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Darth Nihulus


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KOTOR 1 says that true sith have been extinct for a millenia and that the sith that exist today are merely followers of an ideal. I doubt any of the Sith Lords in KOTOR 2 are any sort of true sith, theyre just twisted humans corrupted by the dark side that follow the sith ideal. I dont think youd ever want to run into a true sith.



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Somehow I really do not like the idea of KOTOR (and STAR WARS generally) getting too mystic ... games (& movies) do not necessarily get better if the stories become more epic (and this can also often backstab - if an epic story is not told well, things get ridicoulus fast - rember fighting Darth Nihilus compared to the dialogue with Clnl. Tobin shortly before? ;) )

Part of the fun of the original SW movies was that they did not take themselves too serously - and that we could identify easily with the main actors. Both these things can get lost pretty fast if the story revolves only around the next, improved, even more powerful jedi destroying whole planets or the Force itself ....

So yeah, I also prefer the idea of him being a powerful man, not a demigod :D

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I think Kreia speaking the true sith somewhere. I mean, the jedi didn't attack the Maliderian(excuse spelling) during the war because they do not think that they are the true threat. And it lies somewhere meaning the true sith will probably come in KotOR 3. It just my opition(again excuse my spelling).

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The Jedi didn't join the Jedi because they thought it was too early, and that more lives would be saved in the long run if they waited - not because they didn't consider the Mandalorians a threat.

Now I may be wrong, but didn't Nihilus speak and ancient dialect of the Sith empire? His voice was the same as the holocrons Atris studied from.I realize this doesn't make him a true Sith, but it would explain Exlie's confusion.

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Kreia, Sion and Nihilus each learned a lesson after Malachor, probably from Revan, in the Trayus academy. Sion learned pain, and became one with it, living with eternal pain and no death. Kreia learner betrayal, and became the b&*(^% that we all know, and Nihilus learned hunger, and needed to feed off of the force, so now he went around and sucked people to death.


I hope this helps you guys out :)

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