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Chinese Halberd?

Vice Industries

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hmm I had a model somewhere


was quite high poly though, well you want it with steel texture?


Edit: did first version, lowest Poly I will get will probably be 300 Tris... no texture yet, constructive critism and fixes wished




Closeup on blade:




Closeup on ward (aint happy with it yet):



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*Disclaimer* Those are just Renders, there is NO chance that the model can be that smooth ingame, or it would cause Uber lag


Fixed a few things with the mesh, and assigned Materials for visualization, still not UVed (would be glad if someone other would do this for me as I am terrible at it)


the whole thing:




Closeup on the Blade (made it a bit thinner and longer):




Ward (doesnt look like a plate anymore):




End of the naginata (I am still not happy with it):



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Ahh, so you want a Naginata.


Nah... naginata is Japanese. It's a hyup do, can tell by the prong in the back of the blade. Unless we're looking at different pictures? The dragon head looks like the only really challenging part. I know someone who may be interested in the job, doesn't mod this game yet, though. Once I get him into it, I'll pass the idea over him, see if he likes it. He should, he's a bladed-weapon fanatic. And I still have to get him back for recommending me for a model for a game I don't mod. :devscare: Will need to give him a little while though, he has yet to play through the game.


Above naginate does look quite nice though.

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*Disclaimer* Those are just Renders, there is NO chance that the model can be that smooth ingame, or it would cause Uber lag...


Could look better. In one thread (which I don't find right now) cchargin write about smooth. Game engine make smooth all polys which are not detached.

Great info. Hmmm... I never say thanks for this... :(

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Nah... naginata is Japanese. It's a hyup do, can tell by the prong in the back of the blade. Unless we're looking at different pictures? The dragon head looks like the only really challenging part. I know someone who may be interested in the job, doesn't mod this game yet, though. Once I get him into it, I'll pass the idea over him, see if he likes it. He should, he's a bladed-weapon fanatic. And I still have to get him back for recommending me for a model for a game I don't mod. Will need to give him a little while though, he has yet to play through the game.


Above naginate does look quite nice though.

Close but its actually a Guan Do after Guan Yu the guy that just happens to be holding it in the picture.Although I've heard it called a Kwan Do before so it might vary . Any ways it looks very good. As for the end of it if its gonna be a two handed weapon you might wanna put a spiked end on it.

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Well actaully I wanted to make a big weapon expansion to this game consisting of some interesting and exotic weapons like Scimitars and crecent halbreds as well as more traditional double edged claymores and one handed swords but I would need to recruit quite a couple of modelers and scripters (Im really that inept) before trying to figure out plots and write backgrounds on them.

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Mono showed me the weapon earlier.. took a glance at it...


I had a few minutes, so I figured... what the hell? ;)




Not too bad, I suppose. It comes in at 705 polys... I'm not sure how much is "acceptable" for a KotoR model, but I could probably do some trimming if I need.



Cyl, about the Naginata...


I think you should try making the crossguard and handle a bit more rounded. Also, try adding a few more segments to the length of the blade. I've made one that came in at 375 triangles, and the blade looks great with about 8-10 segments.


I admit.. I still don't know what limitations KotoR has.. but.. 375 doesn't seem too unreasonable. :D

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*hides away*


yeah, I am such a noob


Bah, that's no way to talk.


Don't think of yourself as a Noob.

Think of yourself as "Leet in Training". ;)


And as a side note - I have seen worse. Just give yourself time to develop your ability.




A note on Guan Yu's polearm (never have gotten around to studying many chinese weapons), I've gotten it down to 555 with a tiny bit of shape loss. It's not very noticeable, but doesn't look quite as nice when a little closer.


What's the guideline for a decent weapon mesh in KotoR? I suppose I could go even lower, but then I'm going to start losing some shape... and those teeth will have to be textured on... etc....


I'd probably rather use the 705 or 555 one.. but.. can go lower if need be.

Heh... if I make one lower.. I'll have a full LOD'ed set... lol. :D

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Well, 375 isn't so great for this polearm. I've made one more version that's lower in poly... 445 triangles... but any lower than that and it'll start to lose major aspects of it's shape. I can probably take it down to 400 and do what's missing in texture... but past that and it'll stop having the main shape of that particular design.


Here's the comparison of the different polycounts, for those interested:



It only took about an hour to make the actual mesh.. will take a bit longer to texture. Do you happen to have detailed shots of the weapon, in color?

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Unfortunately I can't tell the difference as your comparison screenie is so small and can't be blownup from my pc.

try killing the ".th" in front of the .jpg extension... it'll show you a bigger pic (though it too would be a little better if it were bigger)... the main differences is you start losing the blade's curvature and start to see edging rather than a nice smooth rounded blade... overall the model is looking great though even at the low-end poly count :thumbsup:


Just FYI, poly "allowances" though not a Rule so to say, is roughly preferred to be under 1,000.. so if the 700+ model is bothering you.. don't let it ;) we've had models over 1,400+ that worked fine in the game (though you wouldn't want 6 of them on screen at once :eek: )...


Low poly tends to be friendlier for the players with not-so-turbo-charged systems.. and we like everyone to be able to enjoy mods. :)


However, the understood rule of modding comes into play. "Mod for yourself first"... so if you want to model a 2,000 weapon, then by all means do it :D

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However, the understood rule of modding comes into play. "Mod for yourself first"... so if you want to model a 2,000 weapon, then by all means do it :D


Meh, I follow the rule that if it's not designed as if it were to be in an actual game, then I'm doing something wrong. Of course, I'm hoping to make my work kinda professional. :D


The thumb link to imageshack does work though, right?

I don't seem to have any problems with it...


And thanks for the nice comments. :)

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