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WTF Yavin


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Try using the Dark Trooper to move around the map quickly, bypassing enemy units and vehicles. A well placed detpack well clear out the Leaders (rebel spies). Place one at the entrence to their room/area and blow it up then they come through the doorway to attack. Do it again until you get them all.

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This map really is kind of tense, a bitter fight to the end. I almost had it beat but was killed from behind by one of those shifty bothans, beat it the second time though, barely. The toughest part for me was getting the bomb in the first place then transporting it to the temple without getting shot midway.


I say drive up in a tank, use a darktrooper to jump up and grab the bomb quickly, then jump down into your tank, then just boost up to the door, place the bomb, wait 10 seconds and throw as many grenades into the back room as possible.

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I had a difficult time on this level. Took a few tries. First I had trouble with defending that little area for 2 minutes(enemies seem to bum rush you at the same time). Then there was planting the bomb... Needless to say you'd have to do it alone since your allies get killed quickly. The way I did was to use a tank and kill all the other tanks in the area, getting ground troops when necessary, hop out to plant the bomb, then get back in to defend. If your tank gets low on health at any time, boost back to the beginning to get another tank. Then it should be smooth sailing as you get those rebel scum. :)


Surprisingly, the next level was easy.


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