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Kotor 3 : Legend of The Sith'ari


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The Title


Knights Of The Old Republic : Legend of the Sith'ari


You are Revan, At the start of the game you have to choose if you are Light Side OR Dark Side.


If you are Light Side, Just you & the Ebon hawk Start out on a new planet Run by a small Jedi group... Your travels begin from there.


If you are Dark Side, You Start out on a New Sith Ship, & your NPCs are Sith Dark Jedi. Deep in Sith space, Protecting the Sith'ari


Your NPC's are Very Important if your a Light Side player. Each one will be different with different Skills ,Feats, and so on.


If your a Dark Side player. your The Sith Lord Revan. Then your NPC's will just follow your orders.


The Story is .. There is a Sith'ari creature Half Sith / Half Sith'ari God like being.. That Must be Destroyed at all cost.


You have to travel to 10 different Planets,

The game is Nonlinear !!!


SO you can Play on ALL the Worlds, Missions & Side Missions. But you can choose to move on to you next story point when your ready.


The Game engine & graphics would be Upgraded.

No longer DC20 system.

It will use a DC10 system

From 1 to 10 representing 1% to 100%


(when you make a DC10 Hit that would be a Critical Hit & the NPC player would Die. If you make a DC1 hit the Player would lose 10% health. Player Health is only 100% this would be added & subtracted by Armour & Uniforms & weapons & shields & so on. SO that when you have a Shield on. & you get Hit the Shield can Totally protect you OR cut the damage in Half. SO if a shield protects you 50% of the hits. And you get struck by a DC5 your shield would absorb the Damage.)



The Ebnon Hawk, Can be Flown & Controlled By The Controller.

There are No cut scene moives, All game movies will be in game, To keep the feel of the game.


There would be Space Battles Missions & Protection Missions in Space.

( Like protecting another space ship Or Station. )


The Ebon Hawk would be Upgraded. Shame Shape. New Sleeker Style. NEW Paint Job ! Internal spaces would be upgraded Also & NPC Crew would be Able to interact with the Ship. Working on Damage to engines,Hull,Sensors & so on.


The Sith Ship would be New. Also have the same features upgradeable as the Ebon Hawk.


The NPC's would have Duties like Repairing the Ship, Working on the Ship... during Space Travel. Instead of instant travel Travel would have sum time from planet to planet. There would Also be Missions on Board your Ship.




Swoop Raceing

Pazzak (However you spell it)

Target Practice, from the Ship Turret

Holo Battle Arena


( A Small 360 Degree room Where you can arm two NPCs and watch them do battle to the death OR Watch then battle forever, Like a ScreenSaver.


In the Game you would be Able to Fight & Kill anyone NPC in the entire Game. Besides Story NPCs.

( NPCs that you Have to keep to complete your missions )



Game Items

Would be different each time you visited a store or dealer.

( Dealers & Stores would Trade in the Game Background, SO each time you visited them, They would have New iteams Or new Weapons to Trade. )



Focused Skills & Feats


The More you Play the Game the More Skills & Feats Open up to you.

( If you Try to spike a Computer each time you get better & better At it. Pretty Soon. you can Hack computers wiht out Any spikes or or items needed to be used. )



The XP point System

No Longer used.



You have the Option to do a mission for Credits Or Skills & Feats

( After the Mission complete, you get Credits or Skills & Feats. )



Lights Saber Crystal Combinations

4 Crystals Max Per Light Saber


1 for Color

1 for Width & Lenght

2 for Different Strenths & Power


The more a Player & NPC uses there Light Saber & Weapons, The more Moves They learns.



Combat will be more inportant in this Game. Less talking MORE Fighting.

Combat will still be PRG , No button smashing !!!

TOns of new Jedi Moves. Movie like combat Camera Styles.



Combat Zones

Space, Planets, Ships, Stations, & on the Ebon Hawk & The New Sith Ship.


That's all the Idea's i have for now. ADD yours to mine. & i will Email ALL the Info to LUCAS ARTS. & give them our Ideas.

