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Psychonauts dialogue text editing


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Hi, I'm Italian and I was wondering if there's an effective way to edit the subtitles in Psychonauts.

I am worried that the game will not be translated into Italian (so far only French and German versions are planned), so I'm warming up for a possible fan translation. I've found the files which contain the text (in workresources/localization/english), but unfortunately Italian words are usually much longer than English ones, so I would be forced to kill half of the dialogues to make them fit in the same spaces. That would be a shame.

Is there a way to actually edit the text EXCEEDING the original English strings length WITHOUT crashing the game?

Thanks in advance,


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Whoever attempts an unofficial translation will have the problem of strings length...and this would be detrimental to the quality of the translation itself. :-(

I am a translator and I would be happy to do the work, but I couldn't fit a decent Italian translation in those spaces.


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