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Twice Exiled, Twice Redeemed


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Jana laughed. "Exile for Death?" She shrugged. "So long as none of us plans on dying..."


"But it'll take more than planning to avoid death," she said, almost seeming to interrupt herself. "If your main goal is to avoid death, you'll quite likely end up dead. Plan to live and maybe it'll happen that way."


"So perhaps I am stupid," she went on. "To rush into something I know nothing about. Why do the Masters want to get rid of Yery and Kyle?"

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"Not like he's not annoyed by me anyway," Jana shrugged. "He's the one who thinks I'm progressing too quickly in my training. The others are merely concerned... have said something about the possibility of a Sith or Jedi possession... but I highly doubt that. I think I'd know if anything tried to possess me."

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Yery listened to Jana and Kelso's discussion from a (presumably)

discreet distance. Exile for death? What was this she was

hearing? Could Master Vrook really be so cruel and shortsighted?

Would he be? Surely a Jedi, if Vrook really were a true Jedi, would

think twice about sending only two Padawans and two Masters ahead...


"Excuse me," she said softly, trying to sound nonchalant. "I know that

the Krasnaya's headed straight for Illum, but is there a way we

might be able to divert course? I don't know how the ship's controls are

programmed, but maybe something or someone could help us out. Is there

a droid on board? B3-D3 didn't sound like he was coming with us, but..."


"Divert course?" This sound came from a special panel in the hyperdrive

which communicated with the passengers of the Krasnaya much

like a droid would. "That is not possible, passengers. I was programmed

specifically for this mission, and there is no reasonable way to divert course."


"Excellent," sighed Yery, and her chest heaved. "Listen. Em, hyperdrive, is there

anything you could tell us about Darth Revan? Background information, perhaps?"


The hyperdrive beeped and whirred, and then its glowing panel showed a

portrait of the cloaked Sith Lord. "Revan was once a Jedi, though he has

now reclaimed the title of Lord of the Sith. During the onslaught of the

Mandalorians in the wars that now bear their name, Revan became

impatient for the Jedi Council to send its soldiers into battle. He and

his apprentice, the late Darth Malak, led the attack that would

eventually culminate in their utter betrayal of the Jedi Order."


"Computer, do you know how or why Revan and Malak became Sith?"


"Negative. That information was not encoded into my programming.

I am merely programmed to reveal the "what" and the "who" of any

given situation, not the "why" and the "how". Such speculations are

best left up to organic sentients, and droids who have humanoid artificial

intelligence." The hyperdrive gave a soft hum and continued working.


"Master Kelso," said Yery, boldly but yet humbly at the same time,

"I'd like you to probe me. What could Vrook possibly see in me that

would cause him to send us both into exile?"

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Kyle couldn't believe what was Master Kelso saying. He frowned and turned around. Son of a shutta was planning this all along realised Kyle, dropping his fist into his palm. He then turned to the others:

"I am going to see if we can get out of this mess. I'll ask if I can leave."

Kyle went to B3 D3 and asked:

"Are the docking bay doors open?"

"Yes they are sir." said B3 D3 "You may come and go as you wish."

Kyle was a bit surprised whne he heard the reply, he turned to the door and added:

"Thank you."

"You are welcome, sir." replied the droid.

Kyle made his way to the door. He couldn't stop thinking of how this sounded so easy; Vrook wasn't an idiot, he'd never leave any lag in his plans, if he had any. Kyle approached the door. Suddenly, 12 thugs entered through the door: 4 Rodians, 1 Weequay, 6 Humans and 2 Trandoshans. Kyle, panicked a bit, reached for his light sabre.


A figure, wearing blue armour stepped out of the group. The man was in his late twenties, he had a short black hair and dark eyes. Kyle knew who it was, he coldly smiled:

"Hello, Brejik."

"Nice to see you too, Master Soran." said sarcastically Brejik.

"And to what do I owe, this unpleasant visit?" asked Kyle, examining the group.

"Well." said Brejik "Maybe it has something to do with..." Brejik snapped his fingers "Money."

"If you want a loan..." began Kyle coldly "You should go to a bank."

"Now why would I take money which I had to return?" asked Brejik "I am not a bank either, but I didn't give you that grin."

"I repayed that depth years ago." said Kyle "And I would do that right now if it was the same situation."

"You think that I'm interested in your money?" Brejik laughed "I am not interested in your money. I'm interested in the other people's money which I will get if I bring you to them."

"Let me guess." sharpened Kyle "Vrook?"

"That old dirtbag? No thank you. Besides, I have you. You are far more valuable than him."

"Any reasons?" frowned coldly Kyle.

"None in particular." began Brejik. Kyle looked with his eyeballs to the upper left. "You can come peacefully if you want."

Kyle pulled out quickly his light sabre, and the white ray of light cut to the upper left deflecting a blaster bolt, hitting a human which fell right beside him. Brejik, turned red angry and yelled:

"Kill Soran, Kill Kelso, Kill them all!"

All of the mercanaries pulled out their blaster rifles (most mercanaries had blaster rifles, true but unexplained fact). Kyle lowered quickly his sabre to his lower left deflecting 2 blaster rays, hitting a Rodian and a Human. He ran towards the group; he moved his sabre to the upper left and made 4 rays deflect towards the roof. He jumpped avoiding all of the rays that were being fired around him, eventually one hit him, but not badly. When he landed he slashed his sabre to his lower right cutting open 2 Humans; he truned and parried a blade from the Weequay and turned around for 360 degrees and cut off the Weequay's head. He stabbed through a Trandoshan and jumpped out of there. He landed in front of the group and Force Pushed them massively through the door, making it close, with many more thugs outiside. Kyle holstered his sabre and ran towards the Krasnaya as the thugs rammed at the door, damaging it quickly.

Kyle pushed Kelso, Kelso flew away from Kyle a few decimetres. Kyle yelled at them:

"Quick! Let's get out of here!"

Kyle quickly lowered the ramp and turned calling Yery, Master Kelso and Jana; seeing that the thungs are almost through.

"Come on! They're nearly through."

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Kelso grabbed Jana roughly and pulled her with him, blocking any blaster bolts that came near the both of them. Roughly, he pushed her into the ship, and force-pushed the remaining thugs. He then proceeded to throw the various containers and parts at the thugs, further confusing them.


"GET US OUT OF HERE!" He yelled at Soran.

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Kyle raced to the cockpit. He jumped into the chair. Beside him was Yery, trying to operate the vehicle as well. Kyle activated the naviagation system.

"Come on, piloting skills! Don't give up on me now." said Kyle.

"I am sorry." began the computer which had a rather scrambled voice "I can only allow automatic piloting."

"Just fly already!" punched Kyle the activitation button.

The Krasnaya rose a little. The blaster rays were richoscheting off of the ships hull. The ship turned and flew through the hangar door, quickly to the skies.

Brejik, who was angry that his ticket to fortune got away, said to himself:

"We'll meet again... Soran."

Brejik turned around and began to exit the hangar, followed by thugs and droids.

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Kyle turned his chair and looked at Kelso. He began:

"They are the Exchange. But not really the Exchange; they were acctuely the part of a Taris swoop gang called the Black Vulkars. But since Taris was destroyed, they named themselves 'The Last Eagles of Taris', specialised in assasinations and assaul. Brejik is their leader, a young and arrogant man, with whom I had conflict since I was a child."

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