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The Diciple?

Drinking Sith

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and regardless of what other people might say, he totally pwnz. If you're LS female, it's incredibly easy to gain influence with him (you can max him out before you even leave the room you find him in). He's a mobile lab bench, he can heal you, and you can meditate with him to replenish your FP.


His only drawback is his obnoxious combat VO's. Check out my Disciple Shut Up mod on PCGameMods to rectify the matter :)


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I have to strongly disagree with Achilles on this one.


It makes no sense what-so-ever as to how come you can get 100% influence with him right after he joins your party, it makes no sense what-so-ever as to why I can

train him to become a Jedi before I even leave Dantooine

it makes no sense what-so-ever as to he has to do with Revan or any of the events in K1, and finnally he is just plain ugly looking. I am better looking than he is :xp:

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The_Maker, your disagreements about Mekel make no sense! :roleyess:


What Achilles stated is quite true, the Deciple, while annoying in voice, is the strongest and most useful NPC you can get... period!


Also you can easily make him a Jedi because it is in his nature to become one, if you bothered to talk to him you would know the secrets of this, and how his past and the Exiles are connected. His Influence gains are easy if you follow the LS path, you can train him quickly because of this, because it is his whole purpose.


Lastly, not everything in TSL has to relate to Revan or KOTOR I...


Your statements of the Deciple being icky and that you are better looking don't hold much water.

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Heh thanks!



but how he join my party then?


He will appear in the Library room in the basement of the Jedi Enclaive Ruins on Dantooine, he's there if you are a Male Exile and you can talk to him, but he will only join the party, and journey with you, if you are a Female Exile...



I put the answer as a spoiler, highlight it to read the text! ;)

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Hm bah newer liked him anyway he looks gay


Is that supposed to be bad or something?


I didn't like the romantic interest with Disciple, and I would have liked to see him develop a bit more. He was in no way as aces as some of the others, but he was good to have around, and unlike certain other kotoriiians (kotor-ii-ians) didn't annoy me TOOO much. In fact, he annoyed me slightly less than Bastila in the original. Heh. Actually, he is one that I wouldn't mind having back in KotOR iii, if his personality was developed a bit more.

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