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Where does it come from? (minor spoilers)


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Hi, everyone.


I've been browsing through Kotor's Streammusic folder, looking for good music for my JK series levelset. Now, I found some jaw-drop music, with a lot of possible uses. The problem is, I don't recognize it. It is called mus_theme_carth and I have listened to it a few times. I've never heard this music play in the game. There are a couple of these files I've never heard, but this may have to do with the fact I never play DS in the game. I'd like you to identify where it is from, if it is in the game. Is there a music file that plays when you go DS, that features a trumpet solo at the very beginning?

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I think it's in the battle at the Star Forge between the Republic and Sith fleets. OM me the clip of the song so I can be sure, but I'm pretty sure. I won't be able to get back to you for about 18 hours (gotta get to bed so I can get to school on time tommorow. First time for everything.)

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Uh... I can't PM an attachment. I can't upload it to most servers - even when Winzipped, it's 2 MB. And no e-mail possibility, that's off for you. I looked at the YouSendIt service, because that allows up to 1 GB of space (wow) but it requires an e-mail address. And of course, hosting there lasts only a week.

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Sorry, it still won't do it. Odd error, but no matter. I found a service that let me upload the 2.02 MB zip file. However, it will take a little bit of time for that file to be processed. I'll provide a link as soon as it does. :)


Link ain't working. Just a sec, let me try to fix this.


EDIT II - I can't host files unless I pay up money. I have to E-mail the stupid thing, and if I could do that, I wouldn't be at that site. *sigh* I'll look for another site...


EDIT III - OK. I think I got it! (the cold, too. ;) ) Free uploading. I gotta remember this site. Anyway, this is merely a 10-second clip, since I don't want to break the moderator's rules, here.


EDIT IV - Now it should work.


EDIT V - Still screwed up. This is odd...

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It worked for you? Odd, it just took me to the upload page. ???


Anyway, I think Carth's theme is kick-arse. Judging from an analytical perspective:


Bastila's theme has a peaceful, graceful tune, showing a "dawn" or "opening" mood. It's good in it's own way, but I don't prefer it.


Carth's theme has the feeling that this is set up: Many heroes are now dead, as the good guys crumble. The enemy advances on the last of the defenders, as they prepare for a last stand to save their lives.


This is exactly what is in Kotor as it is used, and it is how I intend to use it: If the PC in Jedi Academy turns to the dark side. It has much more of an action theme to it. I prefer it.


BTW, while we are on the topic of streammusic, I am having a decompression problem. Most sound files will decompress just fine, but two files I really want won't extract. They are: The good ending (57.wav) and the evil ending (evil_ending.wav). Oh, and the credits (credits.wav). If I try, it'll get to about 70% and then the program will crash.

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I think the Sleheyron music was recycled and used in another place. *listens to mus_area_slehey* Hmm. That can be d/led from lucasfiles.com. *listens to mus_bat_slehey* Now where did I hear that? Oh yeah, the STAR FORGE. Cool.


Doc, if I helped bring it up, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. Why not give them this message (cut and paste into the PM reply)


StaffSaberist says: The mod is of low quality. Don't d/l it. It's not worth it. Tried it, and hated it. StaffSaberist is a guy and wanted the mod until he saw how bad it was.


I guarantee, after a few messages like that, they'll stop bugging you. I say this b/c I feel guilty, and want to help make amends. :D

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