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At least you're not all like "t3h anime suckz!" It's good to accept something even if you don't care for it as much.


Yeah, I love Paranoia Agent. For me, FLCL and Bebop are at the top of the list (mainly because I'm a Seatbelts/Pillows addict).

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At least you're not all like "t3h anime suckz!" It's good to accept something even if you don't care for it as much.


Yeah, I love Paranoia Agent. For me, FLCL and Bebop are at the top of the list (mainly because I'm a Seatbelts/Pillows addict).


It's like the two opposing forces. Some who shout




And others who shout.




It's just animation people. And yet can't that be said for everything? CaptainSkye, you changed your icon as well!


Meh, only a few anime keep my interest, the obvious ones (DBZ, One Piece, Fullmetal Alchemist) and the mystery ones. (Lupin III and Case Closed)


I like FMA if only for Mariah Ross who has the same haircut as I do.

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Seriously, it would make probably make a really trippy story. You could totally pack it with metaphors and comparisons to teen life, or something. I'm sure some psychoanalytically inclined author would have a field day doing it up.


A little late but here we go.


A Blue square named Bob and a pink square named Stephanie grow old together.


That's a summary from fanfiction.net...how...the hell do these people come up with this crap.

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Aren't we all just falling? Down, falling into an abyss... All of us squares, all of us... angular. NO ONE can express their individuality. No speaking. None. God's Gameboy is our home, and we are always crammed together. And in the end, just when you find someone you can talk to, someone JUST LIKE you... you both vanish. Into the abyss...





...That was it. GEEZ. God's gameboy? That fic was total CRAP. Its making me laugh very hard, though.


Hehe, that was actually pretty poetic. It was well written. But with you it's ok...because I know you weren't someone who picked up a gameboy, played Tetris and said "Holy crap! I must write something about this! I feel so inspired!!!"

I guess Tetris isn't as bad as Solitaire though...or ping pong...with the Bible at least you have a story line to follow...(Although i couldn't imagine wanting to write a fanfic about it either. >_<

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