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TSL: Revan being male and light sided? possible spoilers,


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A stupid question indeed, but how do I manage to have Revan be male and light side? I usually either get a good femal Revan or evil male Revan, I once managed to get a good male Revan but accidently deleted the save game and now cant reproduce it.


Sorry if this has already been asked, but search didnt bring much fruit.

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When you speak to Atton for the first time the dialogue choices there decide what Revan is.

Just read the answers carefully and you will see the path. Just remember that whatever you "suggest" happened with Revan in that convo becomes what actually happened.

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in order to make Revan lightside/male is (this is what I think, but I'm pretty sure that I'm wrong on the second one):

1.) When you talk to Atton when he is in his cell, don't say that Revan was a woman :)

2.) To make him (her?) lightside, you have to defeat him in the cave on Korriban (or its something to do with the cave :))

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1: Is correct...


2:... not so correct,

When talking with Atton is Peragus you say something similar to "The stories I heard were that Revan lead the Republic to victory agianst the Sith" or something about defeating the Sith, if you say ANYTHING about him/her going back to Korriban Rean is DS.


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^ Sorry, JK_707, The_Maker is right. The cave has nothing ot do with Revan's allignment. The game needs to know as early as possible whether Revan was LS or DS, as their are points before Korribann where Revan's allignment and gender are mentioned, Even if you do Korribann right after Telos.

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^ Sorry, JK_707, The_Maker is right. The cave has nothing ot do with Revan's allignment. The game needs to know as early as possible whether Revan was LS or DS, as their are points before Korribann where Revan's allignment and gender are mentioned, Even if you do Korribann right after Telos.


Correct me if I'm wrong (and this time I'm like 100% sure I'm not) I did say that I thought that I was wrong with the second one.

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