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Kotor 3 : Legend of The Sith'ari


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Oh! Ok! :sweat: *Embarassed Look, Nervously Shuffles About* Sorry Mono... :doh:


Due to recent conversations on this subject I was just trying to cover my bases. ;)


Heh, no problem. :D


The only animation I would want to add into battles for myself would be having them ocasionally circle each other, somewhat like Vader vs. Old Ben, but I know it won't happen. :p

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I'm sticking to my guns here. IF the DC20 system cannot represent a True Star Wars battle. Then it's not worth keeping.


Biowares new Game MASS EFFECT is a rpg based you might want to do sum reading on it's Combat system. & think how that could be made into a nother KOTOR game.


It's my bet that Bioware will make the next KOTOR & use Mass Effects game engine.


I dont' see why you couldnt' have a 4 crystal saber. Lets say there uber rare.. & only jedi masters even know how to make them. & you find one or a protype of one in a Old Jedi tomb.. :o)



I haven't played KOTOR 2 so i dont' now what the story was just so you Know.

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i have concluded that the Sith,ari is THE Dark Lord and if u lern from kraea that the old Sith Lords were extreemly good at light saber fighting the saber fighting that you would see from Revan or Malik would be small kids playing with toys


now since that the old Sith Lords were so good imagen the Sith,ari you would be out mached in every way possable

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You want the legend of the sith'ari? Just fast-forward 4,000 years and give Anakin a friendly shake on his black-gloved hand.


I have to say, a lot of the ideas you have would be completely abandoning the rpg format (example no XP point system etc.). I also disagree with a DC10 engine, as DC20 (based on my limited knowledge of it) still does seem better. However, I would definentally like to see a new engine that possibly could update the melee battles with even simple things, like circling your opponent.


I don't know, but I can say one thing...what the devs put out is going to own all our speculation and ideas by a long shot.

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Ok I would like to say that Yoda wouldn't say "Misread the prophecy may have been" if misread the prophecy wasn't


Remembr how Obi-one refered to Darth Vader and Anakin as 2 peeps...Vader was the Sith'ari and Anakin was the Jedi chosen one...in Vaders name he caried out the Sith Prophecy as Anakin he carried out his Jedi destiny.

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I know all people want the game to be longer than the previous ones but IMO there wont be 10 plantest. Kotor I was long.. unusual long for a game.

If there will be a Kotor III i dont think it will be longer than Kotor I.


And about that combat system, i dont like it. Unless they totally give up the D&D system for a action-game based combat system i want it to stay the same.


And about that chosen one/sith'ari:

Imo it is one of the weakest parts of all Star wars story. Someone who will "balance" the force? Balancing means killing sithlords, so there are users of the light side of the force only? is that "balancing"? just curious...

And so after Sidious is dead, there will be Sith again at some time.. so that act of"balancing" was useless?

It is just my opinion but that legend of the Chose One is crap.

Personally i would be happy if that isnt going to be part of Kotor III.

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Bring balance by killing the Sith Lord?? is that the official story??


I thought it was known (and believed) that the Jedi wee falling out of touch with the LS. Darth Vader brought balance by killing off the old ways...Luke lead the NEW order Vader killed ALL of the force users of the old ways save Yoda who died of geezerisem....I thought I said that before...as Vader he brought balance by killing all the old Jedi...as Anakin he brought balance by killing the remaining Sith....any Jedi or Sith that would come would learn of the force through a new point of view.


I thought this was the offical ending to Star Wars :eyeraise:

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I have to say i love the idia,

i think that the combat shouldent be changed but add'ed to (more moves ect..) as i want to only have to do what i do now to win a fight as thats what makes Kotor what it is!


i also think that there should be a second main storyline for boath sides of revan. eg... if you are DS you have to turn people to the darkside.


one more thing, The Jedi wouldent go to kill the sith, the jedi are not like that, even in K1 the jedi went looking for the starmaps to find out the facts of revan and malak and then when on the starforge they went in to shut it down. anyone that died was a thret. but the jedi would never go out to kill the sith. they whould have a diferent motive and eventualy have to kill the sith along the way....


Next, the sith'ari is Vader. so it would need a new name and a slightly new storyline.

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BUT, Anakin is NOT the Sith's "chosen one", he, as said, is the chosen one for the jedi. Which I know sounds stupid, BUT who was it who defeated Darth Sidius (that evil wrinkly sith guy, ie Supreme Chancellor dude)?


Anakin IS the Sith's chosen one. The Sith'ari prophecy was about a person who would destroy the Sith, yet lead them into power over the galaxy, or at least something around that. Which, Anakin did, 4000 years later. Like a few others have said, Vader was the Sith'ari, who brought the Sith to power. Anakin was the Chosen One, who destroyed the Sith and brought balance to the force. So, same person, same prophecy.


