans live much longer than humans. MUCH longer than humans. Also, it would indeed be wise to not underestimate those who may very well be far more deadly than you, man-child. And Syscha, since you are planning on joining this fool, there are some... items that you might take the pleasure in looking at in one of your compartments."


Now, let's see if Iziz racers are any good.


OOC: And the items are Sith holocrons and crap that Lussk rescued from his home "planet" when the Mandalorians invaded.

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