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Lol, thanx for all of the compliments!!!


Fields ARE sexy...but I really just wanted to have a tree with their initials carved into it...originally I had a beach...but...as I explained earlier in this thread...something went wrong and my beach turned into a chaotic storm of doom and therefore I had to make a diff backround.


^^ I'm glad you like her clothes. I wanted to make them super fluffy and krazy. I looked first for tie dye and groovy designs that would look more like her regular outfit...then I decided to look up rave fashions and just draw something that sort of resembled something of that nature.

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Her outfit reminds me of the Almighty Tallest. I still love it though and this is my new favorite.


I know I got the memo.


If any of your birthdays land on the night of a full moon then the Memo fairy plants it underneath your pillow and when you wake up you'll find yourself in a white padded room where Satan dwells.


Satan will then ask you to sign a contract. The whole time puffing on that damn cigar and you must comply. If not then...well you wouldn't want to know what happens then.


Satan will dissappear in his own cigar smoke leaving you in your bedroom. The pillow and sheets are soaked with cold sweat and your pillow feels a little lumpy. There lies the blackest coal, steaming in its own evil.


It's a paperweight, free with membership.


This is a true and if you don't send it to 15 people in the next hour then god will kill a kitten. A whole bucket full of kittens in fact.

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Yes! Happy birthday!


...I hope it rains. :0


Plus, am I the little yellow running smiley?


Yes, yes you are.


Why the hell would you want it to rain? I like rain, espically when it thunders. But if it rains you can't run around in the pool?

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