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What Happened Between KOTOR and TSL? [SPOILERS]


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Clearly maybe, but certainly not too plausibly (at least for a LS ending of KOTOR1).

Is it not a bit strange that

after Revan has seemingly saved the Republic, suddenly a bunch of Sith Lords appear who seem to have been hiding before, and the whole Republic suddenly becomes instable and collapses


All of your achievements in KOTOR seem to be completely irrelevant in TSL...

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Uhm, that situation was totally different: The Old Republic is _far_ bigger than the Rebel alliance, the Sith far smaller than the empire and also in KOTOR you

do not only destroy one battle station, but also the leader of the Sith, his apprentice, their greatest admiral and a big chunk of the Sith fleet (it looks like it at least)

It would be like Luke destroying the Death Star, Vader, the Emperor _and_ Grand Moff Tarkin, a lot of other officers and a big part of the Imperial fleet - or like Endor, where about exactly this happens and the Rebels defeat the Empire once and for all.


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The Republic is weak and crippled at the end of KotOR. They got their asses handed to them by Revan and Malak, and scraped a "victory" at the last minute. With a sizeable chunk of the jedi converted, and another chunk dead, the Republic has almost no Jedi to fall back on. Of course, this is all prior to K1 ending. Afterwards (over a span of 5 years), Sion and Nihilus begin covertly hunting down the few shattered jedi who are left (remember, Sion and Nihilus didn't really play a role in the Jedi Civil war. Nihilus had left known space, and all we know about Sion is that he made occasional visits to Korriban). So, we have a depleted Republic, lack of Jedi, Revan gone, and a galaxy to rebuild from Revan's crippling campaign.


What remained of the Sith allied themselves with Sion and Nihilus.

I mean, how do you explain the lack of Sith presence in KotOR? It boils down to Revan. LS: No more leader; Sith army disbands and merges over the course of 5 years (more than enough time for the remains to regroup). DS: Revan leaves, the Sith descend to chaos in the power vacuum, and what remains afterwards merge with Sion and Nihilus.

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You see, I actually played TSL 1st... and I still can't see how the Ebon Hawk got damaged, when Candurous becomes Mandalore, and where is Revan, Carth, Juhani, Jolee, and Bastilla?

Did you talked to your party members?


Kreia explains very clearly how the Ebon Hawk got damaged. If you get enough influence, Canderous also explains how he became Mandalore. As for where is Revan, just talk to Kreia. Don't chose the dumb DS dialogue options like "shut up or I'll kill you" or you'll miss everything. As for Carth and Bastila, you can see them in the game depending on what you answer to Atton when he speaks about Revan when you first meet with him. Juhani and Jolee are irrelevant to K2 and the devs couldn't include every K1 possibility. If you played DS, they're dead.

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Yeah as for the other characters if you played LS in KOTOR, 5 years later Im sure Juhani and Jolee Bindo continued being Jedi. Juhani would have definitley become a Jedi Knight and was probably killed by the Sith.... same with Jolee. They could also be in hiding possibly though I doubt that. :(


As for Mission Vao and Zaalbar they are probably still alive somewhere in the galaxy. Either Kasshyyk or some place else. They could also have been killed but who knows. If you where DS in KOTOR well you know what happens... :/

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Revan leaves the known galaxy and goes of to search for something unknown to us. Carth is back in service as an Admiral and is in search of the Exile mainly so he and Bastila can find Revan. If you played out the dark side Mission, Zaalbar, Juhani, and Joole are dead ( if you play TSL you find out that it was meant for Revan to be light side as Bastila is a Light Sider and Carth is back). T3-M4 for some reason I was told yesterday that he was the main character and coudn't die neither could Canderous.

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This has probably been stated already or noone cares but I played the game for the however menieth time this weekend and I finally got a total understanding of everything. I mean I knew before but not 100%


Revan good or evil doesnt matter it got the same result. The only thing that mattered is whether Juhani Mission Zallbaar and Jolee are dead. And if Bastilla is good or Evil. Oh and apparantly if your evil Carth isnt an Admiral... I guess hes still in Rakata Land. But either way the storyline basically yeilded the same result. The killing of Malak and absence of Revan produced a power vacume amoung the Sith. They all fought for control. What remained sided with either Nihlis or Scion who seeing this vaccum ensue have entered known space again and made there presence known where as during kotor it wasnt. Kreia before Malachor was a Jedi... she taught Revan and many others who all turned to the dark side. The Jedi Council blamed her for Revans defiance. You the Exile were put into just that Exile. The republic wants to find you who is apparantly the last of the Jedi and they hope you can help them find Revan I guess?? The Harbinger picks you up from the Outer Rim.


When Revan left known space he said bye to everyone and took the driods. Apparantly HK was disabled, perhaps since he was reprogramed to return to his master and a liability, and T3 was commanded to take control of the ship and return to known space leaving the navicomputer locked. They were then attacked my a Sith Warship controlled by Scion. This may be because Scion wanted to know where Revan went or was looking for Jedi. The Harbinger picked up the Hawks destress signal. A HK 50 was randomly put on board the harbinger since they were being distributed throughout the galaxy. HK 50 realizing who the Exile was started sabatoging the ship. The ship found the Ebon Hawk disabled and noone was onboard but the driods. They found the Sith warship empty except for Scion who was KOd and feinting. The Sith Assassins were cloaked. Then Kreia somehow found out the Exile was on the harbinger and got onboard but it was too late. So during this chaos of Sith Assassins and Scion looking for the Exile Kreia and HK 50 or something took the Exile on board the Ebon Hawk and left. However they were fired upon. They went to Paragus and thats where the game starts. Besides for Revan leaving, the Sith revolting and jioning with the new Scion or Nihlis, T3 and the Hawk returning from space, Canderous starting clan Ordo, Carth becomming an admiral, Scion and Nihlis hunting down all remaining Jedi, and the republic being in ****... thats all that happened between the games.


Did I leave anything out or am I wrong about anything.

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