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Long List of Game Tweaks

Master Kavar

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Let me say first and foremost, I understand that I'm going to be suggesting a lot of ideas here, and probably a few of them may be difficult, or even impossible. ^^; I decided to post them anyways, in the hope that some talented modders here may like my ideas and give them a try. I'm not really expecting much, but it would sure be nice. :)


Knights of the Old Republic


The following characters should wear standard Dark Jedi Robes (like the PC wears)- The dark Jedi onboard the Endar Spire, The Sith Governer on Taris, Yuthura, and all other lightsaber weilding Sith on Korriban.


Master Uthar should wear silvery armor like the 'Dark Jedi Masters' (The bald guys)


During the Jedi training montage on Dantooine, your character's clothing should be changed to "Jedi Clothing" (like Nemo)


The texture of the "Republic Mod Armor" should be changed to look like Republic Soldier clothing (like Trask), and Carth should start the game wearing it.


Jolee should start the game wearing a custom "Jedi Master" robe with the same appearance as his default clothes, and weild a "mantle of the Force" lightsaber. (Inspired by the games original concept art)


The Sith Lightsaber you pick up on Korriban should be made customizeable like a normal lightsaber.


The Mandalorian leader on Dantooine should drop a headless Red Mandalorian Armor.


Jagi (the mandalorian that challenges Canderous on Tatooine) should be wearing Mandalorian armor, and should be a lot tougher.


Xor (the twi'lek that attacks you and Juhani) should be wearing some heavy armor, and be a lot tougher.


The Sith Commander who interrogates the aqualish Hidden Bek in the Tarisian apartment should be wearing red armor instead of silver.


Both Carth and Bastila should be romanceable for a female PC - Just because.


You should be able to avoid a DS point for killing Bendak Starkiller if you tell the Hutt "maybe killing for entertainment is wrong". Also you shouldn't get a DS point for using the Force to make the pazaak player on Manaan for confessing to what he saw in the hotel. On the other hand, you SHOULD get a DS point for using the Force to make the hotel owner change his testimony. In addition, when you use the force to make him change his mind, he should actually testify for you like he was supposed to!


I'm not so sure if this one is possible, but if you choose the Dark Side and join Bastila on the Rakatan Temple, your character's name should change to Darth Revan.


And finally, I'd like to create a new type of lightsaber, which I feel would add new balance to the game. I even thought up the stats for it:


Long Lightsaber

Damage: Energy, 2-20

Critical Threat: 20-20, x2

Lightsabers can come in longer styles, well suited to elite duelists who increase their combat prowess through mastery of a single blade. As in smaller versions, different focus crystals can produce additional effects. Though more damaging than a standard lightsaber, the weapon is unwieldy and unusable in the off-hand.


Now if you thought I had too many ideas for the first game, just wait until you see what I thought up for the second! :p



Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords



Revan's Robes - Simply a robe with the same stats and description from the first game, but using the Revan model from Ludo Kresh's tomb. I know RedHawke did a similiar mod by porting his customized Revan robes from the first game, but I only really want the one.


A complete re-texture of Nomi's Robes. - If you ever compared Nomi's Robes in the game compared to a picture of the actual Nomi Sunrider, you would notice that Obsidian used the complete wrong robe model. The real Nomi's Robes would use the "Padawan Robes" model, colored green.


Custom Jedi Robes for NPC's - Inspired by the custom lightsaber mod, I think every NPC should have a unique Jedi Robe to wear after becoming Jedi. I think the best way to do this would be to take their default clothing, and then add an appropiate cloak over it. (For instance, Mira's tied off shirt and a Dark Jedi Cloak, or Handmaiden's white cloak over her clothes). I'm not sure if this kind of mod is even feesable, but I'll leave the idea up there.


