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Is there PvP? Is SWG friendly? Aim of the Game?

Polite Elliot

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I'm thinking of starting SWG - it looks like a fantastic experience.


Can I ask -


Is there a PvP side to the game, and if there isn't does the game lack something by not having it?


Are there problems with griefing? Am I going to have a problem with other more experienced and powerful players trying to kill my character for fun?


What's the point of the game? To get to level 60+ as fast as possible?


Thanks everyone!

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Lets answer some of these questions.



I cant speak for other servers but its hardly around. Why? Because Jedi spoil PvP. Its that simple. Its the same people all the time and sometimes they even gank a poor lvl 3 player who is overt by mistake. 5 Jedi v 1 lvl 3....certainly encourages people to go overt.


When Galaxies first started, it was all about mass pvp battles and it was great FUN. Sometimes it would be 50v50 or more - without server lag(!) Now, times have changed. Hardly anyone is playing and as mentioned, Jedi just spoil the game completely.


Griefing will happen if you are overt and a low level. And, Jedi tend to be the ones running around in groups - why? Thanks to Sony removing the fact that Bounty Hunter gank squads would attack them. By removing that fear, Jedi are almost everywhere overt and ready to strike.


The point of the game - now - is to become a Jedi. Players - low level players are just following the 'path' to completely the requirement, getting that old man visit and then onwards. Just consider this. In over 18 months, NOTHING new has been added to the game in terms of content - not including the paid for expansions.


The community is good fun but the game soon becomes a massive grind - trust me -you will NEVER seen grinding on this scale in any game and then the juggling of skill points means that you can actually lose the ability to do skills that you grinded so hard to learn, because you needed those skill points for something else.


Galaxies is cheap enough to try but dont fork out for a 3 month subscription unless you really feel you would be happy with the 24/7 grind



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Griefing will happen if you are overt and a low level. And, Jedi tend to be the ones running around in groups - why?


Whoa - the Jedi (defenders of Galactic peace, protectors of the Senate etc) are the one's griefing?


That can't be right can it?


(What do you mean 'overt'? Also can anyone tell me what '/CON' means?)

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Overt is basically whats called Special Forces. Early on, the Dev team wanted to keep the Jedi rare with perm death etc, then the Bounty Hunters but since the dev team havent a clue what they are doing, the changes they made have made Jedi more common place.


Jedi are not keepers of the peace at all. They are just new characters that are all but impossible to kill and who spoil any chance of pvp at the first opportunity. The path to becoming a jedi is easy. To unlock your force slot - visit some Points of interest, battle in the dull lairs and thats it! wow! Then you spend 21 weeks of grinding with bugged missions in the 'force village' to unlock your force powers and move up the ladder to becoming a padawan. This should give you an idea of how being a jedi is NOT like in the movies


I havent a clue what /con is .



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There are 3 types of modes you can be in:

Neutral - you've picked no side to fight for

Covert - You've picked a side, but don't wish to engage openly in combat

Overt - the opposite of covert


/con is a shortened command of /consider.


What it does is, it makes your character consider a target in order to figure out wether you stand a chance or not against it.


EDIT: Or was it kinda like inspect a char in SWG, I'm not sure now. Just try it and see what happens :)

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OK so there are balance issues with the PvP, making it not so fun.


And griefing may be a problem? You see I'd heard that SWG was a wonderfully co-operative and friendly MMORPG but maybe it suffers from many of the same anti-social behaviour other games do?


Has anyone experienced this?


Is this issue arising from a lack of checks and balances or lack of policing in the game?


ps THANKS FOR THE HELP. This forum has been very friendly (and useful) so far : )

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I played on Starsider for a year, and I enjoyed playing with the people on that server. Of course, no server is devoid of lowlife scumbags that feed off the pain and agony of others. :)


But if you want to test this game out, I highly recommend starting a char on Starsider (US eastcoast).

It was also one of 2 unofficial RPG servers back in the days (uncertain these days, RP still exist as far as I know), the other being Sunrunner (US Westcoast).

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I played on Starsider for a year, and I enjoyed playing with the people on that server. Of course, no server is devoid of lowlife scumbags that feed off the pain and agony of others. :)


But if you want to test this game out, I highly recommend starting a char on Starsider (US eastcoast).

It was also one of 2 unofficial RPG servers back in the days (uncertain these days, RP still exist as far as I know), the other being Sunrunner (US Westcoast).


Starsider, the official drama server

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