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Two Years, Two Masters


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A large shuttle made it's way onto the palace grounds in IZIZ, and landed. Huge numbers of Mandalorian honor guards made their way out, followed by Mandalore himself. Mandalore stepped down, and got saluted by the troopers who had captured the palace. Bralor, one of Mandalore's best approached him. "Hail mandalore, we have conquered this planet, queen Talia is in custody, as is General Vaklu. What are your orders."


Revan descended from the ramp of the Shuttle, and stepped next to Mandalore. "Execute the queen publicly, as an example to the people of Onderon. free Vaklu, put him on the throne, he will answer to me, and he like Onderon, will now serve my purpose." Revan said. "Yes Lord Revan" Replied Bralor.


Revan and Mandalore, made their way into the throne room on Iziz.

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Sometimes the Force could be a terrible thing. Not because of the

Dark Side of it, to which Tysyacha had now surrendered, but to its

promptings when other Sensitives were nearby and in danger. Syscha

felt sharp burns, punctures, the sinister "echoes" of which Darth Traya

had spoken. Falya and Kent were in danger; the Exile was sure of it.

Still cloaked in the energy field of her Stealth Generator, Tysyacha

followed the trail of pain toward a crumbling and abandoned building.


There she found Falya unconscious, and there were signs that whoever

had attacked her had used Force Lightning or Force Storm upon her.


Quickly, even though she was a Sith now, Tysyacha thrust her hands

upward and cast the Master Revitalize Force power upon the girl's body.


When Falya had stirred and stretched, she gaped wide-eyed at Syscha.

"You're a Sith!", she shouted. "You're on the same side as Sion, aren't you?"


"No. I've merely turned to the Dark Side in order to defeat him. You've

heard the old saying, 'It's time to fight fire with fire', right? That's why

I yielded to Elron and became his new Padawan. Sion is trying to kill us,

especially me, and if I have to use his own tactics against him, so be it!

How can a faction divided against itself ever stand? With our help, the

Sith will be fractured, and Darths Sion and Revan defeated. Will you come

with me? You don't have to turn to the Dark Side. Just help me, because

I need it! By the way--where's Kent Threepwood? Was he here with you?"


"He was," moaned Falya, "but I think Darth Sion took him. He may be

trapped in a Force Cage, waiting for either torture or death!"


"Then we must go to him. I stood by all my allies on the Ebon Hawk, even

if they weren't Jedi or only teenagers. Stay close. I think I may have a

spare Stealth Generator in my satchel, but it's very basic. Do you have

any roguish skills? I bet you do, what with all of your slavery escape

attempts." Syscha winked, and Falya nodded apprehensively. They

traded supplies, and Falya was soon as invisible as Darth Dvukhsotnaya.


Suddenly, the voice of Darth Traya spoke to the Exile's mind. "Do

not go to him. If you do, you're walking right into Darth Sion's trap,

and Revan will also be waiting for you. They'll murder you and Falya,

and Kent Threepwood will make a nice brass-clad assassin for one

of their Sith entourages!" Her voice was sharp with fury, yet kind,

for once Traya had loved Tysyacha for her lack of Force sensitivity.


"Stay here. Keep yourselves hidden. Let them come to you."


Syscha didn't want to. Who knew what indignities and pains Kent

Threepwood was suffering right now? She cast a few Master Heals

upon Falya (despite her Force penalty for using such a Power), and

together they snuck back out into the swarming streets of Onderon.

Where was General Vaklu? Where was Queen Talia? Where was anyone?!

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Sion stood In the center of the spaceport, staring up towards the sky....he could see the sith Fleet orbiting the planet. He stood patiently, awaitng the arrival of the Exile.


He was alone, Kelborn and the other mandalorians, had gone back to the palace to rendezvous with revan and Mandalore.


"I Can feel you Exile, you grow closer, you try to mask your presence, but know that you cannot. It is unavoidable, you will break here before me." Sion muttered calmly to himself.


Meanwhile in the Palace, General Vaklu had been set free by Darth Revan, and was led back to the throne room, where the dark Lord awaited. "Vaklu, my personal Kath hound, I have spared you so that you and Onderon, may serve my purpose. Onderon will have a bright future with you as its king, it will become a new jewel in my Empire."