Sith Robes for PC and NPC's - I would like to be able to use the unique Sith Lord, Sith Warrior, and Sith Assassin Robe models in the game. And if possible, I would like to be able to combine these models with the Dark Jedi Master, Dark Jedi, and Dark Padawan cloaks respectively, like in my request above.


Make Carth an Admiral - Seriously, everyone has said it, the Baragwin Red Armor looks hideous and makes no sense. Put Carth in an Admiral's uniform.


PC's default clothes should be changed into "Jedi Clothes", such as the illusionary Jedi inside the Tomb of Ludo Kresh are wearing.



There is my giant shopping list of mod ideas. Again I'll say that I don't expect all of these to be made, but I'm hoping some of you clever code warriors out there might use my ideas. I'd like to hear from all of you.

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The texture of the "Republic Mod Armor" should be changed to look like Republic Soldier clothing (like Trask), and Carth should start the game wearing it.


I would know how to do all this, but just one thing. I asked about that before and discovered that you apparently can't do that. But I think the Carth thing could be done, I have a mod that makes the Soldier class PC wear Republic clothes.

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Kotor Stuff

For the Jolee Unique Robe/Clothing you might want to check svosh's website, he has some good stuff there you might like,


For the Jedi Clothing Change, you might want to check out This mod @pcgm, its not EXACTLY what you want but its better than nothing ;)


For the Special Sith Lightsaber Tanesh made mod very similar to your request at pcgm, you can get it Here


For the Republic Mod Armor request, Achilles made a very nice (and pricey) alternative you can find at the armor section of his website. He also has a nice mod that alters the game so that no matter what kind of armor you wear your party will still wear their default clothe models.


For the both Bastila and Carth romance request, you could try this mod which switches the scripts that says if your PC is a guy or gal, it might work or it might not but you can try it if you want.


For the longsaber, ChAiNz has done that already, and can be found Here


TSL Stuff

The Revan Robes, redhawke has done something similar to what you want but not exactly, you can find it at pcgm Here

You could also try This mod.


For the Nomi Sunrider reskin, AVol made a nice reskin set Here

Note: You will need svosh's edited master robe models which can be found at his website. I also reccomend getting his fixed padawan robe models which can also be found on his site. And while I'm at it you sjhould probably get commas' padawan reskins Here


OR you could try This or This mod but I always thought it was a little too "lime green" ;)


For the Sith Robes and such, you have multiple choices,

You can use this mod but it has been known to have problems and crash the game. You can also use this mod which changes around your personal characters underwear/clothing/armor models.


Note: Some of these mods may have conflicts so choose the ones you like the most wisely! ;)


For the rest of your requests I am unsure if anyone has/will complete them so in the mean time I hope you like the requests that already have been done.


OH! Almost forgot, for the custom party member robes

For Visas: Click

For Mira: Click

For Atton: Click

And if you just want different robes in general: Click

Note: That mod also has somethign similar to what you want for the Sith Robes.


Enjoy :D

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Thank you 'The_Maker', even though those weren't exactly what I was looking for, some of these mods look like a lot of fun anyways, so I'll settle for that for now. Thanks for taking the time to reply and dig up so many helpful links. :)


To Emperor Devon, the answer to your question is that I'm a :newbie:


Edit: I forgot to ask, can anybody tell me if my idea of combining a character's clothes with a Jedi Robe is possible?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I forgot to ask, can anybody tell me if my idea of combining a character's clothes with a Jedi Robe is possible?


Yes I made my own mod for Jolee that is 'jolee's robe' that uses his clothes as their texture. sadly I lost it, but it's not very hard if you play around with KotOR Tool. If you want I can make you one as well. Just tell me what stats you want it to have.


I went ahead and did this for you, i dunno if it's what you want but I think it's fairly balanced and such. it's just a UTI file rared up, to get it the name is '3k_joleerobe' (just like the uti file) so giveitem 3k_joleerobe will get it into your inventory. I have no clue how to simply add it to Jolee or put it in his invenotry or whatever so you'll have to cheat.



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