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A little bit more about the Story


If you play Light Side your missions would be to Destroy the Sith on many worlds & Locations, including on the Sith ship of the Dark Lord.

Leading up to the Final Battle with the Sith'ari being.



If you play Dark Side your missions would be to Destroy the Jedi on many worlds & locations , including on the Ebon Hawk.

Leading up to the Final Battle at the Jedi Outpost.

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Remember that lil Ball thingy Luke sykwalker was praticeing with ? that would be a Way you could Pratice & learn the use of you lightsaber.


ASLO i found that ship that should be used if you play the Dark Side SITH IMPERIAL SHUTTLE , it could be changed to look like an earlier model of these. to keep with the Time line. http://freespace.virgin.net/james.hobson/tril8.JPG



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Ok... where to begin. Good ideas good creativity. Nooo. No Sith ship... no starting as Revan like you said. You have to use the Ebon Hawk with T3 and HK. Most importantly NO D10 SYSTEM. No d10 system plleeeasse I hate the d10 system no no no. The game should use the same engine with slight adjustments. Some things are cool though like slightly upgrading the hawk... fighting remotes.... a holo battle arena... more control over the hawk. Also the Sithari is cool... I dunno what else some good ideas but basically no way.

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Well i Love the Look of KOTOR .. i agree that the game engine & interface should remaine the same. But Upgrade Upgreade Upgeade it !!!


I wanna see the combat system upgraded too. I've been reading alot of Post on this fourm & i wanna see my PC, do Flps & jumps & Cool jedi fighting moves in combat, Not just stand there Or dodge a hit..

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Uhm, No. No. And No.


No Xp point system? Are you half crazy?! Thats what makes an RPG an RPG!


And if you read up about lightsabers, its impossible for them to have 4 crystals, and on top of that GL never wanted lightsabers to have 4 crystals anyhow.


I won't keep going on ranting on about how badly your idea sounds just for my minds sake...

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I wanna see the combat system upgraded too. I've been reading alot of Post on this fourm & i wanna see my PC, do Flps & jumps & Cool jedi fighting moves in combat, Not just stand there Or dodge a hit..

This won't happen because KOTOR is a 'pure' RPG based on a PnP RPG System (D20), so combat will largely stay as it is. The D20 rules frown on that type of movement during combat, and what you currently see in KOTOR is a faithful reproduction of that D20 system. Remember just because the PT had those very acrobatic duels does not mean it can be done in a dialogue driven RPG. It is also out of place in this game genre.

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dude , reven went to the outer rim to fight the " Real sith threat " hence why you are heading to the outer rim at the end of kotor 2..


Most likely you will be a jedi serving reven + the exile in kotor 3 .


Nice try, but do you know how many peole thought TSL was going to be about revan??? And by that i'm pointing to the fact that Revan wasnt the main plott. In the end it comes down to the story the devlopers ( and to a certain extent Lucas) want. not to many people on this site are to keen on the idea of playing as Revan, or the Exile. I think that Revan and the Exile should have a very limited role (as in LImited I mean a non playable role). But we can only wait and see what they do with it. Its never what we truely want, but never the less it will be good.

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This won't happen because KOTOR is a 'pure' RPG based on a PnP RPG System (D20), so combat will largely stay as it is. The D20 rules frown on that type of movement during combat, and what you currently see in KOTOR is a faithful reproduction of that D20 system. Remember just because the PT had those very acrobatic duels does not mean it can be done in a dialogue driven RPG. It is also out of place in this game genre.


Well, once we can reanimate, you could fake semi-migrating duels by making attack/dodge animations move, only problems with that would be that the camera wouldn't follow the character, could cause wall clipping, and they have to return to the original spot by the end of the turn, but could still improve it a bit. ;)

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Well, once we can reanimate, you could fake semi-migrating duels by making attack/dodge animations move, only problems with that would be that the camera wouldn't follow the character, could cause wall clipping, and they have to return to the original spot by the end of the turn, but could still improve it a bit. ;)

Nope, sorry Mono but that would look more horrible than what we have now, not to mention the additional pause time between rounds you would add in as the characters moved back to their 'place'... those really pretty PT duels should be left in the prequels, they have no place in this RPG format.