"I am grateful for your words Lord revan, I will lead Onderon as you command."

"Good General, or should I say, your Majesty." Revan chuckled. "These politics bore me, Mandalore ensure he has no trouble taking the throne. For now I must join Sion, a critical moment approaches."


Revan headed for his shuttle, and boarded it, setting off to meet Sion in the Spaceport.

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Kent regained consiousness again, but this time didn't open his eyes. He sent a short message to Falya using the force.

I love you. Then he decided to open his eyes to look around. He saw the soldier again. The soldier smiled.

"You just never learn..."

Oh crap...

Once again the soldier hit Kent on the head with his rifle. Kent now had a large bruise on his head.

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(OOC: I am going on a business conference until Friday evening, but that

doesn't mean that you can't continue the story. I'd like to know all about

your background histories and your thoughts on this whole situation. What

does your character think about the Sith invasion, and what does he or she

want to happen in the final battle?


Also, I give you all permission, Master Elron especially, to control

Tysyacha. Please don't make her speak d00d, though, or do anything

contrary to her character (like senselessly slaughtering people HK-47

style or betraying any of her former allies. Who is she, Darth Traya?


That brings up another interesting point...Who does Kreia truly help

in the Sith invasion, Sion and Revan or Tysyacha? Who conquers? ;)

Above all, PLEASE don't kill Syscha. That means she's DEAD, DEAD,

DEAD, and I don't want her to be. ;) Have fun, and happy invading!


Yours truly,

Thread Master Tysyacha, Darth Dvukhsotnaya

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(OOC: General Vaklu doesn't exist :o If Talia won, Vaklu is probably dead.)


EDIT: From a future post, needed for some stuff. :o


"Oh... crap..." Lussk quickly withdrew a blaster and aimed it at the Drexl's neck, only to find that he was surrounded by them. "Well, this is quite the predicament I've found myself in." But, despite all of his worries, the drexl merely looked at him, yawned, then laid his head down to sleep.


The Trandoshan heard several chuckles nearby. "Don't worry, these ones are tame, they won't hurt you. I saw that you were hunting down several of the Mandalorian Basilisks, all on your own... Unfortunate that they decided to come at this time."


"Waitaminute, are you... beast riders?"


"Yes, we all are, banned from Iziz because of our unfailing love for the Drexl race," the leader of the Riders said. Lussk looked about and saw at least one beast rider sleeping or simply sitting on their drexls.


"Maybe... you wouldn't be so looked down upon if you aided Onderon when it is at its worst?"


Fhardan (the leader) raised an eyebrow.


"You wouldn't happen to have an extra drexl, would you?"


"You know how to ride one?"


"Tame ones, yes. I rode a few on one of the Onderon battles in the Mandalorian Wars..."


"Well, I love Onderon more than anything, I'd hate for Iziz to be razed and burned to the ground, especially by Mandalorians-"


"...and Sith."


"Sith? Well, that makes it quite a bit more interesting... I'll see what I can do..." The two grinned at one another, and in time, three scores of massive drexl, each with 1-3 Riders, fully equipped with weapons, rose up, casting a shadow over Iziz. The beasts themselves were armored with a special light, energy-deflectant armor. And even then, they could easily shrug off most wounds.


Crying a battle shout, followed by a massive roar, the beast riders attacked.

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Damn that girl! Elron thought as he searched for his padawan. He had just retrieved his saber from the now burning corpse of the ship dealer, and had realized that Syscha had convinently disappeared.

He spread himself out, searching for her Force signature...sure enough, a moment later, he found her. She was right up the street with the girl and they were both sheilded. And headed straight towards Sion.

What the hell is she thinking?? She's going to get us all killed! he thought angrily as he tried to catch up with them, but the bodies and debris that currently littered the ground was proving difficult. Screw this.

He Force-jumped to a position five feet from where the two stood.

"Exile, kid, unsheild yourselves. I know you're there."

There was a buzz and a hiss and Syscha appeared from thin air. "It's alright, Falya." she said, and the girl appeared at her side.

"What the hell do you think you're doing??"

"Kent's been captured, and I'm not leaving him to Sion." she said.

"Syscha, you're no where near strong enough to face him. Just embracing the Darkness does not make you invincable!! Besides, Revan's here too! What you're proposing to do is suicide! Do you understand me? Suicide!"

