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Halloween Post-Mortem Thread

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I got a whole lot of pumpkin seeds, those cheapos.


But I went down streets with no children and got handfuls of good stuff!



"Trick or Treat" means no treat=trick.


Don't have TP or eggs? Scalp or kick in their punkins! HAPPY HALLOWEEN.

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I went with a few friends. We went to this one house with this horrid old man who asked us where we lived. I mean, like, specific directions. Then he asked what we would do for a "trick" if he didn't give us candy. I told him we would loiter for hours until he was forced to give us candy. Old coot...


When he finally gave it to us, he pulled it out of his sleeve. What kind of crazy plays 20 questions with trick-or-treaters and then pulls the candy out of his sleeve? As we were leaving, a bunch of other people came up, and he started the whole routine over again.

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I went with a few friends. We went to this one house with this horrid old man who asked us where we lived. I mean, like, specific directions. Then he asked what we would do for a "trick" if he didn't give us candy. I told him we would loiter for hours until he was forced to give us candy. Old coot...


When he finally gave it to us, he pulled it out of his sleeve. What kind of crazy plays 20 questions with trick-or-treaters and then pulls the candy out of his sleeve? As we were leaving, a bunch of other people came up, and he started the whole routine over again.


Aww, he sounds like one of them sweet old guys.


Except for the directions. That's weird.


My brother and I got a few 'jumpers'. People who jump out at windows instead of in the yard. Wooh.


I got sunglasses, dammit. Some silly guy gave me sunglasses.

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I was supposed to be the flashlight carrier for my little sisters, since my halloween spirit was torn to bits and eaten a couple of years ago. Until I see two of my school friends, resulting in many "OMGWTFBBQ"s. I ended up going costumeless and bagless with them, and stuffed my overly large coat pockets with candy.


Next year I'll wear a costume for real. Cuz my spirit is back and all.

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I went with a few friends. We went to this one house with this horrid old man who asked us where we lived. I mean, like, specific directions. Then he asked what we would do for a "trick" if he didn't give us candy. I told him we would loiter for hours until he was forced to give us candy. Old coot...


When he finally gave it to us, he pulled it out of his sleeve. What kind of crazy plays 20 questions with trick-or-treaters and then pulls the candy out of his sleeve? As we were leaving, a bunch of other people came up, and he started the whole routine over again.

That old guy makes me think of the old guy on family guy that hits on Chris. weirdo.


I went as Milla, I mostly was told I was a Go-Go dancer, but I went with it. I got a buttload of candy, and I have spread the word of Psychonauts to souls of all kinds!

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That old guy makes me think of the old guy on family guy that hits on Chris. weirdo.


I went as Milla, I mostly was told I was a Go-Go dancer, but I went with it. I got a buttload of candy, and I have spread the word of Psychonauts to souls of all kinds!



Do you have a picture?

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I handed out candy as Raz with my friend. We sat in her driveway and had some really sad pumpkins in front of us that we randomly smeared makup and fake blood on. Her brother was sitting in a broken Laz-E-Boy by the road and freaked out a few people who didn't realize he was not fake, which was halarious.


Those pumpkins were gross. I semi-carved 2 big eyes into one and stuck the cutout pieces in the top using spoons, and presto! Ears! Spoony ears...

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  • 8 months later...

Well, Halloween 05 may be over, but it's 06 and since the school year is starting up, it's time to prepare! Anyone got plans yet? I'm going as Celso from Grim Fandango.




I've already got a fedora (I'm not painting it, but it'll do black.) I just need a green suit, red tie, yellow shirt, and some facepaint and pants! I will also be making a mask, but still it will be awesome.


Anyone else got plans already?

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I got a couple pieces of Christmas candy, some holiday punch, instant mix for ginger ale (Or something like that) and a honey and oats bar. It was a crummy year. I got some good stuff too...but the crappy stuff is all I remember. Maybe I got it because I'm WAY too old to go trick or treating.

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I'm gonna try and go twice this year since it's my last. I go to the theme parks in october cause it's cheaper and less pricy so I'll go in a costume there. I'll go as Sasha Nein to the theme parks. XD! i already have the kickass sweater, boots, jacket, pants, and slightly similar haircut. All I'd need are the glasses.


For real trick or treat though, I'm still deciding between...

-Hannibal Lector(I do the voice really good)

-A New Your socialite

-Modernized fashion designer(with a friend being the model)

-Jazz from JSRf

-One of the camp kids, preferably Phoebe.

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Our neighborhood sux cuz everyone has gates and closes them *twitches*, so I may not go trick-or-treating this year. If anyone is throwing a party, I'd go, but no one will, so ... yeah ... I might just go to the local halloween festival in town as well as the halloween party at school with some friends (if I remember to buy tickets). Afterwards, I'd like to go around the block and find ways to scare people and top it off with some Treehouse of Horror dvd's. If I can, I wanna go the the cemetary and pray for the dead (that's more Day of the Dead than Halloween, but I think people should honor the deceased with the holiday like they do in latin-america).


I'll go as either a:



-Arabian Nights harem girl (I could so pull off that look cuz I look middle-eastern, even though I'm hispanic).

-Indian princess (maybe Farah from prince of persia?), people have said I look Indian.


-sci-fi, Goth-Loli GrimReaper

-If I can, Milla Vodello


I should be able to do any of them since I make all my costumes. Oh, and my li'l sis is going as Lili, she can do her better than I can with her lighter complexion. All she needs is excessive eyeshadow.

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