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Darth InSidious

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Davik was the crime boss who worked on Taris for the Exchange in the original KOTOR game. The only way to get off Taris was to join up with Canderous *the mandalorian mercenary who works for Davik and later becomes a party member* and trick Davik into thinking youre a new recruit for his mob gang so you can get into his Estate to steal his ship the Ebon Hawk, which is the fastest ship on Taris and your new base throughout the game. When you reach the hangar to steal it Davik and Calo Nord the bounty hunter are there. You must kill Davik to get off Taris and thus you attack him and once he is down Calo tries to kill you all in some stupid suicidal attempt with a thermal detonator but gets creamed by some support pylons and you get to pick Davik's pockets and steal his ship to leave the planet. As far as the story goes, Davik isnt in KOTOR 2, its just that the creators of the game used his face for a few characters in it. Weither Davik is truly dead or not by KOTOR 2 is up for speculation Calo survived so Davik might have as well you just never run into him in the game.



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Best thing to do with the visas *if youre light side* is give them to the family wanting to leave and the guy working for the Republic in the cantina so he can get back to Coruscant. Those seem like the two most important to give it to. If youre darkside, just give it to the woman with the goods in the cantina and the guy who looks like Davik, he will give you alot of credits for it.

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