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Most annoying enemy of TSL [SPOILER]


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What enemy did you hate to have to fight? So far, my personal one is probably those torture droid look-alikes on Go-To's ship, I had to go back and change my party because I couldn't beat them with Mira and Visas. The flamethrowers and the maintenance droids are ticking me off right now; I'm trying to unlock the sections in the computer and get rid of everything so I don't have to fight them.


Kreia! 'You are an echo in the Force.'; 'You are an ending to the Force'. Man! She had some 'Buzz' kill lines. My PC felt like commiting suicide by the time the game was over.... Damit!!!

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Soldiers and droids? Force wave is your friend.


As for the interogation droids on G0T0's yacht, they are very hard if you do Nar Shada'a first. The only other remotely hard part of the game for me apart from the showdowns with Kreia and Sion was with Mira in the arena against Hanharr and her subsequant escape.


To be honest, most of the game you can complete without any NPC's in your party, especially if, like me you break down any unwanted items with either Bao-Dur or T3-M4 (whichever has highest repair skill for maximum components), and then use Kreia (for Health/Stealth skills) and Bao-Dur/T3-M4 (for all other skills), to create the best components for your lightsaber(s). My favourite workbench for that is the one in the Mandalorian camp on Dxun.

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I think all enemies, maybe exept Master Vendar was quite a piece of cake, and if u set some mines in the room, in which you have to fight him before the fight even he is quite easy. Mines realy are good, if u know where to set them, like when u go second time in dantooine crystal cave just mine the enterance (if u are light side) and mostly believeable all of your foes will be dead before the battle will even start.

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Mine was the two Tilek girls in the juice bar. I mean the first time i played them Atton wasent a Jedi. Second time he was a jedi but still couldn't win. So I left the game alone for awhile and then realized that I had grenades.



This was on Xbox. Now Im starting on the PC version I SWEAR IM GOING TO KICK THERE BUTTS! In the most Lightside way possible

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The most annoying enemy to me was the Gand, as well. They were easy to defeat, but it was like stomping on bugs. No satisfaction from that except for the xp.


The most difficult situation was facing the first round of droids on Goto's yacht. I had to keep reloading and changing party combinations until I got it right.


As for Mira vs. the Ubese: stealth and mines. . . stealth and mines.

I always use her to clear the area, so The Exile can walk straight to the arena. There is something refreshing about using another character to do some of the work. That, and I have a thing for redheads. . .

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For me the most anoying enemy would have to be the handmaiden sisters on Telos, since I didn't have a lightsaber and wasn't much of a physical warrior on my first playtrough, I had to mostly use melle shields and to try and force push them out of the square we were fighting on...


P.S.: lot's of people are mentioning master Vendar, but I don't seem to remember him from any of my playtroughs, can anyone tell me when and where you face him?

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