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Problem on Tator


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I have a little problem. In Tator (second level) I used the Sith armor to get down to the lower level, and then I went up again. But now I can't get back down. When I came there the first time, the sith guard opened the door for me, but now I have to do it on my own. I walk up to the door and try to get past it using the padlock icon, but it stands impossible. Is there any way for me to get back down there or should I just have stayed there in the first place?

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Yes, Taris of course..:p That's the problem, I obviously don't got enough security skill to get back down and when I talk to the Sith Guard he only says something about "another Sith patrol, beware of the swoop gangs" and then nothing more happens. Could it be a bug?

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For some reason, there are a few instances in the game where the security icon will appear when you don't need it.


The door was locked before you spoke to the guard. After you spoke to him, it was unlocked, but the lockpick icon is still there. Its a minor bug, but it got me one time too.


I kept trying to pick a door open and it was telling me "can not use security skill" or something like that. Finally I just clicked on the door out of frustration and the dern thing opened! I felt a bit dumb. hehe

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For some reason, there are a few instances in the game where the security icon will appear when you don't need it.



I think this has to do with those doors under certain circumstances not being able to be opened. For instance the upper city Cantina has a lock symbol but is open to you unless you have a Sith Uniform on.

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