You are Revan, At the start of the game you have to choose if you are Light Side OR Dark Side.


No. Just no. New PC, I don't want to go through all these complicated choices and be checking boxes at startup saying whether I did this or that in K1. As for alignment, a major part of the game is choosing your alignment in-game. Make it so you have your own alignment, not one that is predetermined.


If you are Light Side, Just you & the Ebon hawk Start out on a new planet Run by a small Jedi group... Your travels begin from there.


If you are Dark Side, You Start out on a New Sith Ship, & your NPCs are Sith Dark Jedi. Deep in Sith space, Protecting the Sith'ari


For one, on LS, Revan went into the Unknown Regions, so why would he be in the Republic with a bunch of Jedi who are already your party members from the start? Would you have to be explained all this as the story went along? And for DS, what are the dark Jedi going to be, Sith 1, Sith 2, etc? You usually get party members through the story, not right at the start. And why would Revan be reduced to the Sith'ari bodyguard?


As for the rest: Sorry, but I don't think I agree with almost any of them. :dozey: Keep XP, keep the D20 system...

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WTF! Choose if you are light or dark side? no xp? come on! I am sorry, dude but this idea would make kotor not kotor at all. This idea, isn't right. Besides... Oh well. Anyways no i hate this, and being revan would suck cuz

1)(i think someone alredy said this) you can choose name of ur char, so how stupid you have to be to call you like Random Name, if you know ure revan

2)You have to WORK to get dark or light side points

3) Darth Revan- One of most powerfull sith/jedi ever. You start off at level one, being weaker than most droids, completely senseless, huh?

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GUYS, your digging deeper then the details i laid out.


I never said anyting about Checking boxes.


& picking a random name or picking your own name, Makes no difference if your Raven. IN kotor 1 i use my real name, They Still called me raven ! so there was no point to your point, Jeremia skywalker. lol


I think it's a good idea. IF you start off Dark Side, would would start the game off with sum advance skills, & your Dark Sith NPC's will all have story behind them.


& your not just the Sithari's bodyguard. I NEVER said that. YOur mission would be to hunt down the Jedi.


Again, IF the DC20 system CANNOT give you REAL star wars battles. Then WHY would you want to keep it ?


Saber dules, Special moves, Flips , Force jumps, Force push, Force move objects,

Blend real battle scripted moves in the game. So it really looks like these two are fighting not just standing there taken hits one after the other.


KOTOR 1 has sold over 2.5 million copies to date (Xbox and PC)



Like Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire, Mass Effect is a squad-based RPG.

"We're combining the great story-elements of KOTOR and implementing the interface of a squad-based shooter, and we're going to deliver innovations on Xbox Live," the BioWare rep said confidently. "You'll fight as a squad of three.


Digital actors: "Mass Effect" features a huge cast of in-engine digital actors that you will encounter as NPCs, enemies or as party members. Each will have life-like facial and body movements, and an advanced dialogue system will give them engaging personalities


Character customization. Players will be able to choose from a variety of stunning, photo-realistic character appearances at the start of the game, and throughout the game can increase various statistics which will have an impact on their performance during gameplay. Equipment, weapons and armor that are acquired during the course of the story will change the appearance of the characters.

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I never said anyting about Checking boxes.


I know you didn't. Ok, so you don't. You actually get to choose A, B, or C in answer to questions that the game poses to you at the beginning. Big difference. I used the checking boxes example because that is what it would be. Even if that wasn't really the exact way you did it, that is what it would turn in to.


& picking a random name or picking your own name, Makes no difference if your Raven. IN kotor 1 i use my real name, They Still called me raven ! so there was no point to your point, Jeremia skywalker. lol


Actually, there was. Revan could have a total of three names: Darth Revan, <K1 name>, and <K3 name>. Wouldn't make any sense, would it? Your character could be named one thing in K1, and another in K3. Since you already know you are Revan, its no secret anymore, why not just take away the custom name? :rolleyes:


I think it's a good idea. IF you start off Dark Side, would would start the game off with sum advance skills, & your Dark Sith NPC's will all have story behind them.


And it takes away completely from the "blank sheet" that we have started out with in the previous games. I don't want a character that is completely predetermined out. We already know he is Revan, so nothing in the character past that has to be discovered- Revan will be about level 45, so no challenging gameplay there- He will also have several nice items and weapons already at his disposal, so no need to loot corpses...


You know, I think a hardcore mod on this game would only get it up to the level of "super easy." Not to mention the horrendous story that the devs would probably cook up to try and make Revan have an interesting backstory yet again.


