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A little misty eyed at the end


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Well we just had the cold blooded murder and slaughter of one. Neither is okay actually, but it serves to show how Vader has well and truely lost the plot, and...I'm not sure if this is right, how he has gone too far and his only salvation is to continue working for the only one who would accept him: Palpatine.

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I can seriously believe some people would beat their girls for knocking over their AT-At model now.


Anyway O/T, I dunno, but Annakin never ever convinced me that he was that evil, I think he could have run with it but felt restrained somehow, I mean, he's got a bloody "hoody" on yet my 16 year old brother looks more menacing with one on. I don't get it but I think he was only really "he's lost it" when he's fighting the seperatists, even though he has less of a reason to be so ticked off with them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was all patient waiting and waiting for the film to come in the cinema, then when it came i thought all this time waiting THIS IS IT THE CIRCLE IS NOW COMPLETE :cry8: . I did'nt cry on bit in the cinema, but i thought when the children where seperated and taken to there foster parents with the music, as it was coming to the end of the film as well it was quite emotional aye.



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lol, why is it not okay?


Anakin doesn't do the physical act of choking her, Natalie portman just stands there with her hands on her neck. The Imperial in ANH did it better.


Wrong, Anakin doesn't exist, he's just a character being played by Hayden Christiansen, a well paid actor who just puts his hand out while Natalie Portman, another actor, pretends to be choking from an imaginary invisible force. Wow, a movie!


And this makes domestic violence okay, because...?


*sends you back to morality 101 programming facility*

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I got quite emotional when Padme is dead and ready to rest. The camera rolls down her and you see her holding the neclace that Anakin gave her all them years ago. It just got to me abit, I can't really explain why. I guess its just because Darth Vader himself gave her that neclace and she has kept it ever since.

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Wrong, Anakin doesn't exist, he's just a character being played by Hayden Christiansen, a well paid actor who just puts his hand out while Natalie Portman, another actor, pretends to be choking from an imaginary invisible force. Wow, a movie!


And this makes domestic violence okay, because...?

Did I say that domestic violence was okay, Kurgan? The 2 second shot of Natalie Portman with her hands on her neck doesn't depict anything even close to what people consider domestic violence, and just because I say that this shot is perfectly acceptable, I apparently think that domestic violence is OK?


*sends you back to morality 101 programming facility*

I don't want you to say anything like that to me again.

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