I could go on about the actual D20 rules and the kinds of penalties you would incur while moving around like that during combat, but I have allready done so numerous times... suffice it to say the D20 system is not geared to fanciful PT saber duels.


While yes, they could try to synchronise the combat animations better, the fights still will be more reminicient of the static Vader Vs. Obi-Wan duel on the Death Star, than the fanciful duel on Mustafar. ;)

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While yes, they could try to synchronise the combat animations better, the fights still will be more reminicient of the static Vader Vs. Obi-Wan duel on the Death Star, than the fanciful duel on Mustafar. ;)



Well, personally, I prefer the static to the fanciful. I'm just throwing the suggestion on the table. And I may have made it seem like more than it was in my post, I don't expect nor want to see a fight going all throughout the map, but making them step back a few feet rather than just leaning in place could work. Not something I'd really want, nor want to take the time to animate, I'm just giving the idea.

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And if you read up about lightsabers, its impossible for them to have 4 crystals, and on top of that GL never wanted lightsabers to have 4 crystals anyhow.


Yes, because a lightsaber is physically possible in the first place.... It's just an idea, no need to totally going off on the guy like that.

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Go look in Wikipedia for "Sith" or "Sith'ari." Yuthura didn't know what it was, but if you listened she talked about someone great who would lead the Sith to power; which meant Anakin, it was just the Sith side of the prophecy.


Well I'm no hardcore Star Wars fan, just happen to love KotOR and KotOR2, and the movies are rather cool.

BUT, Anakin is NOT the Sith's "chosen one", he, as said, is the chosen one for the jedi. Which I know sounds stupid, BUT who was it who defeated Darth Sidius (that evil wrinkly sith guy, ie Supreme Chancellor dude)? hmmmm, it was Darth Vader (Anakin), so really, Anakin was the one who defeated the sith, Luke Skywalker was merely the catalyst that allowed the event to happen.


Yes, because a lightsaber is physically possible in the first place.... It's just an idea, no need to totally going off on the guy like that.


Well like I said before, I'm no Star Wars buff but I do know allot about physics, and im sure it would be theoretically possible to make a light sabre, probably by setting it up so that a long retractable pole would jut out and create a highly concentrated electrical feild, only within a small area, and also be surrounded by a bunch of extraorinarily highly excited electron particals, which due to the nature of electric feilds and heat (due to high excitement) im sure would be able to act similar to a light sabre.... maybe.



anyway, I like the idea of starting off as a random recruitment soldier whos sent on the mission to kill either revan or exile and along with you, but working seperately is a lone mercenary, and tracks them down throughout the game, but learning more about the person they are after, whilst at various points seeing your "competitor" (ie mercenary guy), and at one point is brought into the jedi order, then the person at the very end of the game has to make up their mind whether to kill or not kill their target, if they decide to kill them, they battle them at the end, if not, they battle the lone mercenary bloke who by now, has become a really god damn unbelievably powerful jedi/sith.

just an idea.

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Sometime during the early history of the First Sith Empire, the coming of the Sith'ari, the prophesied savior of the Sith Order, was foretold. The Sith'ari was a perfect being who would rise to power and bring balance to the Force. According to prophecy, the Sith'ari would rise up and destroy the Sith, but in the process would return to lead the Sith and make them stronger than ever before, a striking parallel to the Chosen One of Jedi legend, though it is most likely that the Sith'ari and Chosen One are one and the same.


Hey guess who brought balance to the force! guess who did make it so the Sith empire could rule the galaxy *Although under a different name*?


Yep thats right Anakin Skywalker AKA Darth Vader AKA The chosen one!


The Sith'ari is just the chosen one the sith believe he would rise up and lead the sith and bring balance to the force well seems the chosen one managed to do both!


And hav'nt lightsabers be proven time and time again to just be Science fiction nonsense?

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