& your not just the Sithari's bodyguard. I NEVER said that. YOur mission would be to hunt down the Jedi.


I never said that you were JUST the Sith'ari bodyguard. I never said anything at all about that. I merely was asking why in the world would Revan become second-best to some new Sith super-being, and be reduced to the state of bodyguard. Doesn't make sense.


And the real problem is: What you are saying would mean to seperate storylines and beginnings depending on whether you are DS or LS. Do you know what this would do? It would change the style of KotOR completely. If this idea was used, we would be playing some mission-based game like JA combined with a strategy element, that has two seperate objectives and starting points. We, quite simply, wouldn't be playing KotOR anymore.


Again, IF the DC20 system CANNOT give you REAL star wars battles. Then WHY would you want to keep it ?


It gives me KotOR battles that are good enough. Frankly, I don't know WHY you are complaining about it. It should stay the same, and not alienate people like me and many others that want (strangely enough :rolleyes: ) for KotOR to remain KotOR.

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You actually get to choose A, B, or C in answer to questions that the game poses to you at the beginning. Big difference. I used the checking boxes example because that is what it would be. Even if that wasn't really the exact way you did it, that is what it would turn in to..


OK, That has nothing to do with KOTOR 3 Or this post.



Actually, there was. Revan could have a total of three names: Darth Revan, <K1 name>, and <K3 name>. Wouldn't make any sense, would it? Your character could be named one thing in K1, and another in K3. Since you already know you are Revan, its no secret anymore, why not just take away the custom name? :rolleyes:


Thats a good idea, Take custom names out. what's the point if your playing Revan Right.



And it takes away completely from the "blank sheet" that we have started out with in the previous games. I don't want a character that is completely predetermined out. We already know he is Revan, so nothing in the character past that has to be discovered- Revan will be about level 45, so no challenging gameplay there- He will also have several nice items and weapons already at his disposal, so no need to loot corpses. You know, I think a hardcore mod on this game would only get it up to the level of "super easy." Not to mention the horrendous story that the devs would probably cook up to try and make Revan have an backstory yet again.


Ok malak was what level 30 ?

SO what if revan was level 45 that would make the game alot harder to beat & make it better.



I never said that you were JUST the Sith'ari bodyguard. I never said anything at all about that. I merely was asking why in the world would Revan become second-best to some new Sith super-being, and be reduced to the state of bodyguard. Doesn't make sense..


/\ that's the 2nd time you've said Revan would be nothing more then a bodyguard. AGAIN Revan would have a mission in this game.




And the real problem is: What you are saying would mean to seperate storylines and beginnings depending on whether you are DS or LS. Do you know what this would do? It would change the style of KotOR completely. If this idea was used, we would be playing some mission-based game like JA combined with a strategy element, that has two seperate objectives and starting points. We, quite simply, wouldn't be playing KotOR anymore.



Your kidding me right ? ALL of the games start out on a set path, You don't get to choose your path in kotor 1 or 2. You can only chose your lightside or dark side. KOTOR is not a open universe game. Again you dont' have a point in saying this. MY idea for KOTOR 3 would be a open universe game. where can choose your path, BUT you can play the storyline in the game or go off & wounder the galaxy & do whatever you wanted untill your ready to continue the set game storyline.




It gives me KotOR battles that are good enough. Frankly, I don't know WHY you are complaining about it. It should stay the same, and not alienate people like me and many others that want (strangely enough :rolleyes: ) for KotOR to remain KotOR.



You need to accept change , that is comming. Kotor 3 would be boring as hell if it was the same old everthing. in a new box with a new story. RPG game play needs to more forward, IF it sits still it will be OLD. like kotor 1 & 2 already is.

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OK, That has nothing to do with KOTOR 3 Or this post.


Ummm... Are you even understanding what I am saying? I'm talking about what the game would apparently ask you in the beginning of a new game.


Thats a good idea, Take custom names out. what's the point if your playing Revan Right.


Oh, riiight...


SO what if revan was level 45 that would make the game alot harder to beat & make it better.


That makes about zero sense. Umm, I don't know if you know this, OO, but usually the tough battles are against people who are a higher level than you. Somebody that is 15 levels lower than you is going to be like attacking Sion attacking a tach. It would be a super easy game.


BTW, you didn't say anything about the other problems I posted... Kind of selective with your response.


/\ that's the 2nd time you've said Revan would be nothing more then a bodyguard. AGAIN Revan would have a mission in this game.


*sighs* Read my post again, please. I never said that. What I was asking about, was why he would be a bodyguard (among other things) to the Sith'ari. It just isn't like a DS Revan to become second-best to another Sith.


^No, read that several times (what I just posted). Do I, anywhere, say anything about him JUST being a bodyguard? :rolleyes: I am just talking about the bodyguard part of the game, not implying that that is all he will do.


