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Ok part two.


PART TWO!!!!!!


The night seemed to go on forever, series upon series of crappy acts from various students. Half the students were passed out on the benches of the main lodge.However when the name Milla stood and said "Vernon darling, you up next."


"That's great. I'm really excited about this, because once in my hometown I was in a talent show where I told the story about me and my dog Lady and how we went on walks and how we'd turn street corners and say hi to friends and..."


"OH SHUT UP AND DO YOUR ACT VERNON!" yelled Sasha. He had a ciggerette in one hand and was getting extremly irratable from the nights less than entertaining acts.


Vernon flinched a little at this but then went on stage. He held up a giant boombox and set it on the ground. He pushed play on the tape and a recording of Herbie Handcocks 'Rockit' started playing. Vernon busted out in a robot and next thing, he was poppin' and lockin' over all ya'll asses.


At first, everyone saw this and thought in amazement 'OH SNAP!! VERNON CAN JAM!!' and everyone was on their feet chanting 'GO VERNON, IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY' to which Bobby always added 'WE GONNA SIP BACARDI LIKE IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!!' being the only fan of the crap that is 50 Cent in the entire camp.


When the song was almost over, Vernon did a head spin and fliped on to his back right as the song ended which brought the entire house down. After the appluades ended, the judges critiqued. Ford said "Wow, I must admit that was tight." to which everyone precided to vomit that old people got ahold of their slang. Milla said "Darling that was FABulace!" and Sasha was passed out, a bottle of gin and a martini glass under his seat.


"Alright next up is Elton and Milka. Good luck children" The two got up and were precided by laughter when their costumes were revealed. Lili was in a dress with sequins a pleanty and Raz wore a monkey suit. Milka took a mic and Elton took out an accordian.


After the room got quiet, Elton began to play the begining of what sounded like a traditional French song. Then Milka began to sing and mouths droped. "Des yeux qui font baiser les miens," she sang with the voice of a modern day Billie Holiday meets Edith Piaf. She enchanted everyone as a spotlight that was taken from storage shone on her and reflected off her dress. Elton just stood at the side playing his accordian and looking at his beloved, shy angel.


The song ended, and it was still quite. Milka felt a blush and turned invistible. "Oh Milka darling," Milla said running to the stage."There's nothing to be scared of. This is your time, shine on in it." She became vistible and looked at everyone. Everyone was all teary eyed. Even Bobby looked as if he was going to ball from the sweet sadnesss of her voice and the song. Elton packed his accordian and kissed Milka once.


"Good job." he wispered in her ear and they walked off the stage hand in hand.


After the tissue box was passed around and everyone was out of there costumes, Milla stood up and said "Well this looks like the end. Everyone has preformed andwe can now announce our winners."


"WAIT" Yelled a very drunk, very sleepy, Sasha Nien. "I'm....gonna.....go ~hiccup~"


Sasha fell from his chair and hobbled intoxicated to the stage.


"Sasha you can't sing, your drunk." Milla said, hands on hips.


"Watch me, BITCH!" He yelled, almost falling over.


The night was most certainly not over yet....

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A Sweet Rhythm

Libya Emory was alone playing I'm a Brass Band on her keyboard , her fedora covering her eyes and her fingers gliding on the keys until Milla came and sang the final phrases of the song

[iAnd all kinds of music

Is pouring out of me 'cause...

Somebody loves me...at last[/i]

"Wow, that is a wonderful voice you have Madame Vodello and

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I've decided to post 'Lusty', my 5 part Milka/Elton fanfiction over here instead of the official fanfiction thread. HERE GOES NOTHING!!!!


Lusty: Pt. 1


It was the very first night of the new year of Wispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp. Things were settling in, just like last year. Elka and Nils had broken up, and Lili and Elton were still together, much to someone's dismay. Milka watched the two in disgust. She wanted Elton all for herself and wished Lili would just die. Of coarse, Milka took her love of Elton to stalkerish hights with the whole 'Turning invistible and watching him sleep' thing last year. Then, Raz appeared on stage. Milka looked over at Lili immeaditly and saw the look in Lili's eyes. The look of excitement, the look of passion, the look of not wanting Elton anymore.


Milka snuck out of the rest of the ceremony early. She walked over to the kids cabin area where she got ready for bed. She slipped into her skimpy nightgown and slipped on her silk robe with the phoenix on the back. She climbed into her bunk and slipped on her iPod headphones. She changed her playlist to the one titled 'Lusty.' It had the classic love music Milka was into. Closer, 96 Tears, Tainted Love, those kind of songs. She drifted off, her mind set on taking her man, any means necessary.

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Part 2!


Lusty: Pt 2


Milka awoke that morning having a nice full night of sleep. She got dressed and prepaired for basic braining. Milka made her plan, she would go out ahead of everyone else, and wait for Elton. When she found him, she would put on her seductress face and make that sailor hers.


Milka ran out ahead of everyone else in basic braining and waited for Elton by the minefield. Hopefully he would make it that far. She got their farely early, so she stood and waited. When she heard his voice yell from the bottom of the net, she turned invistible. As he climbed up the net, Milka could feel her heart pumping faster and faster. Then, she saw him. "I'm coming you stupid mines!" he yelled in his immature voice that gave Milka the butterflies all inside.


When he passed her she yelled "Hold on!" He stopped and looked around for someone. Milka, realizing she was still invistible, became vistible and said "Elton, I need to ask you somthing."


"What Milka?" He said, looking into her embarassed eyes.


Milka looked around, grabbed him by the shirt and dragged him to the corner. "Are you and Lili still together?" she asked him.


"Uhh....I suppose so....We're really slowing down a lot though." He responded, "Why do you ask?"


"Oh," Milka said, pretending not to feel awkward, "No reason really. I just wanted to know." She then turned around and walked to the mines. She turned around, gave him a wink, and said "Bye Elton." in the sexiest voice she could use.


"Well," she thought to herself, finishing the coarse "I've gotten his attention. Now how do I get him?"

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