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Student Project: CG short based on MI (early early planning stages)


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Hi everyone, new here (grrr... I didn't noticed the 'y' was cut off of my username until now. I was supposed to be 'HailMurray'!)


So I'm an art student and for a class project I'm planning to create a short animated film based on Guybrush and Murray of Monkey Island fame. Yes it will be 3D, but I want it to look more like the CMI style as opposed to the blocky 3D of EMI.


It'll be a pretty short scene and is basically an older Guybrush and Murray going about their morning. So far I've only modeled Murray (although not 'cartoony' enough) and am still working on the old Guybrush model.


Here's a couple of visuals so far:


Old Guybrush



Murray model



Quick 'n dirty temp scene




I'm open for suggestions and feel free to tell me if it sucks (but please tell me how it could be improved). Like I said this is still very early... but I just want to keep it a simple scene with Old Guybrush and Murray interacting as they do common morning things in Guybrush's dumpy trailer-esque houseboat.

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I like your drawing of the older Guybrush - nice additions with the peg-leg and hook. I only hope LucasArts don't decide that this is infringing on their copyright, because I'd really like to see the finished product :)


(I wonder if Dom would provide voices...)

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Wow, I didn't expect such quick replies!


Thanks for the Blood Island link Alien426! I've never seen those before, but they're simply awesome! I don't htink my finished product will be THAT good though. :D

As for Murray's face, I'm not sure yet. I guess it will depend on how difficult it will be to animate him. I actually patch modeled him (first time trying.. and NEVER EVER AGAIN!) and it was such a pain! He's made up of so many different pieces that I'm not sure if it's possible, but I'll definitely give it a shot. I was mainly thinking that I'll just be moving his jaw and possibly his eyebrow area. I thought it would be funnier if he was animated a bit choppy sort of like how he was in CMI.


Thanks for the reply elTee. Yeah I hope LucasArts doesn't pull the plug either... but I don't think it should be a problem since this is a project for school and it isn't commercial at all.

And yeah, it would be AWESOME if Dominic Armato could provide the voice... but is there ANY way to contact him? I can't seem to find much info for him online. I sort of have a voice for Murray already, I know this voice actor with a REALLY deep voice and he can do the evil laugh!

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I doubt they'd pull the plug if it's a non-profit personal thing, then again, there were those fangames... but I'm sure they might have a bit of sense now...maybe.


Either way, looks set to be pretty good, so go ahead. I like the older Guybrush, and Murraye looks good as long as you can get him a bit more cartoony, but I can't really see how you can do that with a 3D skull, I'm sure you'll find a way though.

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Yeah Joshi, I hope they don't pull my plug... or at least not before I turn in the project for my class... otherwise I'd have to start over from scratch and that would really suck. :D

And yeah, I'll see what I can do with Murray eventually...




counting, thanks for the tip for reclaiming the 'y'! Not sure if I want to do that... too much trouble to click through and read... :p




Oh and I have a quick sketch of the interior of Guybrush's dumpy houseboat now. I know it still needs a lot more to get more of the MI feel and style... but it's just a quick sketch to get an idea of the environment of the short.



Let me know what you think! Please let me know what other details and nicknacks I should still add or change so it feels more Monkey Island.





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Wow. Wouldn't know what to add/change. In my opinion it perfectly captures the Monkey Island look. It looks cozy and crammed, lots of detail like the bottle, mug and painting. I don't know if you did that on purpose, but the color of the wood feels Monkey Islandy.


Maybe change the john to a little fridge (a little contemporary reference like in the games and it's more closely related to the coke machine).


BTW, I had mercy and changed your name.


No, I didn't.

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Thanks for the tips though. Feel free to let me have it.. whatever you're thinking!

As for the john... I wanted to keep it because I was thinking of having GB sit there while eating at the dining table. :D Also it would be easy to use for some animated gags. A fridge is a good idea though... I still have the rest of the room which I don't have layed out yet so a fridge that looks like a coke machine would be great. Notice that next to the closet it's a bit blurred.. because I didn't know what to put there. :D


Oh and here's a low polygon, unfinished and untextured model of Guybrush... not much but just to keep you updated with what I have so far.



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