"I won't allow him to be harmed because of me!" she said, trying to push by him.

He grabbed her arm. "Syscha..." he said quietly, "Please, I can't bear to see you harmed. We can go back and save him eventually, but right now, we need to get out of here. If you face Sion now, you'll be courting death and...I...I just can't lose you. Please!"

"Elron..." she answered in a near-whisper.



((Sorry, but I'm not ready to let Sion have us just yet...:D))

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EDIT: Originally my previous post. I'd change that from a freighter to a drexl. ^_^ In case you weren't paying attention, Lussk's starfighter took some heavy damage and he launched out, landing on top of a drexl. Which are these huge massive flying beasts. You see a drexl LARVA in the Onderon finale beating through a force field. And that thing was huge, about 10-12 feet tall, and it was a larva. :p

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A look of intense emotion crossed Falya's face, but was quickly replaced with a look of resignation to something she felt she might regret.


"Look," she said. "I don't care that you're both with the Dark Side. It even makes sense, Syscha... what you said about fighting fire with fire. But... I'm not willing to leave Kent. Trust me... I have the skills to survive."


She paused for a moment. "I wasn't entirely honest about my past..." She changed almost imperceptibly. Her hair was darker and her eyes faded from blue to gray. "For now, my name will remain Falya and my age is accurate enough. Suffice it to say, I am a clone of a Jedi who died before her time. My original soul has been brought back... has been refused the vast solitude of being one with the Force."


She glanced at Elron for a moment before continuing. "You have both seen me to this point... have I not looked like a frightened and untrained former slave girl? I can take Sion and Revan by surprise just enough to free Kent and get us both out of there."



((Sion... check your PMs in a minute... I want to run a little potential plot line past you...))

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Lussk's drexl yawned, "Well, at any point, hurry up and get on before this fella decides to take off!"


Falya looked shocked when she looked up. "How come I never noticed that?"


"Yeah, I'm surprised too, there are about 60 others. Now get on!" Lussk yelled as he lowered his beast's right wing so the three Sith/Jedi clone could climb on. "Where to?"

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((Got the PM, Sion... we'll work with it... And jblue, Falya would be surprised at the drexl, but she wouldn't wonder why she didn't notice it. She's been focusing very hard on masking her Force signature... part of that is hiding how much of the Force she has truly mastered... therefore, she wouldn't be using it on a consistent basis and would therefore not be thinking about sensing what's closeby.))


"Where did they take Kent?" Falya asked. "I don't know about Elron and Syscha, but that's where I need to be."

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"Falya, listen to me, don't do this! I know that you care for him, but getting yourself killed won't do him any good! I care not how much you know of your abilities, or how developed your skills are, you are no match for Revan and Sion! I mean, look at what has happened already! Neither I, nor Syscha have been able to defeat him alone! Now Revan is here as well! Its suicide!"

"What do you propose we do, then?" she responded hottly.

"Oh...I have an idea. Lussk? Willing to give us a hand?"

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((Got the PM, Sion... we'll work with it... And jblue, Falya would be surprised at the drexl, but she wouldn't wonder why she didn't notice it. She's been focusing very hard on masking her Force signature... part of that is hiding how much of the Force she has truly mastered... therefore, she wouldn't be using it on a consistent basis and would therefore not be thinking about sensing what's closeby.))


"Where did they take Kent?" Falya asked. "I don't know about Elron and Syscha, but that's where I need to be."

Considering that just after Falya and Syscha had left their masks, Lussk popped up, and considering that there were Drexls flying all around the city, and that Lussk dropped by them while Elron was trying to get Syscha to flee, well, I'd be shocked that I didn't notice these enormous creatures, roaring and flying about with people on their backs screaming, dying, and killing mandalorians.

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"It's not a question of my abilities," Falya retorted. "And who said anything about fighting Revan and Sion? That is far from my objective. Indeed, I've had a longer life than you realize... I have a few tricks up my sleeve, not to mention the element of surprise."

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"But you have to admit, Falya," Lussk winced at his forced usage of her name. "That your friend, Kent, I believe? Is found out to be Syscha's ally, in any way, and I'm sure that Revan will be able to figure it out, that we will most likely have to confront them."

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