Your kidding me right ? ALL of the games start out on a set path, You don't get to choose your path in kotor 1 or 2.


Never said you didn't. I was talking about the STYLE of the games, and I said that this would turn into a mission-based strategy kind of game, like some MP Siege game. KotOR is much different than that. It isn't about going on missions about fighting big strategic battles, your character is sent on a quest, and than at the end confronts the Sith Lords. That is what I was talking about.


You need to accept change , that is comming. Kotor 3 would be boring as hell if it was the same old everthing. in a new box with a new story. RPG game play needs to more forward, IF it sits still it will be OLD. like kotor 1 & 2 already is.


Oh please. :xp: Change = Changing the combat system into something 75% of us don't want? No, I don't think so. Some things need to change, but a lot of us want KotOR to remain KotOR, and for a series like this, we don't need a huge radical change of system at the end of the series. It is fine the way it is, don't start on this "we need change." :rolleyes:

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Actually, there was. Revan could have a total of three names: Darth Revan, <K1 name>, and <K3 name>. Wouldn't make any sense, would it? Your character could be named one thing in K1, and another in K3. Since you already know you are Revan, its no secret anymore, why not just take away the custom name? :rolleyes:


Well, it could be pulled off... The only likely returning characters from the first game are HK-47 and T3-M4, neither of whom address Revan by name. You could theoretically go through the game with your custom name, then find out that you're Revan (Again.). It would come as no shock to the main character, as he/she knows that they're Revan, but it might shock the player. The custom name might then be revealed as a travelling guise, or such, like Underhill from the Lord of the Rings. Flaky, but possible. Still breaks KotOR traditions however. A new PC is required.

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Ok, i'm not gonna Argue with the *Snip* who Keeps nitpicking at my idea. SO MOVE ON .



& for those of you who cant' get the idea i've got for KOTOR 3 Check out MASS EFFECT from bioware. it would be like that, Based on star wars instead & NOT a push button game. i don't want a halo push button game, i hated halo 1 & 2


OptimalOptimus, please refrain from any sort of name calling in your posts, this is called flaming and will not be tolerated... any more name calling and this thread will be closed. -RH

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No need to get angry. I agree with the others, K2 had a new PC, it is now virtually impossible to go back to Revan. This is KOTOR's greatest weakness as a series even though it's the games' greatest stength individually.


The best way to do K2 IMO would have been to make Revan the PC and assume LS ending on K1. Then skip foward five years to discover Revan has forsaken the Force and become a hermit or is living quietly with Bastila/Carth.


I think for K3 they should fix LS endings for the last two games, otherwise we'll just get more of the same. The Republic will be tottering, the Jedi will be all but extinct and the Sith will be about to resurge.

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Ok, i'm not gonna Argue with the *Snip* who Keeps nitpicking at my idea. SO MOVE ON .


Since what I'm saying seems to not register with you, I'm just going to give up. I was merely pointing out rather large flaws in your ideas, nothing personal- some that you can't seem to find an answer too. But apparently I'm just going to get called names, and said that I'm "nitpicking."


And just one last thing. DO NOT change the engine. Mass Effect may be one of the greatest games ever made, but it is not KOTOR. Don't just change it into another total different game, and alienate me and many others from the game, who don't want some wierd hybrid unlike the way the first two were. Of course, you may not even care if it alienates people; if so, that is your problem.


If you don't like the way battles are in KOTOR, I really don't care- that's just the way the game works. Go play Mass Effect, fine, but don't turn KOTOR into what Mass Effect is.

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Since what I'm saying seems to not register with you, I'm just going to give up. I was merely pointing out rather large flaws in your ideas, nothing personal- some that you can't seem to find an answer too. But apparently I'm just going to get called names, and said that I'm "nitpicking."


And just one last thing. DO NOT change the engine. Mass Effect may be one of the greatest games ever made, but it is not KOTOR. Don't just change it into another total different game, and alienate me and many others from the game, who don't want some wierd hybrid unlike the way the first two were. Of course, you may not even care if it alienates people; if so, that is your problem.


If you don't like the way battles are in KOTOR, I really don't care- that's just the way the game works. Go play Mass Effect, fine, but don't turn KOTOR into what Mass Effect is.


Thank you rob, I agree.

Why does everyone want to change Kotor into something it's not?

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  • 1 year later...

This sounds like a good idea for a game, now if only Lucas Arts would work on Kotor III. I saw that they are working on a "Star Wars' Force Unleashed" game where you play Darth Vaders' secret apprentice in the time between episodes' III and IV. They don't seem to have any interest in finishing the Kotor trilogy though.

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