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cockpit views?


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It would suck if they took this out of the final game as well.


In SWBF1 they were kind of useless, since as all starfighters were basically "bombers" against infantry with so little flight area, you needed all the screen view you could get. The internal cockpits got in the way.


BUT, now that you're in full open space, a cockpit view makes sense, since you have vast distances to squint over, and you have people flying in front of you etc. It would enhance the immersion.


While I can see them wanting to save time by not having to create new HUDS for the new vehicles, it seems rather lazy of them. If anything the huds would be more helpful to most vehicles in this game than they were in the first one. :p


Keeping away the first person views for these vehicles further perpetuates the "this is a console port" atmosphere.

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Ditto here. Sometimes it's just easier when you're aiming for something in front of you.


Just as I toggle back and forth between 1st and 3rd person in infantry combat, I do the same with vehicles.


My comment was in regards to the use of Starfighters (I don't consider the Republic LAAT in that list). These fast moving vehicles tended to crash into the ground unless you were carefully paying attention to what was in front of you at all times, which made the cockpit view dangerous to use. With the space maps, this danger is no longer a problem.


Give us the option. That means some more time spent creating some HUDS, but there you go. I mean they could give us a bare bones "first person view" that's just zoomed in with a semi-transparent model, but whatever. The cockpit view definately has the "I'm there" aesthetic going for it, and that's supposedly what SWBF is all about... to immerse you in the Star Wars battles (and we all know how accurate that's been, but still... they say they want to give us that, so do this, it's a step towards that "goal").

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Update: I see you do have a "first person" viewpoint in the starfighters, but it lacks the cockpit HUD graphic like in SWBF1. :p


Found another bit of unrealism on the space map... contrails! Heh. (well next to the sound heard in space but there you go!)


I went as a gunner on the Y-Wing and discovered that it has the sound effects of an earth-based machinegun, plus the view goes absolutely CRAZY so you can't really hit anything unless you're flying perfectly straight.

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I used the cockpit view all the time for everything. I got really good at judging where the ground was and wasn't. Believe it or not, Kurgan, but when Wilhuf and I play the Hoth map together, I'm always pilot and he's always my gunner, and piloting the snowspeeder with my stick / throttle gear, we're able to take down walkers faster than you could excreet a bantha - all from first-person view.


It really is awesomely fun. I concur with your assessment that not having a first-person cockpit view screams, "I'm a cheesy console port!!!" It's sad...sad! So, sad...sad! It's a sad, sad, sit-ua-tion...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone who knows me around here knows that I am an adamant supporter of the cockpit/1st person view. For me, it really immerses me into the game, so much that I almost feel as if I'm really the person on the field. When the option was taken out for Jedi Academy, I was crushed and didn't feel like a Jedi anymore but was playing as some guy/girl who was a Jedi which is a totally different feeling. Luckily, someone figured out how to mod the game and it became a whole other experience.


With this game I read that they weren't including that option for vehicles and such. I was this close to pimp-slapping this game goodbye when someone who raid a chat trascript said that Pandemic WAS in fact including the option for PC gamers only. Apparently, there are lag issues present when playing this mode on the consoles, something which PC users do not have. Plus the fact that similar games released such as Battlefield 2 on the PC are played from a 1st person perspective, vehicles and all. I also have a widescreen montior which takes full advantage of the game and I don't lose peripheral vision.


If, in the end, the views are not included, there are guys on another board who are said to be ready to make one available through mods, so it's looking good for PC users.

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someone from gametoast had a chat transcript posted, said they had read that the views were inserted. He did go on to say that they had cut the transcript short and that the statement with the cockpit views was cut out but was sure he had read it before the moderators cut the transcript.


Believe me, if I was lead to believe this game didn't have the cockpit views, we wouldn't be having this conversation as I would not be interested in buying the game.

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